Windows Azure and Cloud Computing Posts for 6/25/2012+
A compendium of Windows Azure, Service Bus, EAI & EDI,Access Control, Connect, SQL Azure Database, and other cloud-computing articles. |
• Updated 6/25/2012 5:00 PM PDT with new articles marked •.
Note: This post is updated daily or more frequently, depending on the availability of new articles in the following sections:
Windows Azure Blob, Drive, Table, Queue and Hadoop Services
- SQL Azure Database, Federations and Reporting
- Marketplace DataMarket, Social Analytics, Big Data and OData
- Windows Azure Service Bus, Active Directory, and Workflow
- Windows Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks, Web Sites, Connect, RDP and CDN
- Live Windows Azure Apps, APIs, Tools and Test Harnesses
- Visual Studio LightSwitch and Entity Framework v4+
- Windows Azure Infrastructure and DevOps
- Windows Azure Platform Appliance (WAPA), Hyper-V and Private/Hybrid Clouds
- Cloud Security and Governance
- Cloud Computing Events
- Other Cloud Computing Platforms and Services
Azure Blob, Drive, Table, Queue and Hadoop Services
• Carl Nolan (@carl_nolan) described a Framework for .Net Hadoop MapReduce Job Submission configuration update in a 6/25/2012 post:
To better support configuring the Stream environment whilst running .Net Streaming jobs I have made a change to the “Generic based Framework for .Net Hadoop MapReduce Job Submission” code.
I have fixed a few bugs around setting job configuration options which were being controlled by the submission code. However, more importantly, I have added support for two additional command lines submission options:
- jobconf – to support setting standard job configuration values
- cmdenv – to support setting environment variables which are accessible to the Map/Reduce code
The full set of options for the command line submission is now:
-help (Required=false) : Display Help Text
-input (Required=true) : Input Directory or Files
-output (Required=true) : Output Directory
-mapper (Required=true) : Mapper Class
-reducer (Required=true) : Reducer Class
-combiner (Required=false) : Combiner Class (Optional)
-format (Required=false) : Input Format |Text(Default)|Binary|Xml|
-numberReducers (Required=false) : Number of Reduce Tasks (Optional)
-numberKeys (Required=false) : Number of MapReduce Keys (Optional)
-outputFormat (Required=false) : Reducer Output Format |Text|Binary| (Optional)
-file (Required=true) : Processing Files (Must include Map and Reduce Class files)
-nodename (Required=false) : XML Processing Nodename (Optional)
-cmdenv (Required=false) : List of Environment Variables for Job (Optional)
-jobconf (Required=false) : List of Job Configuration Parameters (Optional)
-debug (Required=false) : Turns on Debugging OptionsCommand Options
The job configuration option supports providing a list of standard job options. As an example, to set the name of a job and compress the Map output, which could improve performance, one would add:
-jobconf a complete list of options one would need to review the Hadoop documentation.
The command environment option supports setting environment variables accessible to the Streaming process. However, it will replace non-alphanumeric characters with an underscore “_” character. As an example if one wanted to pass in a filter into the Streaming process one would add:
-cmdenv DATA_FILTER=Windows
This would then be accessible in the Streaming process.
Context Object
To support providing better feedback into the Hadoop running environment I have added a new static class into the code; named Context. The Context object contains the original FormatKeys() and GetKeys() operations, along with the following additions:
public class Context
public Context();
/// Formats with a TAB the provided keys for a Map/Reduce output file
public static string FormatKeys(string[] keys);
/// Return the split keys as an array of values
public static string[] GetKeys(string key);
/// Gets an environment variable for runtime configurations value
public static string GetVariable(string name);
/// Increments the specified counter for the given category
public static void IncrementCounter(string category, string instance);
/// Updates the specified counter for the given category
public static void UpdateCounter(string category, string instance, int value);
/// Emits the specified status information
public static void UpdateStatus(string message);
}The code contained in this Context object, although simple, will hopefully provide some abstraction over the idiosyncrasies of using the Streaming interface.
Surenda Singh described Processing Azure Storage analytics logs with Hadoop on Azure in a 6/25/2012 post:
Azure storage analytics is a great way to know insights about your azure storage service usage.
If you have not been using it, here are the details about what it provides. To summarize, it provides two kind of analytics
- Metrics: Provide hourly summary for bandwidth usage, errors, average client time,server time etc. and daily summary of blob storage capacity.
- Logs: Provide traces of executed requests for your storage accounts and these are stored in blob storage.
Enabling them doesn’t reduce storage account target limits in any way, but you need to pay for the transactions and capacity consumed by these logs. Metrics provides most of the data about storage usage but sometimes you need to know granular usage statistics like
- Bandwidth/s/blob
- Bandwidth/s/storage account/
- Transactions/s/blob
- Transactions/s/storage-account
- Hot blobs with respect to transactions, bandwidth etc.
- IP address of clients accessing storage account the most.
- Etc.
This requires processing analytics logs and then finding answers for these questions. If you are a heavy consumer of storage account, you could be generating 100s GBs and 100s M transactions a day. This makes it an ideal candidate to be processed using Hadoop.
Lets see how we can get these statistics using HadoopOnAzure.
At a very high level, here is what i will be doing to achieve this. Copying the relevant data from azure blob storage to HDFS using a map only MapReduce job, then importing the data to HIVE table and then running HiveQL queries to get these statistics. Note that, if you want to get just one answer, you can directly run against the blob storage without copying data to HDFS in a single pig script, for example, but in case of multiple jobs, if data is already on HDFS, it runs much faster because of data locality.
In Hadoop, code goes close to the data instead of traditional way of code fetching data close to itself. The MapReduce engine tries to assign workloads to the servers where the data to be processed is stored to avoid the network overhead. This is known as data locality.
Lets get into more details now:
1. Setup azure blob storage account to be processed. Detailed steps are available here.
2. Write a Map-only MapReduce job to pre-process the data in required format and copy it to HDFS.
Here is what my MapReduce script looks like:
var myMap = function (key, value, context) {
var ipAddressIndex = 15;
var blobURLIndex = 11;
var requestHeaderIndex = 17;
var requestPacketIndex = 18;
var responseHeaderIndex = 19;
var responsePacketIndex = 20;
var quotedwords = value.split('"');
// encode semicolon character.for(i = 1; i < quotedwords.length; i+=2)
quotedwords[i] = quotedwords[i].replace(";", "%59");
var wordsstr = quotedwords.join('');
//Get URL after removing all parameters.
var words = wordsstr.split(";");
var url = words[blobURLIndex];
var index = url.indexOf("?");
if (index != -1) {
url = url.slice(0, index);
//Get data and time stringsvar datestr = words[1];
var seckey = datestr.substring(datestr.indexOf('T') + 1, datestr.lastIndexOf('.'));
var daykey = datestr.substring(0, datestr.indexOf('T'));
//Get IP address after removing port.
var ipaddress = words[ipAddressIndex].substring(0, words[ipAddressIndex].indexOf(':'));
var reqheader = words[requestHeaderIndex];
if(reqheader == "") {reqheader = "0";}
var reqpacket = words[requestPacketIndex];
if(reqpacket == "") {reqpacket = "0";}
var resheader = words[responseHeaderIndex];
if(resheader == "") {resheader = "0";}
var respacket = words[responsePacketIndex];
if(respacket == "") {respacket = "0";}
context.write(daykey + '\t' + seckey + '\t' + url + '\t' + reqheader + '\t' + reqpacket + '\t' + resheader + '\t' + respacket + '\t' + ipaddress, 1);
var myReduce = function (key, values, context) {
var sum = 0;
while(values.hasNext()) {
sum += parseInt(;
context.write(key, sum);
var main = function (factory) {
var job = factory.createJob("myAnalytics", "myMap", "myReduce");//Make it Map only task by setting no of reduces to zero.
};Few important things to note from the script;
i. Encoding semicolon(';') character which comes in blob url or other entries by using that fact that whenever it comes in an entity that entity will be quoted. Note that ';' is used as a delimiter in log entries ans hence needs to be quoted when it is inside the entity.
ii. Picking up relevant data from analytics log entry( url, date, time, request/response header/data and ip address), but can take everything that entry provides.
iii. Making it Map only MapReduce job since aggregation/summarization will be done using hive queries on the generated data.
3. Go to javascript console and run the above job.
js> runJs("StorageAnalytics.js", "asv://$logs/blob/2012/06/", "output");
Note that i am processing data for the month of June, you can change the path above to 'asv://$logs/blob/' to process complete data. Once the job completes, it stores generated data in output folder in HDFS in part-m-0000.. files.
js> #ls output
Found 111 items
-rw-r--r-- 3 suren supergroup 0 2012-06-25 01:43 /user/suren/output/_SUCCESS
drwxr-xr-x - suren supergroup 0 2012-06-25 01:42 /user/suren/output/_logs
-rw-r--r-- 3 suren supergroup 20816 2012-06-25 01:42 /user/suren/output/part-m-00000
-rw-r--r-- 3 suren supergroup 19631 2012-06-25 01:42 /user/suren/output/part-m-00001
Delete _logs and _SUCCESS files so that all files in the output folder conform to the same schema.
js> #rmr output/_logs
Deleted hdfs://.../output/_logs
js> #rmr output/_SUCCESS
Deleted hdfs://... /output/_SUCCESS
4. Create a HIVE table for this schema. Go to interactive HIVE console and create this table
Note that the table is partitioned by account, so that you can insert multiple storage accounts data and then run HiveQL queries once on all accounts. Partition in hive is a logical column which is derived by file name instead of data from within the file. You can read more about partitions and other data unit concepts on hive wiki here.
5. Insert data to the table created above.
LOAD DATA INPATH 'output' INTO TABLE StorageAnalyticsStats PARTITION(account='account1');
You can repeat step 1 to 5 to load data from multiple storage accounts and then run the queries. Since we are not overwriting data while loading it will retain the data for all storage accounts. Since each storage account data goes in different partition, you can run queries scoped to a single storage account or across all storage account. After this step your data from output folder is moved inside hive, and when you drop table this data will eventually be deleted. If you want to retain the data after dropping the tables, you can use external tables. You can read more about external tables and loading data at hive wiki here.
Now we have Hive table with complete data. Not that hive doesn't process data while loading, actual processing will happen when you run your queries on this data. that's why load data command executes pretty quickly. Lets get the required statistics now:
1. Find top 10 blobs with maximum bandwidth usage /second.
select daystr, timestr, urlstr, sum(reqhsize+reqpsize+reshsize+respsize) as bandwidth, sum (reqhsize+reqpsize) as Ingress, sum(reshsize+respsize) as Egress from storageanalyticsstats group by daystr, timestr, urlstr order by bandwidth desc limit 10;
2. Find top 10 blobs with respect to transactions/s
select daystr, timestr, urlstr, count(*) as txns from storageanalyticsstats group by daystr, timestr, urlstr order by txns desc limit 10;
3. Find IP address of the client accessing storage service most in the given time.
select IpAddress, count(*) as hits from storageanalyticsstats group by IpAddress order by hits desc limit 10;
4. Find top 10 transactions/second/storageaccount
select daystr, timestr, count(*) as txns from storageanalyticsstats group by daystr, timestr order by txns desc limit 10;
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SQL Azure Database, Federations and Reporting
Shirley Wang reported SQL Data Sync SU5 has been released! in a 2/6/2012 post to the Sync Team blog (missed when published):
The latest Service Update 5 has just been released! SU5 delivers 2 major features designed to improve sync experience:
- Sync support for Spatial data type
- Ability to cancel an on-going sync process
SU5 also includes various fixes that provide better usage experience to our customers. To be consist with the rest of Windows Azure services, the new branded name is now SQL Data Sync. [Emphasis added.]
You can download the latest local agent (v4.0.46.0) from the download page now.
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MarketPlace DataMarket, Social Analytics, Big Data and OData
• Derrick Harris (@derrickharris) asked Can a big data product level the playing field in politics? in a 6/25/2012 article for GigaOm’s Structure blog:
A group of Utah State University graduates recently launched a company called PoliticIt that uses machine learning to gauge the popularity of political candidates by measuring their digital influence. Sure, PoliticIt’s system has proven remarkably accurate in predicting winners, but its real promise is in leveling the playing field between the haves and the have-nots in political campaigns — democratizing democracy, if you will.
It Scores as of May 31, 2012.
The premise behind PoliticIt is simple: Gather and crunch as much data as possible to create a candidate’s It Score, which is a measure of digital influence that takes into account factors such as a candidate’s digital footprint and citizens’ sentiment toward the candidate. To make the scores even more accurate, PoliticIt incorporates machine learning algorithms that digest the results of elections and other events recalculate which factors or which areas of digital influence are actually the most important in any given race.
PoliticIt claims that in the more than 160 elections is has tracked thus far, the candidate with the higher It Score won 87 percent of the time, even in races where conventional wisdom, campaign spending and polls suggested a different winner.
That’s all fine and dandy and makes for good press, but co-founder and CEO Joshua Light told me PoliticIt is more about data and correlations than it is about causality. What he means is that as long as the It Score actually correlates strongly with who wins and loses elections, PoliticIt just wants to give candidates a way to track it and, if they’re so inclined, figure out ways to boost it. As for the actual politics — publicly predicting who’ll win any race or determining what policy changes might improve popularity — Light and his team will leave that to political scientists and other experts.
For now, in an era when money is pouring into political campaigns like never before, PoliticIt’s simple goal could be enough. When its software is generally available, Light said he hopes it “bring[s] down that barrier of entry for people who want to run for office” by giving them a better idea of how they’re faring against their opponents in the digital realm and then figuring out how to spend money accordingly. “We think this is something that’s going to be revolutionary for our political system,” he said.
A sampling of the data sources PoliticIt tracks.
