A compendium of Windows Azure, Service Bus, EAI & EDI Access Control, Connect, SQL Azure Database, and other cloud-computing articles. |
• Updated 4/17/2012 with new articles marked • by Jim O’Neil, Kristian Nese, Microsoft TechNet, David Linthicum, Chris Czarnecki, Brian Swan, Wely Lau, Mark Stafford, Manu Cohen-Yashar, Himanshu Singh, Michael Simons
Note: This post is updated daily or more frequently, depending on the availability of new articles in the following sections:
- Windows Azure Blob, Drive, Table, Queue and Hadoop Services
- SQL Azure Database, Federations and Reporting
- Marketplace DataMarket, Social Analytics, Big Data and OData
- Windows Azure Access Control, Identity and Workflow
- Windows Azure VM Role, Virtual Network, Connect, RDP and CDN
- Live Windows Azure Apps, APIs, Tools and Test Harnesses
- Visual Studio LightSwitch and Entity Framework v4+
- Windows Azure Infrastructure and DevOps
- Windows Azure Platform Appliance (WAPA), Hyper-V and Private/Hybrid Clouds
- Cloud Security and Governance
- Cloud Computing Events
- Other Cloud Computing Platforms and Services
Azure Blob, Drive, Table, Queue and Hadoop Services
Wade Wegner (@WadeWegner) discussed a Return Empty Set Instead of ResourceNotFound from Table Storage issue in a 4/14/2012 post:
This past week I’ve been working on a little project – amazing how less email equates to more time for other endeavors – and I was surprised when I received a DataServiceQueryException when querying table storage in the local storage emulator. I was querying based on partition and row keys and, if no data matched the statement, I received an HTTP 404: Resource Not Found exception.
I was initially puzzled. Shouldn’t I receive an empty set or null instead?
Of course, I had forgotten that this is by design. The DataServiceContext will throw a DataServiceQueryException if there’s no data to return. To receive an empty set it’s necessary to set the IgnoreResourceNotFoundException property to true.
Here’s a simplified version of the code:
string connectionString = "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"; var context = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString) .CreateCloudTableClient().GetDataServiceContext(); context.IgnoreResourceNotFoundException = true; var results = context.CreateQuery<TableEntity>("tableName") .Where(e => e.PartitionKey == partitionKey && e.RowKey == rowKey).AsTableServiceQuery(); var key = results.FirstOrDefault();Problem solved. No DataServiceQueryException!
Something to keep in mind when working with the Windows Azure table storage service. I almost didn’t blog about but decided that it was worth a few minutes effort. Probably something to add to your Windows Azure development checklist (you have one, right?).
M Sheik Uduman Ali (@udooz) analyzed Synchronous, Async and Parallel Programming Performance in Windows Azure in a 4/5/2012 post (missed when published):
This post discusses the performance benefits of effectively using .NET TPL when doing I/O bound operations.
When there is a need for non-synchronous programming pattern (asynchronous and/or parallel) in Azure applications, the pattern of choice must be based on the target VM size we have chosen for that app and the type of operation particular part does.
.NET provides TPL (Task Parallel Library) to write non-synchronous programming much easier way. The asynchronous API enables to perform I/O bound and compute-bound asynchronous operations which lets the main thread to do the remaining operations without waiting for the asynchronous operations to complete. Refer http://snip.udooz.net/Hbmib2 for details. The parallel API enables to effectively utilizes the multicore processors on your machine to perform data intensive or task intensive operations. Refer http://snip.udooz.net/HTLrVv for details.
When writing azure applications, we may need to interact with many external resources like blob, queues, tables, etc. So, it is very obvious to think asynchronous or parallel programming patterns when the amount of I/O operations are higher. In these cases, we should be more cautious on selecting asynchronous and parallel. The extra-small instance provides shared CPU power, the small instance provides single core and medium or above provide multicore. Hence, asynchronous pattern would be the better option for extra-small and small instances. For problem those are highly parallel in nature, then the application should be placed on Medium or above instance with parallel pattern.
To confirm the above statement, I did a small proof of concept which has high I/O operation. The program interacts with Azure blob to get large number of blobs to get data to solve a problem. I’ve taken a small amount of Enron Email dataset from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~enron/ which contains email messages for various Enron users on their respective Inbox folder as shown in figure 1 and figure 2.
The above figure shows the “inbox” for the user “benson-r”. Every user has approximately more than 200 email messages. A message contains the following content:
Message-ID: <21651803.1075842014433.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:06:50 -0800 (PST) From: robert.stalford@enron.com To: jay.webb@enron.com Subject: online power option change request Cc: andy.zipper@enron.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ======= OTHER HEADERS======= Jay, It was ..... ====== remaining message body ======The program going to solve how many times particular user written email to this user. The email messages reside in a blob container with appropriate blob directory. Hence, the pseudo code is some thing like:
for every user get the blob sub-directory for the user from the blob container create new dictionary // key - sender email ID, value - count for every blob in the sub-directory get blob content parse the “From” value from the message if the “From” value already exists on dictionary increment the value by 1 else add From field value as key and value as 1 into the dictionary write the resultI apply “sync, async and parallel” along with normal Task.StartNew and Task.StartNew + ContinueWith programming patterns on “fetching and parsing email messages” logic (more chatty I/O).
