Friday, May 23, 2008

LINQ and Entity Framework Breakout and TLC Sessions at Tech*Ed Developers 2008

This list was compiled from the Tech*Ed Developers 2008 Session Catalog with LINQ or ADO.NET as the Keyword.

Updated May 23, 2008 with date, time and code data from the ADO.NET Team's Going to TechEd? Drop by and say Hi! blog of the same date.

Breakout Sessions

Updated May 9, 2008: Added Julie Lerman's Advanced Entity Framework: Take Charge of Object Services session omitted accidentally. There are 19 LINQ, LINQ-related, and Entity Framework breakout sessions.


LINQ to DataSet

Date: June 6 Time: 4:30pm-5:45pm Code: TA677 
Track: Database Platform Presenter: Erick Thompson Level: 300

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 introduces a number of new technologies that make working with data a better experience. One of these new technologies is Language Integrated Query (LINQ). The LINQ to DataSet flavor of LINQ gives you the ability to leverage the power of LINQ in your DataSet based applications. This session demonstrates how you can use LINQ to DataSet to improve the performance and reliability of your existing code, as well as utilize new functionality.

XML LINQ: Linking in the Real World

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Paul Sheriff Level: 300

LINQ technology in .NET 3.5 has some great hooks into XML that make using XML documents a breeze. This seminar explores how you will put this technology to work in your applications. Besides the obvious advantages of using LINQ to iterate over XML data, you can also use it to create and process XML documents. One great way you can use XML is in prototyping. In this seminar, see how to use LINQ and XML to create faster prototypes for your customers.

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: Microsoft LINQ Language Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Amanda Silver Level: 300

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a key platform innovation introduced with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, which brings SQL-style query expressions into Visual Basic and Visual C#, enabling you to describe what data to reason about instead of how to access the data. In this session, by taking a much closer look at the language features that enable LINQ-enabled frameworks, we uncover tips, tricks, gotchas and best practices for writing queries that will help you write robust, high-performing, maintainable business applications more quickly. In addition to gaining a solid understanding of LINQ for data access, you’ll also leave this session with a clear understanding of how query and the individual language features can be leveraged in other parts of your application to write less code.

Super-Optimized Microsoft LINQ: Indexed Objects

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Aaron Erickson Level: 300

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a key platform innovation introduced with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, which brings SQL-style query expressions into Visual Basic and Visual C#, enabling you to describe what data to reason about instead of how to access the data. In this session, by taking a much closer look at the language features that enable LINQ-enabled frameworks, we uncover tips, tricks, gotchas and best practices for writing queries that will help you write robust, high-performing, maintainable business applications more quickly. In addition to gaining a solid understanding of LINQ for data access, you’ll also leave this session with a clear understanding of how query and the individual language features can be leveraged in other parts of your application to write less code.

How LINQ Works: A Deep Dive into the Implementation of LINQ

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Aaron Erickson Level: 400

Want to know what really happens when you execute your favorite LINQ queries? Curious how the same query expression can target either in-memory data or relational data? In this 400-level talk, Alex Turner, the C# Compiler Program Manager, uses Reflector and other tools to reveal exactly how the compiler translates LINQ query expressions. Gain a deeper understanding of LINQ’s functional roots as we see how lambda expressions and iterator methods enable LINQ to Objects' elegant syntax. Then find out what's the same and what's radically different as we explore LINQ to SQL and the expression trees that make it tick.

Real-World LINQ to SQL

Date: June 3 Time: 1:15pm-2:30pm Code: TC19F
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Anthony Sneed Level: 400

Take a deep dive into a real-world LINQ to SQL application that seeks to exploit the full capabilities of the object-relational mapping technology released with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. This talk focuses on best practices for incorporating LINQ to SQL into your data-driven Windows Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation application, including the use of eager loading, pass-through SQL, batch updating with stored procedures, concurrency control, and disconnected scenarios. We also address object caching and identity issues, as well as support for distributed transactions.

Parallelize Your Microsoft .NET Framework-Based Applications with Parallel Extensions

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Development Practices Presenter: Steven Toub Level: 300

With the Microsoft .NET Framework today, correctly introducing concurrency into libraries and applications is difficult, time consuming, and error-prone. However, as the hardware industry shifts towards multi-core and manycore processors, the key to high-performance applications is parallelism. Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework offers solutions to help make writing concurrent applications significantly easier. In this session, we dive into Parallel Extensions, exploring Parallel LINQ-to-Objects (PLINQ), the Task Parallel Library (TPL), the underlying concurrency runtime, and more, in order to provide an in-depth look at the next generation of parallel programming with .NET.

Introduction to Mock Objects and Advanced Unit Testing

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Development Practices Presenter: Roy Osherove Level: 300

If you've played around with Unit testing but are not sure what the deal is with Mock Objects, Stubs and the like, this talk is for you. We cover, among others: what Mocks and Stubs are, hand-written mocks and stubs, dynamic mock objects using Rhino Mocks and Typemock, dependency injection techniques for Mocks and Stubs, and more; and how to mock out LINQ Queries and extensions methods.