What sets PoliticIt apart from other services for gauging influence or predicting elections, Light said, is its focus on empowering the candidates. Yes, InTrade might be a fairly accurate predictor of who’s currently the frontrunner in a race, but its methodology is a something of a black box and IT doesn’t offer candidates any means of changing their fate. PoliticIt is more like Klout for politics. Not only does it gives candidates a score they can watch increase and decrease in relation to what they say or do, but it also hopes to let candidates identify other individual influencers to target. Targeting one individual with a loud voice might be a lot easier than trying to reach an entire room.
Considering how important big data and analytics, generally, have become to political campaign efforts, it’s difficult to argue with PoliticIt’s thinking. In presidential politics, candidates have invested heavily in analytics and targeted marketing efforts for years, and are now starting to get into the big data space by building Hadoop clusters and analyzing the the firehose of data coming from sources such as Twitter, Facebook and other websites.
I’m even cautiously optimistic the advent of big data might actually change the current state of election-season politicians concerning themselves more with being popular than with being visionary. Being able to analyze large amounts of data in near real-time means being able to figure out in a hurry whether or not a strategy is working. Maybe the data will show that big ideas have a bigger impact on a candidate’s influence than do fence-sitting platitudes.
The Logan, Utah-based PoliticIt has a long way to go before it’s a household name among campaign organizers, but it’s onto something. Even if candidates with bigger war chests might always be able to invest in the latest and greatest techniques, the idea of putting advanced digital-influence analysis into the hands of every candidate is pretty powerful nonetheless.
Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:
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Full disclosurer: I’m a registered GigaOm Analyst.
• Joannes Vermorel (@vermorel) offered A few tips for Big Data projects in a 6/25/2012 post:
At Lokad, we are routinely working on Big Data projects, primarily for retail, but with occasional missions in energy or biotech companies. Big Data is probably going to remain as one of the big buzzword of 2012, along with a big trail of failed projects. A while ago, I was offering tips for Web API design, today, let's cover some Big Data lessons (learned the hard way, as always).
1. Small Data trump Big Data
There is one area that captures most of the community interest: web data (pages, clicks, images). Yet, the web-scale, where you have to deal with petabytes of data, is completely unlike 99% of the real-world problems faced about every other verticals beside consumer internet.
For example, at Lokad, we have found that the largest datasets found in retail could still be processed on a smartphone if the data is correctly represented. In short, for the overwhelming majority of problems, the relevant data, once properly partitioned, take less than 1GB.
With datasets smaller than 1GB, you can keep experimenting on your laptop. Map-reducing stuff on the cloud is cool, but compared to local experiments on your noteboook, cloud productivity is abysmal.
2. Smarter problems trump smarter solutions
Good developers love finding good solutions. Yet,when facing Big Data problem, it just too temping to improve stuff, as opposed to challenge the problem in the first place.
For example at Lokad, as far inventory optimization was concerned, we have been pushing years of efforts at solving the wrong problem. Worse, our competitors has been spending hundreds of man-years of efforts doing the same mistake ...
Big Data means being capable of processing large quantities of data while keeping computing resource costs negligible. Yet, most problems faced in the real world have been defined more than 3 decades ago, at a time where any calculation (no matter how trivial) was a challenge to automate. Thus, those problems come with a strong bias toward solutions that were conceivable at the time.
Rethinking those problems is long overdue.
3. Stealth is scalability-critical
The scarcest resource of all is human time. Letting a CPU chew 1 million numbers is nothing. Having people reading 1 milion numbers takes an army of clercs.
I have already posted that manpower requirements of Big Data solutions were the most frequent scalability bottleneck. Now, I believe that if any human has to read numbers from a Big Data solution, then solution won't scale. Period.
Like AntiSpam filters, Big Data solutions need to tackle problems from an angle that does not require any attention from anyone. In practice, it means that problems have to be engineered in a way so that they can be solved without user attention.
4. Too big for Excel, treats as Big Data
While the community is frequently distracted by multi-terabyte datasets, anything that does not conveniently fit in Excel is Big Data as far practicalities go:
- Nobody is going to have a look at that many numbers.
- Opportunities exist to solve a better problem.
- Any non-quasi-linear algorithm will fail at processing data in a reasonable amount of time.
- If data is poorly architectured / formatted, even sequential reading becomes a pain.
Then comes the question: how should handle Big Data? However, the answer is typically very domain-specific, so I will leave that to a later post.
5. SQL is not part of the solution
I won't enter (here) the debate SQL vs NoSQL, instead let's outline that whatever persistence approach is adopted, it won't help:
- figuring out if the problem is the proper one to be addressed,
- assessing the usefulness of the analysis performed on the data,
- blending Big Data outputs into user experience.
Most of the discussions around Big Data end up distracted by persistence strategies. Persistence is a very solvable problem, so engineers love to think about it. Yet, in Big Data, it's the wicked parts of the problem that need the most attention.
Mike described Using Schema.Org Vocabularies with OData in a 6/11/2012 post (missed when published):
With the introduction of data and metadata annotations to OData version 3.0, developers can now define common vocabularies for things like Sales (with Customers, SalesOrder, Product, etc.), Movies (with Title, Actor, Director, ....), Calendars (with Event, Venue, …), etc. Of course, such vocabularies are only useful to the extent that they are shared across a broad range of clients and services.
Over the past year, has been defining common schemas to make it easier for search engines to find and understand data on the web. Whenever we talk about shared Vocabularies in OData we inevitably get asked about the relationship of common ontologies expressed through OData Vocabularies to the work going on in
I am happy to share that, through ongoing discussions with the members of, we have agreed that defining common OData Vocabulary encodings of the schemas is a benefit to both technologies. Sharing a common vocabulary even across different encodings like OData, RDFa 1.1, and Microdata, facilitates a common understanding and even possible transformation of data across those encodings. Toward that end we have jointly posted a discussion paper on the Web Schemas wiki on the use of schemas within OData.
From Dan Brickley's blog post on new developments around
"We are also pleased to announce today a discussion paper on the use of OData and, posted in the Web Schemas wiki. OData defines a RESTful interface for working with data on the Web. The newest version of OData allows service developers and third parties to annotate data or metadata exposed by an OData Service. Defining common OData Vocabulary encodings of the schemas facilitates the understanding and even transformation of data across these different encodings."
Feel free to add comments to Dan's post, or send us feedback on the mailing list.
Exciting times for OData
Clint Edmonson (@clinted) posted Windows Azure Recipe: High Performance Computing on 6/8/2012 (missed when published):
One of the most attractive ways to use a cloud platform is for parallel processing. Commonly known as high-performance computing (HPC), this approach relies on executing code on many machines at the same time. On Windows Azure, this means running many role instances simultaneously, all working in parallel to solve some problem. Doing this requires some way to schedule applications, which means distributing their work across these instances. To allow this, Windows Azure provides the HPC Scheduler.
This service can work with HPC applications built to use the industry-standard Message Passing Interface (MPI). Software that does finite element analysis, such as car crash simulations, is one example of this type of application, and there are many others. The HPC Scheduler can also be used with so-called embarrassingly parallel applications, such as Monte Carlo simulations. Whatever problem is addressed, the value this component provides is the same: It handles the complex problem of scheduling parallel computing work across many Windows Azure worker role instances.
- Elastic compute and storage resources
- Cost avoidance
Here’s a sketch of a solution using our Windows Azure HPC SDK:
- Web Role – this hosts a HPC scheduler web portal to allow web based job submission and management. It also exposes an HTTP web service API to allow other tools (including Visual Studio) to post jobs as well.
- Worker Role – typically multiple worker roles are enlisted, including at least one head node that schedules jobs to be run among the remaining compute nodes.
- Database – stores state information about the job queue and resource configuration for the solution.
- Blobs, Tables, Queues, Caching (optional) – many parallel algorithms persist intermediate and/or permanent data as a result of their processing. These fast, highly reliable, parallelizable storage options are all available to all the jobs being processed.
Here is a link to online Windows Azure training labs where you can learn more about the individual ingredients described above. (Note: The entire Windows Azure Training Kit can also be downloaded for offline use.)
Windows Azure HPC Scheduler (3 labs)
The Windows Azure HPC Scheduler includes modules and features that enable you to launch and manage high-performance computing (HPC) applications and other parallel workloads within a Windows Azure service. The scheduler supports parallel computational tasks such as parametric sweeps, Message Passing Interface (MPI) processes, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) requests across your computing resources in Windows Azure. With the Windows Azure HPC Scheduler SDK, developers can create Windows Azure deployments that support scalable, compute-intensive, parallel applications.
See my Windows Azure Resource Guide for more guidance on how to get started, including links web portals, training kits, samples, and blogs related to Windows Azure.
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Windows Azure Service Bus, Active Directory and Workflow
Kent Weare (@wearsy) described Azure–Service Bus Queues in Worker Roles in a 6/23/2012 post:
Another nugget of information that I picked up at TechEd North America is a new template that ships as part of the Azure SDK 1.7 called Worker Role with Service Bus Queue.
What got me interested in this feature is some of the work that I did last year with the AppFabric Applications (Composite Apps) CTP. I was a big fan of that CTP as it allowed you to wire-up different cloud services rather seamlessly. That CTP has been officially shut-down so I can only assume that this template was introduced to address some of the problems that the AppFabric Applications CTP sought to solve.
The Worker Role with Service Bus Queue feature works in both Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Studio 2012 RC. For this post I am going to be using 2012 RC.
I am going to use a similar scenario to the one that I used in the App Fabric Applications CTP. I will build a simple Web Page that will allow a “customer” to populate a power outage form. I will then submit this message to a Service Bus Queue and will then have a Worker role dequeue this message. For the purpose of this post I will simply write a trace event to prove that I am able to pull the message off of the queue.
Building the Application
- Create a new project by clicking on File (or is it FILE) – New Project
- Select Cloud template and then you will see a blank pane with no template able to be selected. The Azure SDK is currently built on top of .Net 4.0 not 4.5. With this in mind, we need to select .Net Framework 4
- We now need to select the Cloud Services that will make up our solution. In my scenario I am going to include an ASP.Net Web Role and a Worker Role with Service Bus Queue.
Note: we do have the opportunity to rename these artifacts by hovering over the label and then clicking on the pencil. This was a gap that existed in the old AppFabric Apps CTP. After renaming my artifacts my solution looks like this:
- I want to send and receive a strongly typed message so I am going to create a Class Library and call it CustomerEntity.
- In this project I will simply have one class called Customer with the following properties
namespace CustomerEntity
public class Customer
public string Address { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
- I will then add a reference in both the Web Project and Worker Role projects to this CustomerEntity project.
- Within the PowerOutageWeb project clear out all of the default markup in the Default.aspx page and add the following controls.
<h3>Customer Information:</h3>
Address: <asp:TextBox ID="txtAddress" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
City: <asp:TextBox ID="txtCity" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> <br />
State: <asp:TextBox ID="txtState" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" />
<asp:Label ID="lblResult" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
- Also within the PowerOutageWeb project we need to add references to the Service Bus Assembly: Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll and Runtime Serialization Assembly: System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
- We now need to provide the following include statements:
using CustomerEntity;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
- Next we need to provide a click event for our submit button and then include the following code:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Customer cs = new Customer();
cs.Address = txtAddress.Text;
cs.City = txtCity.Text;
cs.State = txtState.Text;const string QueueName = "PowerOutageQueue";
//Get the connection string from Configuration Manager
string connectionString = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString");
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
//Check to see if Queue exists, if it doesn’t, create it
if (!namespaceManager.QueueExists(QueueName))
}MessagingFactory factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
//Create Queue CLient
QueueClient myQueueClient = factory.CreateQueueClient(QueueName);BrokeredMessage bm = new BrokeredMessage(cs);
//Send Message
//Update Web Page
lblResult.Text = "Message sent to queue";
- Another new feature in this SDK that you may have noticed is the CreateFromConnectionString method that is available to the MessagingFactory and NamespaceManager classes. This allows us to retrieve our configuration settings from our project properties page. To access the project properties right mouse click on the particular role and then select Properties. Next, click on Settings where you will find Key/Value Pairings. The name of the key that we are interested in is: Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString and our value is
Endpoint=sb://[your namespace];SharedSecretIssuer=owner;SharedSecretValue=[your secret]
- Since both our Web and Worker Roles will be accessing the Queue we will want to ensure that both configuration files have this entry included. This will allow our code to make a connection to our Service Bus Namespace where our Queue may be found. If we edit this property here in these locations, then we do not need to modify the Cloud.cscfg and Local.cscfg configuration files because Visual Studio will take care of this for us.
- Next we want to shift focus to the Worker Role and edit the WorkerRole.cs file. Since we are going to be dequeuing our typed CustomerService message we want to include a reference to this namespace:
using CustomerEntity;
- Something that you probably noticed when you opened up the WorkerRole.cs file is that there is already some code written for us. We can leverage most of it but can delete the code that is highlighted in red below:
- Where we deleted this code, we will want to add the following:
Customer cs = receivedMessage.GetBody<Customer>();
Trace.WriteLine(receivedMessage.SequenceNumber.ToString(), "Received Message");
Trace.WriteLine(cs.Address, "Address");
Trace.WriteLine(cs.City, "City");
Trace.WriteLine(cs.State, "State");
receivedMessage.Complete();In this code we are going to receive a typed Customer message and then simply write out the contents of this message using the Trace utility. If we wanted to save this information to a Database, this would a good place to write that code.
We also want to make sure that we update the name of Queue so that it matches the name that we specified in the Web Role:
// The name of your queue
const string QueueName = "PowerOutageQueue";Creating our Queue
We have a few options when it comes to creating our Queue that is required for this solution to work. The code in our ASP.NET Web page code-behind will take care of this for us. So for our solution to work, this method is sufficient but perhaps we want to use a design-time alternative to specify some more advanced features. In this case we do have a few options:
Using the portal.
