Technorati recently published their State of the Blogosphere report for 2008, so I thought I compare the OakLeaf Systems blog statistics with those included in the report for the aggregate “blogosphere.” Another reason for picking today is that the number of visits related to a very popular (i.e., controversial) post of 9/3/2008 was about to disappear from the Google analytics charts and a substantial spike in visits from folks at occurred on 10/3/2008. A smaller spike of traffic occurred on 9/3/2008.
The 9/3/2008 post was Chrome’s Evil Terms of [Software as a] Service, which decried the draconian end-user license agreement (EULA) for the beta version of Google’s new browser. Traffic spiked by 33% to about 1,000 visitors per day from a consistent average of about 750.
The 10/2/2008 post was Google’s New Blogsearch Memetracker is a Fail, which discussed the failure of Google’s new blog memetracker feature to include the two authoritative posts for the “Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server" topic: Werner Vogels’ Expanding the Cloud: Microsoft Windows Server on Amazon EC2 post of 9/30/2008 or Jeff Barr’s Coming Soon: Amazon EC2 With Windows Amazon Web Services blog post of 10/1/2008. The memetracker also missed my Amazon Adds SQL Server to Oracle and MySQL as EC2 Relational Database Management Systems post of 10/1/2008.
Here’s a rearranged version of the standard Google Analytics data for the OakLeaf Systems blog captured on 10/5/2008 at 10:00 AM PDT:
I don’t use FeedBurner, so I have no way of measuring the number of readers (individual subscribers and through aggregators) of my Atom feed, which is probably a substantial number.
Technorati says in Day 3: The How of Blogging that 13% of all blogs achieve 20,000 to 100,000 monthly page views and 12% achieve 10,000 to 50,000 unique visitors, which puts the OakLeaf blog in the top 12 to 13% of Technorati-followed blogs by traffic.
The blog’s Technorati Authority, which represents the number of blogs that link to this blog for a period of six months, currently is 71%, although it usually averages closer to 75%. This results in a rank of 91,726 in a field of about 5 million blogs with posts in June 2008 tracked by Technorati, according to Day 1: Who Are the Bloggers? Thus, the Oakleaf blog is in the top 1.8% of Technorati-followed blogs by authority.
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