Use the Open XML SDK and LINQ to Program the Microsoft Office Open XML File Formats

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Office and SharePoint Presenter: Ken Getz Level: 300

Although the Packaging API makes it possible to manipulate the Office Open XML Formats directly, it doesn’t make it easy. The Open XML SDK provides a consistent and neat wrapper around the API, making it far easier to get to the parts you need. Once you get to the part, however, you’re still simply working with XML content. To make this easier, LINQ to XML provides a superb tool. Both Microsoft Visual C# and Visual Basic provide support for LINQ to XML, and Visual Basic adds specific features that make the process far easier. In this session, see how to use the Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML to manipulate Open XML File Formats. Special attention is paid to the issues involved in handling namespace resolution, a tricky issue in any situation.

Integrating Windows Presentation Foundation and Windows Communication Foundation into Your Office Business Applications 

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Office and SharePoint Presenter: Tim Huckaby Level: 400

This session highlights many of the ways that the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) can be leveraged in applications built with Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System (VSTO). Visual Studio 2008 introduced an array of new features aimed at a wide range of Office solution types. With Visual Studio 2008, you can build solutions that incorporate the native capabilities of the Office client applications (like Outlook) combined with the sophisticated UI capabilities of WPF that's connected to remote data and services via WCF and use the RAD features of LINQ to manipulate that data. These new technologies provide opportunities for building powerful solutions with functionality that was previously difficult or impossible to achieve. Now that Microsoft Office has evolved into a true development platform, solutions based on Office are becoming increasingly sophisticated, less document-focused, and more loosely coupled. This session shows you how easy it is to build robust solutions that leverage the latest technologies. WPF provides developers and designers with a unified programming model for building rich Windows smart client user experiences with Office client applications that incorporate UI, media, and documents. WCF contains a support framework and a design-time toolset for building service-oriented solutions that connect rich Office clients with powerful server-side functionality and remote data access. Visual Studio 2008 provides a simple GUI wizard that lets you consume WCF services without having to worry about service metadata, protocols, or XML configuration.

Jumpstart Data Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET 3.5 (Part 1 of 2)

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Web and User Experience Presenter: Scott Hanselman Level: 200

Explore the new features in ASP.NET 3.5 that make buliding data driven Web applications a breeze. In this first of a two-part series, learn how to use LINQ to take the pain out of interacting with your relational data and how support for LINQ and its constructs are built into the paradigms you are familiar with in ASP.NET and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Using Data and Web Services in Your Microsoft Silverlight Application

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Web and User Experience Presenter: Hamid Mahmood Level: 300

This session covers how to use data in your Silverlight beta 1 application. Learn how to get the data (in brief… networking is well covered in other talks), how to manipulate the data (LINQ/XLINQ), how to bind the data (Databinding), how to show the data (dive into a few data relevant controls, notably Datagrid), how to validate the data, and how to store the data (isolated storage).

Building Rich Internet Applications Using Microsoft Silverlight 2 (Part 2 of 2)

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Web and User Experience Presenter: Mark Rideout Level: 300

Silverlight provides a powerful platform for building the next generation of rich interactive applications on the Internet. In this session, we demonstrate building a rich interactive application (RIA) using Silverlight and Microsoft .NET. We cover how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to create applications, how to create UI using XAML markup and code, how to build a custom control, how to retrieve data from a Web service, and how to manipulate data with XML and LINQ.

An Introduction to LINQ on Devices

Date: Time: Code:
Track: Windows Mobile Presenter: Dan Fergus Level: 300

We’ve all heard the hype, now let’s look at the reality. There are some great things about LINQ, some of which are not supported on devices. But there is much to learn to begin using LINQ effectively. The first is to know what exactly it is and what it can do for you. With a firm foundation, we then look at how to implement LINQ and discuss how it can be implemented.

Entity Framework

Understanding the ADO.NET Entity Framework

Date: June 6 Time: 4:30pm-5:45pm  Code: TA677
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Erick Thompson Level: 300

Most Microsoft .NET Framework-based database applications out there use ADO.NET to access and manipulate data, and most of them have a data-access layer built on top of ADO.NET to abstract out many of the details related to data-access that can get in the way of business logic. In this session, we introduce the ADO.NET Entity Framework, a high-level data library that pushes up the level of abstraction application developers need to work at when dealing with data in databases. We discuss how the system supports conceptual modeling, the use of the object services layer to do object-relational mapping, and how great integration with LINQ (Language Integrated Query) brings new levels of productivity to the data-access development space.

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Data Access Guidance

Date: June 5  Time: 2:45pm-4:00pm Code: T276B
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Julie Lerman Level: 300

With .NET 3.5, developers now have to choose between “classic” ADO.NET, LINQ to SQL, and a number of options using Entity Framework. The ADO.NET 3.5 Entity Framework presents us with a slew of new options for accessing data which you will learn about during this conference. This session compares and contrasts DataSets and DataReaders, Object Services and Entity Client; Entity SQL, LINQ to Entities and LINQ to SQL, providing guidance as to which methods are appropriate in particular scenarios. We also examine this functionality with respect to both creating new solutions and plugging the Entity Framework into existing applications.