Similarly we can use the Service Bus Explorer tool that was written by Paolo Salvatori. Steef-Jan Wiggers has provided an in-depth walk through of this tool so I won’t go into more details here.
As part of the Azure 1.7 SDK release, a Visual Studio Service Bus Explorer is now included. It is accessible from the Server Explorer view from within Visual Studio. Using this tool we can perform some functions like:
Creating Queues/Topics
Set advanced properties: Queue Size, Time to Live, Lock Duration etc
Send and Receive Test Messages
Get the current Queue Depth
Get our Service Bus Connection string
Any of these methods will work. As I mentioned earlier, if we do nothing, the code will take care of it for us.
We are just going to test our code locally, with the exception of our ServiceBus Queue. That is going to be created in Azure. To test our example:
Hit the F5 and our website should be displayed
Since we have our Trace statements included in our Worker Role code, we need to launch our Compute Emulator. To do this right mouse click on the Azure icon that is located in your taskbar and select Show Compute Emulator UI.
- A “Console” like window will appear. We will want to click on the ServiceBusWorker label
- Switch back to our Web Application, provide some data and click the submit button. We should see that our results label is updated to indicate that our Message sent to queue.
- If we switch back to our Compute Emulator we should discover that our message has been dequeued.
While the experience is a little different than that of the AppFabric Applications CTP, it is effective. Especially for developers who may not be all that familiar with “integration”. This template really provides a great starter point and allows them to wire up a Service Bus queue to their Web Application very quickly.
Vittorio Bertocci (@vibronet) posted Next Week at TechEd Europe: A Lap Around Windows Azure Active Directory on 6/22/2012:
After long months spent in my dark PM-cave in Redmond, it’s finally conferences season again!
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting WIF 4.5 at TechEd Orlando and meet many of you; this Saturday I am flying to Amsterdam, and Tuesday I am scheduled to deliver a repeat of Stuart’s session on Windows Azure Active Directory. Below you can find all the coordinates: and oh marvel of the modern technology, you can even add it directly to your calendar by clicking here.
A Lap around Windows Azure Active Directory
SIA209, a 200 level Breakout Session in Security & Identity
Vittorio Bertocci in E102 on Tue, Jun 26 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) is the conceptual equivalent in the cloud of Windows Server Active Directory (WS AD), and is integrated with WS AD itself. In this session, developers, administrators, and architects gain a high-level overview of WAAD, covering functional elements, supported scenarios, and an end-to-end tour, plus a roadmap for the future. #TESIA209
That is hot stuff, my friends. I am honored to be chartered to speak about such important topic, which has the attention of the Gotha of identity (Kim, John, Craig just to give you an idea). I know that the session is a 200, which means that I should not go too deep; and that most of the people in the room will be administrator, which means that I really should not open Visual Studio; but you guys know me, something tells me that I’ll do it anyway.
Also: I’ll arrive Sunday morning and leave already on Wednesday, hence I’ll be there barely he time to call Random.Next() a few times on my circadian cycle: if you want to catch me and chat, just head to the (aptly named) Directory and drop me a line!
Vittorio Bertocci (@vibronet) described Taking Control of the HRD Experience with the New WIF 4.5 Tools (with a Little Help from JQuery) in a 6/21/2012 post:
One of the key differences between using claims-based identity for one enterprise app and an app meant to be used on the web has to do with which identity providers are used, and how.
Of course there are no hard and fast rules (and the distinction above makes less and less sense as the enterprise boundaries lose their adiabatic characteristics) however in the general case you can expect the enterprise app to trust one identity provider that happens to be pretty obvious from the context. Think of the classic line of business app, an expense note app or a CRM: whether it’s running on premises or in the cloud, chances are that it trusts directly your ADFS2 instance or equivalent. Even if it’s a multitenant app, accessed by multiple companies, it is very likely that every admin will distribute to his employees deep links which include a pre-selection of the relevant STS (think whr) making it an automatic choice.
What happens when the typical Gino Impiegato (Joe Employee) uses the app?
- Gino arrives at work, logs in the workstation, opens a browser and types the address of the LoB app
- Some piece of software, say WIF, detects that the current caller is not authenticated and initiates a signin flow. When this happens regardless of the resource being requested, we call the settings triggering this flow blanket redirect.
- Gino’s browser gets redirected to his local ADFS2. Gino is signed on a domain machine, hence he gets back a token without the need of even seeing any UI
- The browser POSTs the token to the LoB app, where WIF examines it, creates a session for it, and finally responds to the request with the requested page from the application
Gino is blissfully unaware of all that HTTP tumult going on. His experience is: I type the app address, I get the app UI. As simple as that. Nothing in between.
Now, let’s talk about a classic web application on the public Internet. Imagine Gino at home, planning his upcoming vacation. Gino opens up the browser, types the address of one of those travel booking sites, hit enters… and the browser shows a completely different page. The page offers a list of identity providers: live id, facebook, google… and no sign of anything related to travelling. What just happened? The travel booking site decided to allow its users to sign in with their social account, and implemented the feature using the blanket redirect.
The blanket redirect works great when the IdP to use is obvious and the user is already signed in with it, as it happened with the LoB app, but that’s not what is happening here. The travel app does not know a priori which identity provider Gino wants to use. Even if it would know in advance, chances are that Gino might not be signed in with it and would be prompted for credential: that would mean typing the address of the app, and landing on say the live id login page instead. Poor Gino, very confusing.
Luckily the blanket redirect is just a default, and like every default it can be changed: WIF always gave the possibility of overriding the redirect behavior, and ACS does provide the code of a sample HRD page to incorporate in your site if you so choose.
With the new WIF tools we make a step forward in helping you to take control of how the authentication experience is initiated. I personally believe that we can do much better, but we need to start from somewhere…
Without further ado, let’s take a quick look at how to take advantage of the approach.
Fire up your brand new install of Visual Studio 2012 RC (make sure you have the WIF 4.5 tools installed!), head to the New Project dialog, and create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application. Pick the Internet Application template.
Now that you have a project, let’s configure it to use ACS with the blanket redirect approach; after that, we’ll see how to change the settings to offer to the user a list of identity providers directly in the application. CTRL+click on this link to open in another tab the tutorial for adding ACS support to the application; once you are done, come back here and we’ll go on.
All done? Excellent. Now, go back to the WIF tool and click on the Configuration tab. This is what you’ll see:
That’s the default. When you configured the application to use WIF, the tool got rid of the forms authentication settings from the MVC template,added the necessary sections in the web.config and changed the <authorization> settings to trigger a redirect to the STS every time.
Let’s choose “Redirect to the following address” and let’s paste “~/Account/Login” in the corresponding text field.Click OK. This will have the effect of re-instating the forms authentication settings: by default all requests will succeed now. The WIF settings which describe the ACS namespace you chose as the trusted authority are still there, they are simply no longer triggered automatically. In fact, go ahead and add [Authorize] to the About action, run the project and click “About”: you’ll get the default behavior from the MVC, the Login action from the Account controller.
Our job is now to modify the Login so that, instead of showing the membership provider form, it will show links corresponding to the identity providers configured in the ACS namespace.
We actually don’t need to change anything in the controller: let’s head directly to the Login.cshtml view in Views/Account. Once there, rip out everything between the hgroup and the @section Scripts line. Let’s keep things simple and just add an empty <div> where we will add all the identity providers’ links. Give it an id you’ll remember. Also, change the title to match the new behavior of the view. You should end up with something along the lines of what’s shown below
1: @model MvcApplication8.Models.LoginModel2:3: @{4: ViewBag.Title = "Log in";5: }6:7: <hgroup class="title">8: <h1>@ViewBag.Title </h1>9: <h2> using one of the identity providers below</h2>10: </hgroup>11:12: <div id="IPDiv"></div>13:14: @section Scripts {15: @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")16: ...Great. Now what? From this other post, we know that ACS offers a JSON feed containing the login URLs of all the identity providers trusted by a RP in a namespace. Now, that post goes far too deep in the details of what’s inside the feed: we are not all that interested in that today, we are rather looking after how to consume that feed from our application. Luckily, that’s super easy. Head to the ACS management portal for your namespace. Pick the Application Integration link on the left side menu, choose Login Pages, pick your application, You’ll land on a page that looks like the following:
What you need is highlighted in red. Getting in the details is really not necessary, you can look them up in the other post if you are interested. The main thing to understand here is how to use this in your application. The idea is very simple: you add a <script> element to you app and you use the above as its src, then you append to it (after “callback=”) a javascript function (say that you call it “ShowSignInPage” with great disregard for the MVC pattern
) containing the logic you want to run upon receiving the list of identity providers. When the view will be rendered, once the execution will reach the <script> element the JSON feed of IdPs will be downloaded and passed to your function, where you’ll have your shot at adding the necessary UI elements to the view.
Assuming that you are a good web citizen and you subscribe to the unobtrusive javascript movement, and assuming that you’ll define your ShowSignInPage function in ilmioscript.js, your new Login.cshtml will look like the following (line 18 has been formatted to fit this silly blog theme)1: @model MvcApplication8.Models.LoginModel2:3: @{4: ViewBag.Title = "Log in";5: }6:7: <hgroup class="title">8: <h1>@ViewBag.Title </h1>9: <h2> using one of the identity providers below</h2>10: </hgroup>11:12: <div id="IPDiv"></div>13:14: @section Scripts {15: @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")16:17: @Scripts.Render("~/scripts/ilmioscript.js")18: <script src="
&version=1.0&callback=ShowSigninPage" type="text/javascript"></script>
19:20: }Grreat, now we moved the action to the ilmioscript.js file and the ShowSigninPage function. Tantalizing, right? Be patient, I promise this is the last step we need before being able to hit F5.
As you can see from the screenshot above, ACS provides you with a sample page which shows how to reproduce the exact behavior of its default home realm discovery page, including all the remember-in-a-cookie-which-IP-was-picked-and-hide-all-others-next-time brouhaha. However here we are interested in something quick & dirty, hence I am going to merrily ignore all that and will provide appropriately quick & dirty minimal JQuery to demonstrate my point.
Create a new js file under the Scripts folder, and paste in it the following:
1: function ShowSigninPage(IPs) {2: $.each(IPs, function (i, ip) {3: $("#IPDiv").append('<a href="' + ip.LoginUrl + '">' + ip.Name + '</a><br/>');4: });5: }Isn’t JQuery conciseness astounding? It gets me every time. In barely 3 lines of code I am saying that for every identity provider descriptor in the feed I want to append a new link to my base div, with text from the name of the IdP and href to the login URL. Bam. Done.
Save the entire contraption and hit F5, then click on About:
Marvel oh marvel, the Login view now offers me the same list of IdPs directly within my app experience instead of redirecting me in strange places. Also, I can add helpful messages to prepare the user to what will happen when he’ll click one of the links, why he might want to do so, and whatever else crosses my mind. Oh my, all this power: will it corrupt you as it corrupted me?
Go ahead and click on one of those links: you’ll be transported thru the usual sign in experience of the provider of choice, and you’ll come back authenticated. That’s because WIF might no longer be proactive, but it certainly can recognize WS-Federation wsignin1.0 message when it sees one and that will trigger it to go through the usual motions: token validation, session cookie creation… just like it normally happens with the blanket redirect.
Here I was pretty heavy-handed with my simplifications: I disregarded all cleanups (there still code form the MVC template that won’t be used after this change), I went the easy route (you might want a more elaborate HRD experience, or you might want to keep the membership provider and add federated identity side by side: it’s possible and not too hard) and I didn’t tie all the loose ends (when you login you aren’t redirected to the About view, as you’d expect: restoring that behavior is simple, but it will be topic for another blog post).
Despite all that, the core of the idea is all here: I hope you’ll agree with me that once you’ve seen how it works this looks ridiculously easy.
Now it’s your turn to try! Is this really as easy as I make it look? Would you like the tools to go even further and perhaps emit this code for you when you choose the non-blanket option? Or do you only write enterprise apps and you don’t need any of this stuff? The floor is your, we look forward for your feedback!
Vittorio Bertocci (@vibronet, who else?) reported The Recording of “What’s New in WIF 4.5” From TechEd USA is Live on 6/19/2012:
Howdy! Last week I had the pleasure of increasing my curliness by a 3x factor thanks to the moist Orlando weather, which I visited for delivering a session on what’s new with WIF in the .NET framework 4.5. I also took advantage of the occasion for having detailed conversations with many of you guys, which is always a fantastic balsam to counter the filter bubble that enshrouds me when I spend too long in Redmond. Thank you!
Giving the talk was great fun, and a source of great satisfaction. If you follow this blog since the first days, you know that I’ve been (literally) preaching this claims-based identity religion for many many years, and seeing how deep it is being wedged in the platform and how mainstream it became… well, it’s an incredible feeling.
I was also impressed by the turnover: despite it being awfully, awfully early in the morning (8:30am in Orlando time is 5:30am in Redmond time) you guys showed up on time, filled the room, gave me your attention (yes, I can see you even if they shoot a lot of MegaLumens straight in my face) and followed up with great questions. Thank you!!!
Well, as you already guessed from the title of the post, I am writing this because the recording of the talk is now up and available on channel9 for your viewing pleasure (if you can stomach my Italian-Genovese-English accent, that is). The deck is not up yet (as usual I turned it in AFTER the talk) but should be shortly.
Here there’s a quick summary of the topics touched:
- WIF1.0 vs. WIF in .NET 4.5
- ClaimsIdentity’s role in the .NET classes hierarchy
- Improvements in accessing claims
- Class movements across namespaces
- Config elements movements across sections
- Web Farms and sessions
- Win8 claims
- Misc improvements
- The new tools: design & capabilities
- New samples
- Using WIF to SSO from Windows Azure Active Directory to your own web applications
If that sounds like a tasty menu, dive right in! Also note, this morning we released the refresh of the WIF tools for Visual Studio 2012 RC hence you can experience firsthand all the things you’ll see in the video.