Advanced Entity Framework: Take Charge of Object Services

Date: June 5 Time: 10:15am-11:30am Code: T7D80
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Julie Lerman Level: 300

The Entity Framework combined with the Entity Data Model (EDM) bring data access to a new level in Enterprise Applications. Entity Framework Object Services APIs, while providing a lot of automated functionality, are filled with features that give developers much more control over how objects are handled. The most important jobs of the ObjectContext are relationship management and change tracking. This session drills into how the ObjectContext manages relationships and how you can control its behavior. This is especially important in SOA scenarios where you may need to transport ObjectGraphs. We also look closely at change tracking, focusing on the challenges and solutions for dealing with data concurrency when moving objects across tiers in your enterprise applications. Knowing what to expect from these features and how to take control of them will empower you in your use of the Entity Framework and EDMs in your Web sites, SOA applications, and smart clients, as well as other applications that share the EDM.

Added: May 9, 2008

Building Next Generation Data Access Layers with the ADO.NET Entity Framework

Date: June 3 Time: 4:45pm-6:00pm          Code: ARC305
Date: June 5 Time: 2:45pm-4:00pm          Code: ARC305R
Track: Architecture Presenter: Barry Gervin Level: 300

As Developers, we've been building components in our data access layer (DAL) with ADO.NET classes such as Connections, Commands, DataReaders, DataSets and our own custom Helper classes and Data Classes. We build data access layers with a clear separation of concerns between business logic, data access, and data storage. We do this to increase cohesion and maintainability of our code, and also to increase developer productivity. What does this exactly mean in terms of the Entity Framework? What is the best approach to using the Entity Framework within our Data Access Layer? There are several workable models for leveraging the Entity Definition Model (EDM) within our applications. On one end of the spectrum, we can use the Entity Definition Model as a tactical tool for data access which is isolated to our Data Access Layer. This hides the Entity Framework from the rest of our application, effectively separating the concern of data access from the rest of our application. Another technique includes leveraging the conceptual Entity Definition Model deeply throughout our solution's layers and tiers. In this session, we compare and contrast these approaches including the middle ground, and see how these architectural choices affect maintainability, readability, and developer productivity. Most developers don’t frequently have the opportunity to start from a fresh slate, so we’ll also examine a refactored evolution from traditional data access layers through to incremental use of the Entity Definition Model.

ADO.NET Entity Framework: Application Patterns

Date: June 6    Time: 10:15am-11:30am Code: T34C4
Track: Development Practices Presenter: Shyam Pather  Level: 300

Microsoft is introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework and the Entity Data Model to help developers work at the right level of abstraction when creating business applications, and let the system worry about the details on how to deal with the underlying database. Like any new technology, most of the information available on the topic focuses on what the Entity Framework is, what are its constituting components and related aspects. There is a need for information on how to actually apply the technology to solve concrete problems in various application scenarios. This session discusses application patterns for the Entity Framework in each of the major application models such as Web applications, SOA-style systems, and data-centric services.

Technical Learning Center (TLC) Sessions

There are three TLC sessions.

LINQ to XML: Plumbing the Depths

Date: June 6 Time: 2:45pm-4:00pm Code: T4398
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Shyam Pather  Level: 300

This session provides you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of LINQ to XML. XML permeates the world of data, from content to formatting to services. LINQ to XML is a new way to query this ubiquitous data format using the power of Language Integrated Query (LINQ). LINQ to XML provides both DOM and XQuery/XPath-like functionality, all from within your source code. Additionally, Microsoft Visual Basic 9.0 adds XML as a built-in data type and uses LINQ to XML to allow developers to write what they intend, without compromising best practices. This session explores these capabilities, and shows how LINQ can improve your code and its reliability.

LINQ to XML, SQL, Entities, DataSets, and Co: Data Access Technologies Explained

Date: June 5 Time: 1:00pm-2:15pm Code: T8808
Track: Developer Tools and Languages Presenter: Shyam Pather  Level: 300

With the release of the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, Microsoft introduced several new data access technologies based on its LINQ technology, such as LINQ to SQL and LINQ to DataSets. Shortly after, we expect Microsoft to release the ADO.NET Entity Framework which enables LINQ to Entities in addition to Entity SQL. Finally, we have all the existing ADO.NET data access patterns. This raises one important question: Which data access technology is best suited for which situation? In this session we look at different scenarios and requirements that can inform your technology decision.

Using LINQ, the ADO.NET Entity Framework and ADO.NET Data Services with Third Party Databases

Date: June 4 Time: 2:45pm-4:00pm Code: TCD2B
Track: Windows and Frameworks Presenter: David Sceppa  Level: 300

The ADO.NET Entity Framework extends the existing ADO.NET provider model to allow provider writers to make their data stores available through the Entity Framework. This model allows developers to execute store agnostic queries against their data stores using LINQ, Entity SQL or ADO.NET Data Services. Provider writers will be in attendance at this Interactive Theater presentation to talk about their plans to support the Entity Framework and demonstrate their current bits.