Alrighty. Next week I will show up for a short 2 days at TechEd EU in Amsterdam: if you are around and you want to have a chat, please come find me. As usual, have fun!
Vittorio Bertocci (@vibronet, who else?) delivered Windows Identity Foundation Tools for Visual Studio 2012 RC on 6/19/2012:
They’re out, folks. Few minutes ago Marc flipped the switch on the refresh of the WIF tools for the RC of Visual Studio 2012. There’s not a lot of news, this was mostly a stabilization effort; if you want to learn about what the tools do, the original posts we did for Beta are still valid. Also, last week I gave a presentation at TechEd USA about what’s new in WIF 4.5: the tools took a fairly big portion of the talk, so if you prefer videos to written text head to the recording on Channel9.
Here there are some sparse comments on the release:
- We fixed tens of bugs, significantly improving the stability of the experience. Thank you all for your feedback, which helped us to track those down!
- The RC of the tool still requires you to run VS as administrator. That’s unfortunate, I know: we are looking into it. However I have to give you a heads-up: during the TechEd talk I asked to the audience (~150) who would not be able to use the tools at all if they’d require running VS as administrator, and only 3 raised their hands. If the running as admin is a complete blocker for you, please leave comments to this post or in the tools download pages ASAP. Thanks!
- Now for the good news: once you install the RC of the tools, the WIF samples released for Beta will keep working in VS 2012 RC without modifications
That’s it. Download, code away & be merry!
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Windows Azure Virtual Machines, Virtual Networks, Web Sites, Connect, RDP and CDN
• Cory Sanders (@SyntaxC4) continued his Infrastructure as a Service Series: Virtual Machines and Windows series on 6/25/2012:
We recently announced the release of Windows Azure Virtual Machines, an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering in Windows Azure. I wanted to share my insights into how you can quickly start to use and best take advantage of this service.
Since I helped build it, I will warn you: I do love it!
Virtual Machines Migration Patterns
At a glance, Virtual Machines (VMs) consist of infrastructure to deploy an application. Specifically, this includes a persistent OS disk, possibly some persistent data disks, and internal/external networking glue to hold it all together. Despite the boring list, with these infrastructure ingredients, the possibilities are so much more exciting…
In this preview release, we wanted to create a platform where customers and partners can deploy existing applications to take advantage of the reduced cost and ease of deployment offered in Windows Azure. While ‘migration’ is a simple goal for the IaaS offering, the process might involve transferring an entire multi-VM application, like SharePoint. Or it might be moving a single Virtual Machine, like SQL Server, as part of a cloud-based application. It may even include creating a brand new application that requires Virtual Networks for hybrid connectivity to an on-premises Active Directory deployment.
What Applications Do you Mean?
As part of the launch of Virtual Machines in Windows Azure, we focused on the support for three key Microsoft applications, shown in Figure 1. We selected these applications and associated versions because of the high customer demand we received for them, either standalone or as part of a larger application.
Figure 1 – Applications and Versions
Additionally, these applications represent broad workload types we believe customers want to deploy in the cloud:
1) SQL Server is a database workload with expectations for exceptional disk performance;
2) Active Directory is a hybrid identity solution with extensive networking expectations;
3) SharePoint Server is a large-scale, multi-tier application with a load-balanced front-end. In fact, as shown in Figure 2, SharePoint Server 2010 deployments will include SQL Server and Active Directory.
Figure 2 – A SharePoint Server Deployment
Getting Started with Virtual Machines for Windows
The easiest way to get going with Windows Azure Virtual Machines for Windows is through our new HTML-based portal. The portal offers a simple and enjoyable experience for deploying new Virtual Machines based on one of the several platform images supplied by Microsoft including: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Evaluation, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate.
We update these images regularly with the most recent patches to make sure that you start with a secure virtual machine, by default. Further details on getting started can be found here. Once deployed, you can patch the running Virtual Machines using a management product or simply use Windows Update.
Figure 3 – The Virtual Machine OS Selection
We also wanted to make it easy for you to deploy Virtual Machines using scripts or build on our programmatic interface. Therefore, we also released PowerShell cmdlets that allow scripted deployment of Virtual Machines for Windows. Finally, both the portal and the Command-Line tooling are built on REST APIs that are available for programmatic usage, described here, giving you the ability to develop your own tools and management solutions.
Figure 4 – Scripting, Portal and the REST API
How does it work, Really?
The persistence of the OS and data disks is a crucial aspect of the Virtual Machines offering. Because we wanted the experience to be completely seamless, we do all disk management directly from the hypervisor. Thus, the disks are exposed as SATA (OS disk) and SCSI (data disks) ‘hardware’ to the Virtual Machine, when actually the ‘disks’ are VHDs sitting in a storage account. Because the VHDs are stored in Windows Azure Storage accounts, you have direct access to your files (stored as page blobs) and get the highly durable triplicate copies implemented by Windows Azure storage for all its data.
Look for more details on how disks work in Windows Azure, in tomorrow’s blog post by Brad Calder.
Figure 5 – Windows Azure Storage as the disk
I like to move it, Move It!
You can copy, back-up, move and download your VHDs using standard storage API commands or storage utilities, creating endless possibilities for managing and re-deploying instances. Instead of spending a lot of time to set-up a test environment to quickly destroy it, you can simply copy the VHD’s blob and boot the same set-up multiple times, to then destroy it multiple times. You can even capture running VMs so that you can make clones of them with new machine names and passwords, a process we call ‘capturing’, described here.
This VHD ‘mobility’ also allows you to take your VHDs previously deployed in Windows Azure and bring them back on-premises (assuming you have the appropriate licenses) for management or even deployment. The reverse is possible, as well. Details on how to upload your VHD into Windows Azure can be found here.
Figure 6 – VHD Mobility in Action
Sounds cool. What should I do first?
The best way to get started with the offering is just to do some experimenting, developing and testing on a Virtual Machine. This means you can deploy a Virtual Machine, perhaps as part of your new free trial and install your favorite server application like SharePoint, SQL, IIS, or something else. Once you are done, you can export all aspects of the Virtual Machine, including the connected data disks and endpoint information, so that you can import it later for further development and testing.
Use this as a quick development box and try building something. It is easy, and fun! Of course, only a geeky infrastructure guy would call deploying a VM fun. But it sure is fun.
If you have any issues, problems, or questions, you can always find us on the help forums.
• Shaun Xu continued his series with Windows Azure Evolution – Deploy Web Sites (WAWS Part 3) on 6/24/2012:
This is the sixth post of my Windows Azure Evolution series. After talked a bit about the new caching preview feature in the previous one, let’s back to the Windows Azure Web Sites (WAWS).
Git and GitHub Integration
In the third post I introduced the overview functionality of WAWS and demonstrated how to create a WordPress blog through the build-in application gallery. And in the fourth post I covered how to use the TFS service preview to deploy an ASP.NET MVC application to the web site through the TFS integration. WAWS also have the Git integration.
I’m not going to talk very detailed about the Git and GitHub integration since there are a bunch of information on the internet you can refer to. To enable the Git just go to the web site item in the developer portal and click the “Set up Git publishing”.
After specified the username and password the windows azure platform will establish the Git integration and provide some basic guide. As you can see, you can download the Git binaries, commit the files and then push to the remote repository.
Regarding the GitHub, since it’s built on top of Git it should work. Maarten Balliauw have a wonderful post about how to integrate GitHub to Windows Azure Web Site you can find here.
WebMatrix 2 RC
WebMatrix is a lightweight web application development tool provided by Microsoft. It utilizes WebDeploy or FTP to deploy the web application to the server. And in WebMatrix 2.0 RC it added the feature to work with Windows Azure.
First of all we need to download the latest WebMatrix 2 through the Web Platform Installer 4.0. Just open the WebPI and search “WebMatrix”, or go to its home page download its web installer.
Once we have WebMatrix 2, we need to download the publish file of our WAWS. Let’s go to the developer portal and open the web site we want to deploy and download the publish file from the link on the right hand side.
This file contains the necessary information of publishing the web site through WebDeploy and FTP, which can be used in WebMatrix, Visual Studio, etc..
Once we have the publish file we can open the WebMatrix, click the Open Site, Remote Site. Then it will bring up a dialog where we can input the information of the remote site. Since we have our publish file already, we can click the “Import publish settings” and select the publish file, then we can see the site information will be populated automatically.
Click OK, the WebMatrix will connect to the remote site, which is the WAWS we had deployed already, retrieve the folders and files information. We can open files in WebMatrix and modify. But since WebMatrix is a lightweight web application tool, we cannot update the backend C# code. So in this case, we will modify the frontend home page only.
After saved our modification, WebMatrix will compare the files between in local and remote and then it will only upload the modified files to Windows Azure through the connection information in the publish file.
Since it only update the files which were changed, this minimized the bandwidth and deployment duration. After few seconds we back to the website and the modification had been applied.
Visual Studio and WebDeploy
The publish file we had downloaded can be used not only in WebMatrix but also Visual Studio. As we know in Visual Studio we can publish a web application by clicking the “Publish” item from the project context menu in the solution explorer, and we can specify the WebDeploy, FTP or File System for the publish target. Now we can use the WAWS publish file to let Visual Studio publish the web application to WAWS.
Let’s create a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application in Visual Studio 2010 and then click the “Publish” in solution explorer. Once we have the Windows Azure SDK 1.7 installed, it will update the web application publish dialog. So now we can import the publish information from the publish file.
Select WebDeploy as the publish method.
We can select FTP as well, which is supported by Windows Azure and the FTP information was in the same publish file.
In the last step the publish wizard can check the files which will be uploaded to the remote site before the actually publishing. This gives us a chance to review and amend the files. Same as the WebMatrix, Visual Studio will compare the files between local and WAWS and determined which had been changed and need to be published.
Finally Visual Studio will publish the web application to windows azure through WebDeploy protocol.
Once it finished we can browse our website.
FTP Deployment
The publish file we downloaded contains the connection information to our web site via both WebDeploy and FTP. When using WebMatrix and Visual Studio we can select WebDeploy or FTP. WebDeploy method can be used very easily from WebMatrix and Visual Studio, with the file compare feature. But the FTP gives more flexibility. We can use any FTP client to upload files to windows azure regardless which client and OS we are using.
Open the publish file in any text editor, we can find the connection information very easily. As you can see the publish file is actually a XML file with WebDeploy and FTP information in plain text attributes.
And once we have the FTP URL, username and password, when can connect to the site and upload and download files. For example I opened FileZilla and connected to my WAWS through FTP.
Then I can download files I am interested in and modify them on my local disk. Then upload back to windows azure through FileZilla.
Then I can see the new page.
In this simple and quick post I introduced vary approaches to deploy our web application to Windows Azure Web Site. It supports TFS integration which I mentioned previously. It also supports Git and GitHub, WebDeploy and FTP as well.
Faith Allington (@faithallington) started a Web Sites Series: Create PHP and MySQL sites with Windows Azure Web Sites and WebMatrix on 6/22/2012:
The newly introduced Windows Azure Web Sites and latest release of Microsoft WebMatrix provide a great way to create and host PHP + MySQL sites. You can write your own or get started with one of the popular open source applications that run in Windows Azure, such as Drupal, Joomla! or WordPress.
This post covers how to create a site in Windows Azure, download and customize it, then deploy back to Windows Azure Web Sites. We will be using WebMatrix, a free, lightweight web development tool. We’ll look at some of the new capabilities in WebMatrix that make writing sites easier and new features in the Windows Azure portal.
Create a new Web Site
With the release of Windows Azure Web Sites, you can create a new website in the portal in minutes. After signing up for a free trial, you have the option of creating an empty site without a database, with a database or install an open source application automatically.
While you can create an empty site with a database and then publish a site to it, we’re going to start by using the gallery.
For those of you familiar with the Web Platform Installer, you will recognize some of the same popular applications, specifically ones that have been tested on Windows Azure.
I want to build a content management based site; I will use Acquia Drupal as an example. When you choose an application, enter a site name and choose the database.
You can customize the database name and choose the region. Be sure to choose the same region as the site for best performance. You will have to configure a username and password for MySQL if you haven’t already.
Progress is displayed in the command bar area at the bottom of the portal. When site creation and installation of the app is complete, the notification may include a link to finish configuration. Click Setup to finish Acquia Drupal’s installation in the browser.
In the browser, most of the fields have been pre-filled in. Just type your MySQL password and continue.
After you have completed Acquia Drupal’s browser install, you can now login and customize your site!
Download and customize a Web Site in WebMatrix
When you’re ready to start making changes, you can download the site to your computer to edit offline. Downloading is useful if you don’t want to break your site running in production, or you want a rich editing experience with PHP code completion, colorization and other editing features.
We’ll start by navigating to the site in the portal and clicking the WebMatrix button in the command bar.
If WebMatrix is not already installed, you will be prompted to install WebPI and WebMatrix, along with any pre-requisites that are needed on your machine. Once it completes, WebMatrix will launch and automatically begin downloading your site.
Since you are running an application from the Web Application Gallery, WebMatrix will automatically install dependencies and make any changes needed so that the application runs locally.
Enter the database administrator password when prompted. Any required dependencies, such as MySQL or PHP, will be listed.
The final steps of the wizard will download the database and make any configuration changes needed for the site to run locally.
After the wizard completes, you will see the Site dashboard with helpful getting started links provided by Acquia Drupal. WebMatrix is split into four workspaces, Site, Files, Database and Reports.
Since we’re customizing the site, let’s go to the Files workspace. We’ll start by adding a custom module, learning from a Drupal tutorial. Notice the Drupal specific code completion that appears, allowing us to learn about and quickly use Drupal functions.
You can change the theme, install new modules and more using the Acquia Drupal control panel in the browser by clicking Run in the ribbon.
Deploy the Web Site
Once you’ve customized the local version, you can publish it back to your live site. Simply click the Publish button in the ribbon.
You’ll be able to preview the files. Check the database in order to publish changes.
Note: Publishing the database will replace your remote database with the local one. If you have data in the remote database that you don’t want to overwrite, you should skip publishing the database.
Once publishing completes, you can browse to your remote site.
If you need to quickly make a change to the remote site, such as changing a configuration setting that is only applicable on the remote server, this is easy to do – select the Remote tab and then Open Remote View in the ribbon.
Create a Custom Web Site
If you prefer to create your own sites from scratch, you can use the built-in templates. Follow the steps in this article on the Windows Azure development center.
This post covered how Windows Azure Web Sites and WebMatrix make it easier to get started with open source web applications, or create your own custom site.
Please share your feedback on the post, the features discussed or new topics you’d like to see us cover.
– by Faith Allington, Sr. Program Manager, Windows Azure
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Live Windows Azure Apps, APIs, Tools and Test Harnesses
• Avkash Chauhan (@avkashchauhan) explained Installing Node.js on a CentOS Linux Virtual Machine in Windows Azure in a 6/25/2012 post:
First I created a CentOS Linux Virtual Machine with host names as “nodejsbox” and the DNS name as
As I will use this machine as node.js web server so I have added https endpoint for protocol TCP at port 80 as below:
Now I can log into my Linux machine by following instructions as directly here How to Log on to a Virtual Machine Running Linux.
After that I ran the following commands:
$ sudo –i
Entered my password
Installing stable release of node.js directly from node.js repo
[root@nodejsbox ~]# wget
[root@nodejsbox ~]# yum localinstall --nogpgcheck nodejs-stable-release.noarch.rpm
[root@nodejsbox ~]# yum install nodejs-compat-symlinks npmVerify that node is running in my machine:
[root@nodejsbox /]# node --version
v0.6.18Now created a folder name nodeserver at /usr/local and then created server.js as below:
# cd /usr/local
# mkdir nodeserver
# cd nodeserver
# vi server.jsvar http = require("http");
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello from Node.js @ Windows Azure Linux Virtual Machine");
}).listen(80);Finally launch node.js
[root@nodejsbox nodeserver]# node server.js
You can verify that your node.js is running on Linux machine:
• Robert Green (@rogreen_ms) reported Episode 40 of Visual Studio Toolbox: What's New in the Windows Azure June 2012 Release is now live in a 6/20/2012 post:
In this episode, Nick Harris joins us to talk about what's new in Windows Azure tooling. On Cloud Cover, Nick and his co-hosts covered the Windows Azure June 2012 Release from a much broader perspective. Here, we take a different approach and look at the new release from the perspective of a Visual Studio developer who is either new to Azure or only somewhat familiar with it.
Nick shows the following:
Alan Smith described 256 Windows Azure Worker Roles, Windows Kinect and a 90's Text-Based Ray-Tracer in a 6/25/2012 post:
For a couple of years I have been demoing a simple render farm hosted in Windows Azure using worker roles and the Azure Storage service. At the start of the presentation I deploy an Azure application that uses 16 worker roles to render a 1,500 frame 3D ray-traced animation. At the end of the presentation, when the animation was complete, I would play the animation delete the Azure deployment. The standing joke with the audience was that it was that it was a “$2 demo”, as the compute charges for running the 16 instances for an hour was $1.92, factor in the bandwidth charges and it’s a couple of dollars. The point of the demo is that it highlights one of the great benefits of cloud computing, you pay for what you use, and if you need massive compute power for a short period of time using Windows Azure can work out very cost effective.
The “$2 demo” was great for presenting at user groups and conferences in that it could be deployed to Azure, used to render an animation, and then removed in a one hour session. I have always had the idea of doing something a bit more impressive with the demo, and scaling it from a “$2 demo” to a “$30 demo”. The challenge was to create a visually appealing animation in high definition format and keep the demo time down to one hour. This article will take a run through how I achieved this.
Ray Tracing
Ray tracing, a technique for generating high quality photorealistic images, gained popularity in the 90’s with companies like Pixar creating feature length computer animations, and also the emergence of shareware text-based ray tracers that could run on a home PC. In order to render a ray traced image, the ray of light that would pass from the view point must be tracked until it intersects with an object. At the intersection, the color, reflectiveness, transparency, and refractive index of the object are used to calculate if the ray will be reflected or refracted. Each pixel may require thousands of calculations to determine what color it will be in the rendered image.
Pin-Board Toys
Having very little artistic talent and a basic understanding of maths I decided to focus on an animation that could be modeled fairly easily and would look visually impressive. I’ve always liked the pin-board desktop toys that become popular in the 80’s and when I was working as a 3D animator back in the 90’s I always had the idea of creating a 3D ray-traced animation of a pin-board, but never found the energy to do it. Even if I had a go at it, the render time to produce an animation that would look respectable on a 486 would have been measured in months.
Back in 1995 I landed my first real job, after spending three years being a beach-ski-climbing-paragliding-bum, and was employed to create 3D ray-traced animations for a CD-ROM that school kids would use to learn physics. I had got into the strange and wonderful world of text-based ray tracing, and was using a shareware ray-tracer called PolyRay. PolyRay takes a text file describing a scene as input and, after a few hours processing on a 486, produced a high quality ray-traced image. …
Alan continues with details of PolyRay tracing and then discusses use of Windows Kinect for depth-field animation:
Windows Kinect
The Kenect controllers for the X-Box 360 and Windows feature a depth camera. The Kinect SDK for Windows provides a programming interface for Kenect, providing easy access for .NET developers to the Kinect sensors. The Kinect Explorer provided with the Kinect SDK is a great starting point for exploring Kinect from a developers perspective. Both the X-Box 360 Kinect and the Windows Kinect will work with the Kinect SDK, the Windows Kinect is required for commercial applications, but the X-Box Kinect can be used for hobby projects. The Windows Kinect has the advantage of providing a mode to allow depth capture with objects closer to the camera, which makes for a more accurate depth image for setting the pin positions.
Creating a Depth Field Animation
The depth field animation used to set the positions of the pin in the pin board was created using a modified version of the Kinect Explorer sample application. In order to simulate the pin board accurately, a small section of the depth range from the depth sensor will be used. Any part of the object in front of the depth range will result in a white pixel; anything behind the depth range will be black. Within the depth range the pixels in the image will be set to RGB values from 0,0,0 to 255,255,255.
A screen shot of the modified Kinect Explorer application is shown below.
The Kinect Explorer sample application was modified to include slider controls that are used to set the depth range that forms the image from the depth stream. This allows the fine tuning of the depth image that is required for simulating the position of the pins in the pin board. The Kinect Explorer was also modified to record a series of images from the depth camera and save them as a sequence JPEG files that will be used to animate the pins in the animation the Start and Stop buttons are used to start and stop the image recording.
En example of one of the depth images is shown below.
Once a series of 2,000 depth images has been captured, the task of creating the animation can begin.
Rendering a Test Frame
In order to test the creation of frames and get an approximation of the time required to render each frame a test frame was rendered on-premise using PolyRay. The output of the rendering process is shown below.
The test frame contained 23,629 primitive shapes, most of which are the spheres and cylinders that are used for the 11,800 or so pins in the pin board. The 1280x720 image contains 921,600 pixels, but as anti-aliasing was used the number of rays that were calculated was 4,235,777, with 3,478,754,073 object boundaries checked. The test frame of the pin board with the depth field image applied is shown below.
The tracing time for the test frame was 4 minutes 27 seconds, which means rendering the2,000 frames in the animation would take over 148 hours, or a little over 6 days. Although this is much faster that an old 486, waiting almost a week to see the results of an animation would make it challenging for animators to create, view, and refine their animations. It would be much better if the animation could be rendered in less than one hour.
Windows Azure Worker Roles
The cost of creating an on-premise render farm to render animations increases in proportion to the number of servers. The table below shows the cost of servers for creating a render farm, assuming a cost of $500 per server.
As well as the cost of the servers, there would be additional costs for networking, racks etc. Hosting an environment of 256 servers on-premise would require a server room with cooling, and some pretty hefty power cabling.
The Windows Azure compute services provide worker roles, which are ideal for performing processor intensive compute tasks. With the scalability available in Windows Azure a job that takes 256 hours to complete could be perfumed using different numbers of worker roles. The time and cost of using 1, 16 or 256 worker roles is shown below.
Using worker roles in Windows Azure provides the same cost for the 256 hour job, irrespective of the number of worker roles used. Provided the compute task can be broken down into many small units, and the worker role compute power can be used effectively, it makes sense to scale the application so that the task is completed quickly, making the results available in a timely fashion. The task of rendering 2,000 frames in an animation is one that can easily be broken down into 2,000 individual pieces, which can be performed by a number of worker roles.
Creating a Render Farm in Windows Azure
The architecture of the render farm is shown in the following diagram.
The render farm is a hybrid application with the following components:
- Windows Kinect – Used combined with the Kinect Explorer to create a stream of depth images.
- Animation Creator – This application uses the depth images from the Kinect sensor to create scene description files for PolyRay. These files are then uploaded to the jobs blob container, and job messages added to the jobs queue.
- Process Monitor – This application queries the role instance lifecycle table and displays statistics about the render farm environment and render process.
- Image Downloader – This application polls the image queue and downloads the rendered animation files once they are complete.
Windows Azure
- Azure Storage – Queues and blobs are used for the scene description files and completed frames. A table is used to store the statistics about the rendering environment.
Alan concludes with a detailed description of the rendering and scale-out process.
The Microsoft News Center asserted “Local government chooses Microsoft cloud technology to enhance transparency and improve service delivery for citizens and businesses alike” as an intro to its City of Regina Calls on the Windows Azure Cloud to Launch Open Data Initiative press release of 6/25/2012:
Harnessing the power of Microsoft Windows Azure cloud services, the city of Regina, Canada, recently launched an innovative, Web-based open data initiative to put important information directly in the hands of citizens virtually anytime, anywhere. With the city’s Open Data Portal, Regina citizens will now be able to visit a user-friendly online portal that offers easy access to data sets such as ward boundaries, points of interest, solid waste collection and land use — and this is just the beginning.
“The city is committed to open government and transparency, and this open data initiative is a big part of that,” said Alyssa Daku, city of Regina manager, Corporate Information Governance. She added that before offering data in the portal, the city of Regina manually processed more than 2,000 data requests every year, many of which were duplicates. With Open Government Data Initiative (OGDI) DataLab, the city, individuals and businesses are all expected to benefit from this increased access to information.
“OGDI DataLab allows us to work more efficiently, which, in the end, leads to better use of funds and improved public services,” Daku said. “This increased access to information is also great for citizens. It is so exciting to think about the possibility of new services, local innovation and economic growth that it could lead to.”
Using open standards and application programming interfaces, the city of Regina can submit its data to the OGDI DataLab repository for use by external developers, government employees or citizens. OGDI DataLab promotes the use of the city’s data by capturing and publishing reusable software assets, patterns and practices. Local developers can share and interact with this data via Windows Azure and develop applications with more ease and at a lower cost to the city.
“Government innovators in Canada and across the globe are increasingly providing open data portals for the public — promoting better governance, increased transparency and improved delivery of public services,” said Nik Garkusha, Open Platforms lead, Microsoft Canada. “Customers and technology partners are telling us that open data is a win-win situation for everyone.”
More information on how publically available government data can be easily accessed is available at Microsoft’s Open Government Data Initiative.
More information about how organizations are turning to Microsoft technology is available in the Microsoft Customer Spotlight newsroom.
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Visual Studio LightSwitch and Entity Framework 4.1+
The LightSwitch Team posted The LightSwitch HTML Client: An Architectural Overview (Stephen Provine) on 6/21/2012:
When we originally announced Visual Studio LightSwitch, we introduced a series of blog posts that went under the covers to dive into the anatomy of a LightSwitch application. At that time, this encompassed the end to end solution across the Silverlight client, middle tier and data tier. With the introduction of the HTML client, we wanted to follow up with a similar post looking under the hood of this new client offering.
From an architectural perspective, the LightSwitch HTML client isn’t so different from the existing Silverlight client. It adopts the same logical partitioning – data, screens and shell – and contains all the same concepts, such as entities, screens, content items and controls. This should be of no surprise, since it is based on the same conceptual model and design time experience. Of course, the HTML client looks quite different from a practical perspective. We needed to adopt new frameworks and realize the view layer in terms of the standards-based HTML5 model.
Foundational Libraries
It has always been a core LightSwitch tenet to build applications on top of the same solid foundations you would use to build an application without LightSwitch. In the case of the HTML client, this meant seeking out current or upcoming industry standards for building modern, touch-friendly line of business applications.
The popularity of the jQuery library made it a clear choice for LightSwitch. It provides a number of basic utilities to aid in writing JavaScript in addition to its extensive DOM manipulation capabilities. Given our immediate focus on the mobile space, the obvious next step was to bring in the jQuery Mobile library, providing a strategy for managing individual controls, the navigation model, and the shell. We completed our client stack by including the datajs library – the standard method for accessing OData services from JavaScript clients – and a small subset of cross-browser compatible fundamentals from the WinJS library, which is the standard for building Windows 8 JavaScript-based applications.
Application Stack
The HTML client application stack is divided into five layers based on the MVVM pattern:
- Base. This layer provides functionality used by all the other layers. It mostly builds on and uses the fundamental concepts taken from the WinJS library, such as namespaces, classes, events and promise objects.
- Model. This layer implements loading, parsing and processing of the LightSwitch application model. The model is converted from its original LSML form into a standard JSON representation for quick and easy consumption at application startup.
- Shared. This layer implements the concept of a business object, which, as in the Silverlight client, represents a base for both entities (data) and screens (view models).
- Data. This layer implements the LightSwitch data concepts, including entities, data services and data workspaces. It depends on the datajs library for underlying communication with the LightSwitch OData service.
- View Model. This layer implements the LightSwitch view model concepts, including screens and content items. It also implements the view model for the shell, which includes application-wide commands and the LightSwitch navigation model.
- View. This layer implements the LightSwitch view concepts, including controls, layout primitives and the visualization of the shell. It depends on the jQuery and jQuery Mobile libraries for DOM manipulation and other browser communication.
This layering enables replacement of a higher layer such as the view without changing the lower layers. External library dependencies have been limited to the layers in which they apply, so that over time, replacement layers may be introduced that use entirely different technologies. This design respects the inherently fluid nature of the HTML/JavaScript industry, where standards can frequently change.
A New User Experience
When we started working on the HTML client, we evaluated many existing applications on mobile devices to get a sense for how these modern applications operate from a user experience perspective. It quickly became clear that the paradigms exposed by the existing Silverlight shell were not going to be appropriate for a mobile client. Using a number of examples of modern mobile applications, we determined that a few fundamental things had to change:
- SDI instead of MDI. Unlike traditional forms over data applications, modern mobile applications are very task-focused, and it is rare to see any such application with multiple independent tasks running at the same time. From a practical perspective, this means there is exactly one data workspace for the entire application.
- Screen partitioning. The limited real estate on mobile devices simply does not allow for the densely populated screen content typically produced by the Silverlight client. Screens must therefore be split into partitions, allowing only one part of the screen to be viewed at a time.
Further evaluation of these applications led us to believe that a few features missing from the Silverlight client were now quite important in the mobile device space:
- Screen reuse. In the Silverlight client, screens assume ownership of their own data workspace. Hence, no two screens can participate in the same set of pending changes. Higher level tasks or workflows can be simulated across multiple screens by writing code, but these screens communicate independently with the server which is not ideal for an integrated task or workflow. The HTML client’s SDI model has no support for this approach but adds the ability to launch a screen and pass it a context (including a data workspace), allowing it to participate in the same higher level task or workflow.
- Nested changes. The ability to accept or cancel changes that have occurred in a data workspace since a previous checkpoint is a “nice to have” feature in traditional forms over data applications, but it becomes a core requirement for modern mobile applications.
The above described changes led us to develop a few simple extensions to the existing data workspace and screen concepts as well as a new application navigation model.
Tabs and Dialogs
In order to more effectively use the real estate on a mobile device, the HTML client splits a screen into independently viewable partitions. A partition comes in the form of a top-level tab or as a dialog. A user can switch between tabs on a screen like a traditional tab control, and all this does is choose which part of the screen is currently visible. A dialog, on the other hand, temporarily constructs the visual content of the dialog and disposes of it when the dialog is closed.
Here are some screenshots of an example screen “Order Detail” with two tabs, “Details” and “Order Details”, and a dialog “Order_Detail”:
The tab and dialog paradigms provide an effective means of navigating through the content of a single screen, even when that screen has lots of content.
Navigation Boundaries
Each time a user moves between tabs in a screen, shows a dialog or shows another screen, a navigation boundary is crossed. There are three boundary options that may be applied at a navigation boundary that affect both the navigation to the target and the return from the target to the source.
The Save boundary option is only applicable when showing another screen:
- Before navigating to the target, if there are changes in the data workspace the user is prompted to save or discard these changes.
- While showing the target, the shell exposes “Save” and “Discard” buttons.
- Before returning from the target, if there are changes in the data workspace the user is prompted to save or discard these changes.
The Nested boundary option is applicable when showing a dialog or another screen:
- Before navigating to the target, a new nested change set is started on the data workspace.
- While showing the target, the shell exposes “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.
- Before returning from the target, if there were changes made the user is prompted to keep or cancel these changes.
The None boundary option is applicable for all navigation scenarios (and is the only option available when moving between tabs in a screen):
- Before navigating to the target, no specific behavior occurs.
- If the target is another screen tab, the shell exposes the previously visible buttons.
- If the target is a dialog or another screen, the shell exposes a “Back” button.
- Before returning from the target, no specific behavior occurs.
Navigation boundary options are configured by the source, making the target ultimately more reusable. For instance, a screen may be the starting point of a new task if launched with a save boundary, or it may be incorporated into an existing task if launched with a nested boundary.
In the LightSwitch design experience, the underlying boundary options are exposed using terminology that emphasizes the task-related capabilities of the target:
Here, “Save” maps to the Save boundary, “OK/Cancel” maps to the Nested boundary option, and “Back” maps to the None boundary option.
Layout Strategies
One of the biggest differences between Silverlight and HTML as presentation technologies is how content is laid out. In Silverlight, content is designed to fit into a box with bounded width and height. HTML is rooted in an entirely different strategy that comes from its document-based heritage. It assumes that content starts at the top and flows from left to right, then downwards until no content remains. This means that while the width may be bounded, the height is not.
The document-based tendency of HTML makes building rich web applications more complicated; however there are some common best practices that are used to simulate the Silverlight layout strategies. The LightSwitch HTML client implements the existing rows and columns layout controls available in the Silverlight client using div elements with CSS styling in conjunction with a small amount of JavaScript code that calculates some positioning and sizing attributes.
These two layout controls enable the look and feel of a rich web application without introducing significant complexity into the DOM.
A New Approach to Controls
Early on in developing the HTML client, we placed a bet on an emerging technology that was well positioned to take a lead in the HTML-based mobile application space: jQuery Mobile. In choosing this library, we gained functionality for interacting with the browser navigation stack, but more importantly, we picked up a pattern for rendering touch-friendly controls in the browser DOM.
The concept of a “control” is not well defined in the HTML world. From the LightSwitch HTML client perspective, a control is implemented by a function that does two things: it adds elements to the browser DOM that represents the visualization of the control, and then it connects these elements to data through a data binding API. Once this is done, standard jQuery Mobile behavior takes over and expands the DOM into the actual set of elements to be displayed. The result may be significantly different from the original DOM if it referenced a jQuery Mobile control, or it may be left unchanged if the content is entirely custom elements.
This version of the HTML client has a set of built-in controls that are implemented in this fashion, and it also exposes an entry point for LightSwitch developers to provide their own function that implements a new control in the same manner. This does not provide end-to-end integration of specialized control libraries like we had for Silverlight, but almost all HTML control libraries can be easily instantiated and wired up through this custom entry point.
Asynchronous Coding Patterns
For the Silverlight client, we created a mechanism that allowed us to provide a synchronous coding experience for writing business logic. Unfortunately, this is not realistically attainable in the HTML client given how the browser currently hosts and executes JavaScript. Hence, we needed to standardize on an asynchronous coding pattern that would be both easy to learn and familiar to existing JavaScript developers.
In the HTML client, we chose to expose promise objects to represent asynchronous work. Promise objects provide the most flexible set of options when working in an asynchronous environment and make it easier to structure code in its logical order of execution.
There are a number of promise object implementations available. We chose to utilize the WinJS implementation of promise objects as it was one of the more complete offerings and provided technical alignment with the Windows 8 development experience.
In this post, we poked inside the HTML client and discovered how its architecture differs from the existing Silverlight client. Many aspects remain the same between the two runtimes, but the HTML client introduces a few new concepts that were necessary to embrace the target platform.
For more HTML Client resources please see the LightSwitch Developer Center and please continue the great discussions and give us feedback in the LightSwitch HTML Client Forum.
Stephen Provine
Senior Developer, LightSwitch Team
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Windows Azure Infrastructure and DevOps
• Adron Hall (@adron) asserted Ok, Let’s Get Some Definitions & Operational Models Straight Here! PaaS is NOT… in a 6/25/2012 post:
I just got signed up for Cloud Connect Chicago and started checking out some of the talks. One talk jumped out, being that it is about PaaS Technology. After reading it though I immediately felt the need to straighten out some things that looked misleading. Maybe the presenter (JP Morgenthal) will lay these things out well for the attendees, but at this point I don’t know that. I’m making a point to see this session while I’m at Cloud Connect. I’m curious to see how he lays out the content. Here’s the description for the “Navigating PasS: Your Road Map for Application Development“. Hopefully I’ll see you there!
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) has most simply been described as the set of tools above the infrastructure (hypervisor) and contains the applications being served out of the cloud. However, this description covers a large body of resources. Navigating the use of PaaS for application development and delivery requires a very wide understanding of the computing environment and doesn’t fully relieve the user from understanding the infrastructure that is used to operate the PaaS.
Hypervisor + PaaS, You’re Doing it Wrong
First off, the thing that really caught my attention about this session is that it sounds like someone from a very specific company trying to sell a very specific thing wrote this initial description. A PaaS, or Platform as a Service does NOT have to run on an infrastructure hypervisor. It has ZERO association to a hypervisor. All a PaaS should do, ought to be, and generally is regardless who it is made by or who is running it, is a set of software that automates deployment, application distribution to systems serving the application, and generally simplifies the deployment of an application and to some degree databases or data repositories. There is, and should NOT be, any type of coupling, especially any tight coupling, to some hypervisor.
In summary, a PaaS should have zero to do with a hypervisor. It should rely on a simple operating system that has minimal resource overhead and minimal requirements. Take Cloud Foundry or Open Shift. They rely on some of the most capable operating systems, Red Hat Linux (RHEL) and Ubunut LTE to run the PaaS Systems. These are by far some of the best choices in the industry to determine the core of where a PaaS should run. Based on this, it is an operating system, at the core that enables these systems. NOT a hypervisor. If you’re looking to base your PaaS System off of a hypervisor, I’m afraid you’ll have made a severe mistake right off the bat.
Now if you put your Red Hat or Ubuntu OS on a hypervisor, or straight on the metal, you’re fine. Just don’t cross the seperations of concern from the operating system to travel from PaaS to hypervisor. That’d just be…
What I Agree With, You Better Understand IaaS
One thing I agree with in the above description and I’m betting JP will put some emphasis on this part of the discussion, is that you absolutely need to have an understanding of your infrastructure that runs underneath your PaaS. There are a multitude of reasons to keep in mind what the infrastructure is doing underneath and how it handles what you’re deploying to your PaaS. Here’s two hugely important topics of concern when you deploy a PaaS into any environment.
- When an application deploys to multiple instances. What does that mean in your PaaS? Is it on several separate instances? Is it in different geographical areas? Does it go under a different load balancer? How is my database deployed? If you’ve deployed a NoSQL solution, that needs multiple nodes for data integrity, do you know how many nodes are deployed?
- If I deploy a site to my PaaS, how will it and can it talk to itself or outside via networking? Do I have loop back protection on for security? Will it disallow certain port traffic? What is happening to port traffic and traffic in general?
It looks like the session will cover a lot of these topics. So if you’re looking to attend, I highly suggest checking out JP’s session. I’ll be looking forward to his approach to many of the other topics (check out the site description) such as those I just mentioned along with security, deployment concerns, deploying a single language PaaS (like Apprenda, Cloudbees, etc) and other solutions. In addition to that, I’ll likely be bringing an arsenal of questions, see you all and JP at Cloud Connect!
Prashant Kumar started a Cloud Services Series: What's new in Windows Azure Caching with a post to the Windows Azure blog on 6/25/2012:
Windows Azure Caching is a distributed, in-memory, scalable, reliable caching solution that can be used to speed up Windows Azure applications and reduce database load. The first production service was released in May 2011; we are pleased to see that there are several customers using the service. Since its release, we have also received valuable feedback from you and have been hard at working incorporating those along with some deep investments in supporting new patterns of cache usage. We are pleased to announce a preview release of this work with the Windows Azure June 2012 SDK. Let’s talk about what’s in the preview, but before that…
A bit of background
Today, Windows Azure Caching is offered as a Windows Azure service – the service uses machines in Windows Azure that are shared across multiple tenants (henceforth, we will refer to this as Windows Azure Shared Caching). Each customer pays for a certain amount of memory (128MB to 4GB) and it comes with a limit on transaction throughput and network bandwidth based on the memory chosen. This ensures everything is “fair” across tenants and cache usage is throttled when these limits are exceeded. While this is a perfectly fine way to use cache for many applications, we have some applications where customers can not estimate the exact resource needs (memory, transactions, bandwidth) a priori and would like a consistent behavior based on pre-allocated machines in their application. Given caching is a core component for performance, consistency of performance is critical in many of these applications.
With the latest Windows Azure SDK, we are introducing a preview version of Windows Azure Caching that is hosted as a part of the customer’s cloud application. Consequently, it has none of the quota constraints and is limited only by the resources assigned to cache by the customer.
But that is not all…
Windows Azure Caching now has much better performance, more consistent performance and High Availability. It has a simpler integrated development experience with Visual Studio and management & monitoring experience with the Windows Azure portal. Several new features (regions & tags, local cache with notifications) have also been made available in this version of Caching. Finally, if you have an application using memcached, we provide you a migration path with support of memcached protocols – so you can migrate at your convenience while using differentiating features of Windows Azure Caching such as High Availability. If you are as excited as us and want to know more, read on!.
New Deployment Model
As we said earlier, the cache is now a part of the customer application. Caching (Preview) – distributed server and client library – ships as a plug-in with the new Windows Azure SDK. When you build your application to use the cache, the cache libraries are packaged along with your other application artifacts into the cspkg file, and when you deploy your application to Windows Azure, Caching gets deployed into Web or Worker roles that you control. You get to select how big or small these instances are and the number of instances for the cache, and manage cache capacity at run time by scaling these up or down like other Windows Azure roles.
Deployment modes
You can choose one of two deployment modes for using the cache:
- Cache collocated with web/worker role: Some of you may have an application that is already deployed without cache in just a couple of nodes. You can speed up your application by adding cache to use the spare capacity in memory, CPU and bandwidth. It’s practically free (actually, you have already paid for it, but this is as close free cache). All you need to do is enable the web or worker role to also host Caching and you are done. You can now call into Caching from any of your roles within the application.
- Consistent cache in isolated nodes: If you have a more serious caching requirement that needs consistent and predictable performance, we’d advise you to have dedicated roles which host Caching. Our capacity planning guide helps you determine the size of the role and the number of instances you need based on the kind of load you expect to put on the cache.
So that's it?
Not even close. Aside from the flexibility of using cache in different kinds of deployments, Windows Azure Caching a combination of features that differentiates it from other caching solutions in the market. Here are some of the benefits:
- It's cost effective: You only pay for cost of compute instances on which Caching is hosted, there is no additional premium. The co-located mode is practically free and can leverage the spare CPU, bandwidth and memory resources you may have on your compute VMs.
- Elastic scale out to 100+ GB of cache: You can increase or decrease the number of instances per your requirement and the cache clients will automatically start taking advantage of the new roles without any configuration change. Also, the existing data gets redistributed among all the nodes to balance the load. You can scale up your Cache as large as 10 XL VMs which will give you over 100 gigabytes of cached data. We think it can go much higher – so if you have a need for a larger cache, talk to us! Additionally, the throughput of the cache is only limited by the Windows Azure resources you devote to it.
- It's fast! There are multiple improvements we’ve done to make Caching faster. You can now expect latencies to be in the order of 1 millisecond for an appropriately configured cache – approximately a 5x improvement! With appropriate usage of local cache feature in Windows Azure Caching, you can bring this down by another order of magnitude! We also have support for bulk operations that reduce roundtrips and latency.
- New Features: You now have access to a host of other features as well. Some of these were available in the on-premise release of Caching (Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server) and were oft-requested on Windows Azure.
- Multiple named caches: You can now logically divide your cache into multiple named caches; each named cache can have a separate set of data policies applied to it, depending on your use case.
- Highly available cache: for cache-sensitive applications, you can configure high availability on a cache. This would keep an additional copy of each item you put in the cache on a separate instance. This significantly reduces the chances of data loss and maintains high ratio of cache hits during node failures. Even in cases where HA is not enabled, Windows Azure Caching works to prevent data eviction due to changes in the Windows Azure environment that impact the underlying cache compute instances.
- Use local cache with notifications: accessing an in-memory cache that is distributed is an order of magnitude faster than a DB access, but accessing it locally is even better. We enable with the local cache feature. This is useful for read-heavy data and where consistency requirements aren’t paramount. The cache client library natively supports a local cache from which data can typically be retrieved extremely fast (no network hops, no serialization/deserialization costs).Further, you can register for notifications to update the local cache at regular intervals from the cache cluster.
- Use regions and tags: This feature allows you to keep related objects together. For example, you can put all objects for a user session in a region to be able to query them together. In addition, you can add tags to the objects in the region so that queries can be filtered by these tags using just the API calls.
- Run your memcache applications without changing code: Finally, we know that you may already be using one of the caching solutions out there – a popular one being memcache. You may want to move to Windows Azure Caching for one or more of the above features, but are worried about a full rewrite. We heard you – so we made Windows Azure Caching understand memcache clients! So you can point the memcache client directly to the Caching cluster to get started. This would work for most – but if you are really picky about performance, you should use our memcache client shim which gives better performance (the earlier case routes through a ‘gateway’ in the cache cluster which is avoided with the shim) . Either way, you can leverage the features of Caching without having to rewrite your client application!
Over the next few weeks, we will go deeper into each of these topics and more. We’ll be blogging about how to do capacity planning for your cache, monitoring, debugging and fixing common issues. If there’s something you’d like us to talk about, please leave a comment! Meanwhile, give the Windows Azure Caching (Preview) a test drive and let us know how it goes. You can always reach out to us via comments on this blog or post your queries to our forums, which our team regularly responds to.
Steve Fox (@redmondhockey) explained Building SharePoint Farms using Windows Azure Virtual Machine (IAAS) in a 6/16/2012 post (missed when published):
At TechEd this week, there was a lot of activity around the new Windows Azure Spring Preview. As a part of this release was the announcement of the new Virtual Machine. This is an important advancement for Microsoft and Windows Azure because it brings the cloud story into a position of greater strength. For SharePoint IT Pros and Developers, this means a broader usage purview to leverage the cloud for SharePoint workloads—cutting across the ability to leverage platform as a service (PAAS)—e.g. using the core services in Windows Azure such as SQL Database, Media Services, Hadoop on Azure, etc., software as a service (SAAS)—e.g. Office 365, and infrastructure as a service (IAAS)—e.g. creating or migrating standalone or multi-server farms to Windows Azure.
If you’re looking to get up and running on the Windows Azure VM…
To help you get started, there’s a couple of good resources:
Both of these posts by Michael Washam will help you get your head wrapped around the new Virtual Machine and how to use PowerShell to automate many of the different VM features.
If you’re looking for the MSDN docs, you can go here to check them out.
If you’re looking to check out how to create a SharePoint farm using Windows Azure VM…
Also, another good resource is a recent session at TechEd 2012 by Paul Stubbs. He talked about building SharePoint Farms using Windows Azure VM. Some great stuff here on very fresh content/resources!
You can get to it directly here.
There’s also a ton more great sessions from TechEd 2012 on Channel 9 as well. You can access all of the posted sessions here.
Neil MacKenzie (@mknz) described Affinity Groups in Windows Azure in a 6/10/2012 post:
Windows Azure Datacenters
Microsoft has built out 8 Windows Azure datacenters in 3 geographical regions across the World. They are located in:
- North America
- North Central US
- South Central US
- East US
- West US
- Europe
- North Europe
- West Europe
- Asia
- East Asia
- South East Asia
These datacenters are widely separated so that inter-datacenter latency is significantly higher than intra-datacenter latency. There is little that can be done about inter-datacenter latency since much of it is caused by the speed of light being a finite physical constant. Unless there is a specific reason for doing otherwise cloud services and any data they access should always be located in the same datacenter.
It used to be possible to specify a US | Europe | Asia Anywhere designation when allocating a cloud or storage service. The problem with this designation was that it was not clear where everything ended up and it was possible that associated cloud and storage services were actually located in different datacenters in the same geographical region. Fortunately, this choice has now been removed. However, if you created cloud and storage services using the Anywhere designation it is worth verifying their actual physical location.
Affinity Groups
Windows Azure datacenters are physically very large (think 7 football fields) and contain hundreds of thousands of servers. There is a significant difference in network latency between two servers in a single rack and two servers at opposite ends of a datacenter.
Windows Azure therefore provides an affinity group feature to provide a higher degree of co-location within a datacenter than would otherwise be possible using random placement. Associated cloud and storage services should be placed within an affinity group to minimize network latency. This minimization is particularly important when a cloud service makes extensive use of storage services, such as when an Azure Drive is used.
Note that affinity groups are supported for cloud services and storage services but are NOT used with Windows Azure SQL Databases. As of today they are also not supported for Windows Azure Web Sites and Virtual Machines.
Since an affinity group is located within a single datacenter, locating cloud and storage services in an affinity group also ensures that they are located within the same datacenter. New cloud and storage services should always be created within an affinity group rather than just the datacenter. Note that it is not possible to migrate either a cloud or storage service into an affinity group after creation. Migration into an affinity group requires a recreation of the cloud or storage service/
Affinity groups are created and managed on the Windows Azure Portal for cloud and storage services. On the new portal, affinity groups are managed in the Networks section when creating a new Virtual Network. Given the above description of affinity groups this might seem to be a strange location. However, the new Virtual Network feature mandates the use of affinity groups.
Virtual Network
The Virtual Network feature (tutorial) currently in preview on Windows Azure and accessible through the new portal also uses affinity groups. However, this use is mandatory for virtual networks while it is only advisable for cloud services and Windows Azure storage.
Every virtual network resides in its own affinity group and only one virtual network can be associated with any affinity group. The cloud and storage services contained in the affinity group can then be associated with the virtual network in a manner that maximizes co-location of the services and minimizes network latency inside the virtual network.
When using the Wizard to create a virtual network either an existing affinity group must be provided or a new one created using the Wizard. If the virtual network is created by importing a configuration file then the affinity group must be created before the file is imported.
Windows Azure
On June 7, Microsoft released into preview many new features for Windows Azure. The two most significant features announced and now available for trial were:
- Virtual Machines
- Web Sites
Until now, the compute services provided by Windows Azure were exclusively platform-as-a-service (PaaS)) which essentially provides a highly-scalable application hosting environment. The Virtual Machines feature is a fully-featured infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offering provides the capability to deploy Windows Server and Linux servers on which enterprise-class software – such as SQL Server 2012 and SharePoint 2010 – can be deployed. Virtual Machines allows a significant expansion of the class of workloads that can be deployed to Windows Azure.
Web Sites provides a scalable, multi-tenanted web site hosting capability that is integrated with a wide variety of developer tools. This significantly broadens the developer support for creating and deploying web sites into Windows Azure, since it avoids the overhead necessary to use web roles for simple web sites. The new Web Sites feature is aimed at applications which do not require the high scalability and sophisticated feature set provided by cloud services.
This is a great time to be working with Windows Azure and either developing green-field applications or migrating existing applications to the platform. You can access a 90-day free trial here. If you are an MSDN subscriber you can access $3,600 of Windows Azure benefits here. You can access the SDKs from here – and these exist for .NET, node.js, PHP, Java and Python.
Microsoft has allied with TechStars to provide an incubator in Seattle, WA for Windows Azure. Applications are open now for the Fall session. The incubator provides $20,000 in seed funding and $60,000 in Windows Azure resources as well as office space, technical training and support.
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Windows Azure Platform Appliance (WAPA), Hyper-V and Private/Hybrid Clouds
J. C. Hornbeck described a System Center 2012 Self-Study Guide (System Center Advisor and App Controller) in a 6/19/2012 post:
The following is a self-study guide put together by a Technical Account Manager here at Microsoft named Scott Rachui. He was gracious enough to let me post the contents here so if you’re looking for a crash course on System Center Advisor and App Controller then this is a great place to start.
System Center 2012 Self-Study Guide (System Center Advisor and App Controller)
Top-level link for System Center 2012 is:
System Center Advisor
Microsoft Virtual Academy
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 1)
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 2)
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 3)
Videos and Webcasts
- Paul Mestemaker on System Center Advisor
- Technical Overview of System Center Advisor
- Systems Management from the Cloud with System Center Advisor and Windows InTune
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 1)
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 2)
- System Center Advisor - Overview (Part 3)
- What's New in System Center Advisor?
- System Center Advisor Help
- What is System Center Advisor?
- Advisor Maintenance Schedule
- What's new this month?
- System Center Advisor Release Notes
- Deploy System Center Advisor
- System Center Advisor Troubleshooting
- Contact Microsoft Help and Support
- System Center Advisor Terms of Service
- System Center Advisor Legal Notices
- System Center Advisor Troubleshooting
- Troubleshoot the Gateway
- Troubleshoot the Agent
- Diagnosing Connection Problems with System Center Advisor
- Advisor Deployment Troubleshooting
- Help! I Cannot Download the Certificate
- Service Principle Name (SPN) and System Center Advisor
- Gateway Event Messages
- Agent Event Messages
Useful Websites
Useful Blogs
System Center App Controller
Microsoft Virtual Academy
- (Module 1) Private Cloud - Application Services Management, Configuration & Deployment
- (Module 2) Private Cloud - Application Services Management, Operation & Management
Videos and Webcasts
- Application Management with System Center 2012
- System Center App Controller 2012 Capability Walkthrough
- Manage VMs and Services across Private Clouds and Windows Azure with System Center App Controller
- Managing Applications Across Private & Public Clouds with System Center 2012
- Managing Application Resources Across Private & Public Clouds with System Center 2012
- Self-Service Application Deployment with System Center 2012
- Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012
- 10 Deadly Sins of Administrators about Windows Security
- Private Cloud Jump Start
- Part 1 - Introduction to the Microsoft Private Cloud with System Center 2012
- Part 2 - Configure & Deploy Infrastructure Components
- Part 3 - Configure & Deploy the Private Cloud Infrastructure
- Part 4 - Configure & Deploy Service Delivery & Automation
- Part 5 - Configure & Deploy Application Management
- Part 6 - Monitor & Operate Infrastructure Components
- Part 7 - Monitor & Operate the Private Cloud Infrastructure
- Part 8 - Monitor & Operate Service Delivery & Automation
- Part 9 - Monitor & Operate Application Management
- Private Cloud Day
- Session 1: Building your Private Cloud Infrastructure
- Session 2: Creating & Configure your Private Cloud
- Session 3: Monitor & Operate your Private Cloud
- Session 4: Automating & Delivering Services in your Private Cloud
- Session 5: A Solution for Private Cloud Security
- App Controller (TechNet)
- Setting up App Controller
- Deploying Services and Virtual Machines
- Managing Services and Virtual Machines
- Using the App Controller Cmdlets
- App Controller Glossary
- Release Notes
- Privacy Statement
- Troubleshooting App Controller
- Logo Certification for Windows Server 2008 R2
- Mapping Private Cloud Capabilities to the Microsoft Private Cloud Platform
Useful Websites
Useful Blogs
Alan Le Marquand reported Introduction to the Microsoft Private Cloud Course Released in a 5/30/2012 post (missed when published):
The Microsoft Virtual Academy [MVA] team are pleased to announce the release of the Introduction to the Microsoft Private Cloud course
This course focuses on proving an overview of the Microsoft cloud technologies and how using these technologies can help your business build, deploy, and maintain a private cloud.
We will provide an infrastructure overview and how to use System Center 2012 to provision a private cloud. We will examine the set of tools available to you to configure and deploy infrastructure components; enabling you to deliver IT as a Service.
Finally we will provide an overview of the tools in System Center 2012 used to manage the underlying resources to achieve predictable application service delivery, and how to keep your applications running healthy by improving performance and monitoring.
Take the Introduction to the Microsoft Private Cloud here
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Cloud Security and Governance
Lori MacVittie (@lmacvittie) asked “Conflicting messages from various trends are confusing … should you care about the client end-point or not?” in an introduction to her Drama in the Cloud: Coming to a Security Theatre Near You post of 6/25/2012 to F5’s DevCentral blog:
"Another key enabling factor for enterprise mobility is the cloud based delivery model for applications. With applications stored and delivered from the cloud, the endpoint device is largely irrelevant, with access allowed through smartphones, tablet devices or laptops. ”
On the other hand, security:
"If you want to secure the cloud, you need to secure your mobile devices," he explained. "They are the access points to the cloud -- and from an end-user perspective, the difference between the cloud and the mobile phone is lost."
What’s a data center to do? Lock them all out, let them all in. There doesn’t seem to be a happy medium. This is comedy meets tragedy without the Greek mythology to make it a satisfying action film.
The conflicting messages are the result of security colliding with productivity, which is probably a lot like security colliding with performance. In other words, we know who all too often wins that confrontation, whether we like it or not. The problem is that many are approaching the conflict with an either/or perspective. They’re trying to answer the question with an allow or deny policy based on the end-point, but ignoring the other end of the equation: the application or resource.
Like the two halves of drama, comedy and tragedy, the client and the resource (whether application or file or otherwise), go together. Settling on a BYOD strategy should necessarily not be based solely on the answer to “do we allow X on the network” but on the answer to “do we allow X to access this resource”. For example, in the case of many SaaS-styled applications, i.e. data is always stored in the database or on the server and never on the client, is there some other reason to deny an iPad or other mobile device access over any network?
Probably not.
However, attempting to download that confidential presentation with the latest roadmap of your product line … that may be something you don’t want leaving the building on a mobile device, especially those over which you have no control and cannot wipe in the event of loss or theft. Perhaps even if you do have control, you don’t want certain sensitive documents or data leaving the perimeter of the data center.
The thing is that a BYOD policy can be as complex or simple as you need it to be. You can solve only for X. You can add Y (the network) to the equation. You can add Z (the user) to the equation. You can even add A, B and C to the equation, if desired, where each represents different user, network, or device characteristics, i.e. is the end-point secured and accessing the resource via a VPN?
But it doesn’t have to be the source of more drama than a Greek tragedy starring Oedipus and his ill-fated daughter, Antigone, that’s so tragic it’s nearly comedic (to those watching, of course).
With the proper tools and the right integration, you can implement a BYOD policy that works in the data center and in the cloud, without compromising security or productivity. Context-aware mobile mediation, in addition to providing developers with consistent identification of mobile devices, can also provide the means by which access rights to applications or resources can be determined. Context-awareness encompasses more than just device-type, it can provide network, user, and environmental variables that can be plugged in to your BYOD/Cloud policies and alleviate the frustrating one-off add-on rules that would otherwise overload operations.
If the context-aware mobile mediation is enabled via an intelligent intermediary, like an application delivery controller, operations is further empowered not just to deny access, but to explain why, in simple HTML, to the end-user so they aren’t just frustrated by a failure to connect or a generic “403 Forbidden” status message. Give them an answer; explain to the end-user why they can’t download that confidential, highly sensitive document to their personal iPad. Offer some rationale into the policy behind the allow or deny and it might engender understanding from the end-users (or at least eliminate some dramatic tech support calls asking Why oh WHY can’t they get that file!?).
Right now the conflict between unfettered access to cloud-based and corporate resources and reality is causing a lot of unnecessary drama. The right tools can enable operations and security to implement more flexible, reasonable access policies that may reduce that drama and return some sanity to the data center.
Taylor Armerding (@tarmerding2) recommended BYOD boon: Make identities part of the cloud OS in a 6/25/2012 post to NetworkWorld’s Infrastructure Management blog:
Imagine not having to have to worry about the dangers of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
Young employees say BYOD is a right not a privilege
Symplified is not promising enterprises that its cloud identity and access management (IAM) solution will eliminate them, but company founder, CEO and Chairman Eric Olden will tell an audience next Wednesday at the Credit Suisse Disruptive Technology Conference in Half Moon Bay, Calif., that the threats can be minimized by putting more of the security tools in the cloud.
Symplified calls itself the "Cloud Identity Company," and Olden said that is the model he believes is mandatory if enterprises are going to manage and prosper with the disruptive technologies of both mobile devices and the cloud.
"The sheer number of identities and things that need to be secured, whether they are data, applications or people, has grown exponentially," Olden said. "And the way we thought about securing access is broken."
"Second, the way companies are approaching IT has completely changed. Platforms like Salesforce and Google are running things -- out there [in the cloud]," he said. "With mobile users, it creates a totally different problem. The devices are not owned by the enterprise, yet they're being used to access it."
Olden compares the simultaneous explosive growth of mobile and the cloud to corresponding waves in the ocean. "[They] don't collapse, but build on each other. The consequence is that it's not a nice wave. It's a tsunami. You can't get to high enough ground to avoid it. So you have to manage it," he said.
The way to do that, he will tell conference attendees, is to make identities part of the cloud operating system. "The Internet is the great network, but what's running on connected computers is a whole new ecosystem," he said. "The question is, how do you secure things not individually, but as a fabric."
As an example, he points to how email virus scanning used to be done. "You'd install some software on your laptop and then if you got something bad, it would let you know," he said.
"But that's difficult to scale," Olden said. "Economies of scale in the cloud provide better message security. There are hundreds of millions of devices out there. The laws of physics mean the math just doesn't work to secure them individually. So what we do is, rather than try to control the device, we push access management and control into the cloud."
That means keeping applications and company data off the devices and in the cloud, which therefore makes it possible to enforce security on both managed and unmanaged devices, also in the cloud, Olden said.
"The user can go to a URL and access the application," he said. "There's nothing to download. He just puts a username and password in. It can ask for token -- but it's all being done in the cloud. You create portal that only authorized persons can access.
"And since you're really looking at the application through the browser on the phone - you're also keeping data off the device, which makes IT guys happy because they don't have to wipe them."
Legislation is required for BYOD to become an employee’s “right.” I doubt if the federal or state governments, other than California, perhaps, will attend to that issue within a decade or two. However, Windows Azure Active Directory is a step in the right direction for managing enterprise identity across a wide range of devices.
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Cloud Computing Events
Himanshu Singh (@himanshuks) suggested that yu Watch What You Missed at TechEd North America 2012 in a 6/23/2012 post:
All Windows Azure sessions from TechEd North America 2012 are now available for on-demand replay. Below is a list of key sessions, including all sessions from the Learn Windows Azure event.
Key Sessions
Satya Nadella
Windows Azure Today & Tomorrow (Learn Windows Azure)
Scott Guthrie
Windows Azure Applications and Workloads (Learn Windows Azure)
Mark Russinovich
Bill Staples
Yousef Khalidi
Mark Russinovich
Yousef Khalidi
Abhishek Lal and Clemens Vasters
Corey Sanders
Nathan Totten
Brian Prince
You can watch more Windows Azure-related sessions on-demand; visit the TechEd North America 2012 Content Catalog and then select “Windows Azure on the "Product/Technology" drop-down menu to see a full list of sessions. (Note: you must be logged in to the site in order to view sessions or download presentations.)
For more information about any of the Windows Azure-related announcements made over the past two weeks, be sure to read the following blog posts:
- Welcome to the Era of the Cloud OS for Infrastructure! by Satya Nadella (posted June 11, 2012, The Official Microsoft Blog)
- Now Available: New Services and Enhancements to Windows Azure by Bob Kelly (posted June 7, 2012, Windows Azure Blog)
- Announcing New Windows Azure Services to Deliver “Hybrid Cloud by Bill Laing (posted June 6, 2012, Windows Azure Blog)
- Meet the New Windows Azure by Scott Guthrie (posted June 6, 2012, Scott Gu’s Blog)
And be sure to check out this Cloud Cover Live episode from Day 1 of TechEd North America with Nathan Totten, Nick Harris and Microsoft VP Scott Guthrie. In this episode, Nate, Nick and Scott geek out on all things Windows Azure and take questions from a virtual audience.
To read press releases or access other videos and images from TechEd North America last week, please visit the TechEd Virtual Press Room.
The peripatetic Scott Guthrie (@scottgu) listed Upcoming presentations by me at Windows Azure Events in a 6/17/2012 post:
I recently blogged about a big wave of improvements we recently released for Windows Azure. I also delivered a keynote on June 7th that discussed and demoed the enhancements – you can watch a recorded version of it online.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be doing several more speaking events about Windows Azure in North America and Europe. Below are details on some of the upcoming the events and how you can sign-up to attend one in person:
Scottsdale, Arizona on June 19th, 2012
Attend this FREE all-day event in Scottsdale, Arizona on Tuesday, June 19th to learn more about Windows Azure, ASP.NET, Web API and SignalR. I’ll be doing a 2 hour presentation on Windows Azure, followed by Scott Hanselman on ASP.NET and Web API, and Brady Gaster on SignalR.
Learn more about the event and register to attend here.
Cambridge, United Kingdom on June 21st, 2012
Attend this FREE two-hour event in Cambridge (UK) the evening of Thursday, June 21st. I’ll be covering the new Windows Azure release – expects lots of demos and audience participation.
Learn more about the event and register to attend here.
London, United Kingdom on June 22nd, 2012
Attend the FREE all-day Microsoft Cloud Day conference in London (UK) on Friday, June 22nd to learn about Windows Azure and Windows 8. I’ll be kicking off the event with a two hour keynote, and will be followed by some other fantastic speakers.
Learn more about the conference and register to attend here.
TechEd Europe in Amsterdam, Netherlands on June 26th, 2012
I’ll be at TechEd Europe this year where I’ll be presenting on Windows Azure. I’ll be in the general session keynote and also have a foundation track session on Windows Azure on Tuesday, June 26th.
Learn more about TechEd Europe and register to attend here.
Amsterdam, Netherlands on June 26th, 2012
Not attending TechEd Europe but near Amsterdam and still want to see me talk? The good news is that the leaders of the Windows Azure User Group NL have setup a FREE event during the evening of Tuesday, June 26th where I’ll be presenting along with Clemens Vasters.
Learn more about the event and register to attend here.
Dallas, Texas on July 10th, 2012
I’ll be in Dallas, Texas on Tuesday, July 10th and presenting at a FREE all day Microsoft Cloud Summit. I’ll kick off the day with a keynote, which will be followed by a great set of additional Windows Azure talks as well as a “Grill the Gu” Q&A session with me over lunch.
Learn more about the event and register to attend here.
Additional Events
I’ll be doing many more events and talks in the months ahead – I’ll blog details of additional conferences/events I’m doing as they are fixed.
Hope to see some of you at the above ones
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Other Cloud Computing Platforms and Services
Jeff Barr (@jeffbarr) posted The AWS Partner Network (APN) is Now Live on 6/25/2012:
The AWS Partner Network (APN) is now live, with three tiers and a wide variety of benefits at each tier. This is a global program, accessible to customers and partners world-wide.
In addition to the official launch of APN, we are also enhancing our AWS Channel Reseller Program and setting up a new Authorized Government Partner designation.
If you are an AWS user, APN gives you the power to find high quality partners to help you get the most from the AWS cloud. You can get started by searching the AWS Partner Directory:
If you are part of the AWS partner ecosystem, APN provides you with the technical, sales, and marketing support that you need to build a successful cloud business. The program offers benefits to Technology Partners who develop applications and developer tools on top of AWS and Consulting Partners who help our customers to get up and running on AWS.
As an APN partner, you qualify for one of three tiers - Registered, Standard, or Advanced, with specific benefits at each level. Registered Partners have access to the following items:
- Partner training
- Partner webinars
- Partner events
- Partner newsletter
- $1,000 per year credit toward the required AWS Support
- $1,000 per year in AWS service credits
- APN Partner logo
- Listing in the AWS Partner Directory
Advanced partners receive all of the above and also:
- APN Advanced Partner logo
- Advanced listing in the AWS Partner Directory
Read more about the Technology Partner and Consulting Partner benefits.
We are also expanding the AWS Channel Reseller Program. This program is designed for Systems Integrators and Managed Service Providers who provide professional services on the AWS platform and wish to resell and manage AWS services for their customers. Advanced tier partners can qualify as Channel Reseller Partners to gain eligibility for discounts on published AWS pricing and public designation as an AWS Channel Partner. These partners must own and manage AWS accounts on behalf of customers, provide help desk support, and meet several other criteria.
Finally, we are also launching a new Authorized Government Partner designation. This designation is reserved for AWS Partners with a public sector AWS practice and a desire to target public sector customers at the Federal, State, and Local levels. Standard and Advanced tier partners can qualify for this designation if they have at least two government (Federal, State, or Local) contracts at the prime level that are eligible AWS customers. The partner must execute a Government addendum to the AWS Reseller Agreement, and meet other requirements.
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Technorati Tags: Windows Azure, Windows Azure Platform, Azure Services Platform, Azure Storage Services, Azure Table Services, Azure Blob Services, Azure Drive Services, Azure Queue Services, Azure Service Broker, Azure Access Services, SQL Azure Database, SQL Azure Federations, Open Data Protocol, OData, Cloud Computing, Visual Studio LightSwitch, LightSwitch, Amazon Web Services, AWS, Animation, Rendering, Ray Tracing, PolyRay, Kinect, High Performance Computing, HPC, Windows Identity Foundation, WIF, Bring Your Own Device, BYOD
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