The Code
The normal procedural flow is shown below:
// rootContainer is CloudBlobDirectory represents "maildir" container var mailerInbox = rootContainer.GetSubdirectory(mailerFolder + "/inbox"); foreach (var blob in mailerInbox.ListBlobs()) { //don't see the subfolders if any if (blob is CloudBlobDirectory) continue; var email = mailerInbox.GetBlobReference(blob.Uri.ToString()).DownloadText(); //parsing From field var match = Regex.Match(email, @"From\W*(\w[-.\w]*@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*)"); if (match.Groups.Count > 0) { var key = match.Groups[1].Value; //estimate is a Dictionary contains From email id and the count if (estimate.ContainsKey(key)) estimate[key] = estimate[key]++; else estimate.Add(key, 1); } } var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var kv in estimate) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\n", kv.Key, kv.Value); } //writing the result to a blob var result = mailerInbox.GetBlobReference("result_normal_" + attempt); result.UploadText(sb.ToString());The parallel version is shown below:
var mailerInbox = rootContainer.GetSubdirectory(mailerFolder + "/inbox"); Parallel.ForEach(mailerInbox.ListBlobs(), blob => { if (!(blob is CloudBlobDirectory)) { var email = mailerInbox.GetBlobReference(blob.Uri.ToString()).DownloadText(); var match = Regex.Match(email, @"From\W*(\w[-.\w]*@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*)"); if (match.Groups.Count > 0) { var key = match.Groups[1].Value; // used ConcurrentDictionary cestimate.AddOrUpdate(key, 1, (k,v) => v++); } } }); //the result writing part is here, similar to normal versionThe asynchronous version is:
var mailerInbox = rootContainer.GetSubdirectory(mailerFolder + "/inbox"); var tasks = new Queue(); foreach (var blob in mailerInbox.ListBlobs()) { if (blob is CloudBlobDirectory) continue; // blobStorage is a wrapper for Azure Blob storage REST API var webRequest = blobStorage.GetWebRequest(blob.Uri.ToString()); tasks.Enqueue(Task.Factory.FromAsync(webRequest.BeginGetResponse, webRequest.EndGetResponse, TaskCreationOptions.None) .ContinueWith(t => { var response = t.Result; var stream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); var emailMsg = stream.ReadToEnd(); stream.Close(); response.Close(); var match = regex.Match(emailMsg); if (match.Groups.Count > 0) { var key = match.Groups[1].Value; cestimate.AddOrUpdate(key, 1, (k, v) => v++); } })); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray());The major difference in the “fetching and parsing” part is, instead of managed API, I have used REST API with a wrapper so that I can access the Blob asynchronously. In addition the above, I have used normal TPL tasks in two different way. In the first way, I just processed “fetching and parsing” stuff as shown below:
foreach (var blob in mailerInbox.ListBlobs()) { if (blob is CloudBlobDirectory) continue; string blobUri = blob.Uri.ToString(); tasks.Enqueue(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var email = mailerInbox.GetBlobReference(blobUri).DownloadText(); var match = Regex.Match(email, @"From\W*(\w[-.\w]*@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*)"); if (match.Groups.Count > 0) { var key = match.Groups[1].Value; cestimate.AddOrUpdate(key, 1, (k, v) => v++); } })); }
Another one way, I have used ContinueWith option with the Task as shown below:
foreach (var blob in mailerInbox.ListBlobs()) { if (blob is CloudBlobDirectory) continue; string blobUri = blob.Uri.ToString(); tasks.Enqueue(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { return mailerInbox.GetBlobReference(blobUri).DownloadText(); }).ContinueWith(t => { var match = regex.Match(t.Result); if (match.Groups.Count > 0) { var key = match.Groups[1].Value; cestimate.AddOrUpdate(key, 1, (k, v) => v++); } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion)); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray());Results
I’ve hosted the work role and storage account at “Southeast Asia”. On every VM size, I’ve made 6 runs and removed the first time result. I have given 12 concurrent connection in the ServicePointManager for all the testing. I did not change this value in medium and large instances. All the results are in millisecond.
Extra Small
Surprisingly, irrespective of the VM size, when an operation is I/O bound, asynchronous pattern outshines all the other approaches followed by Parallel.
Final Words
Hence, the “asynchronous” approach won the I/O bound operation (shown as a diagram also here).
Let me come up with one more test which covers on which area Parallel approach will shine. In addition to these, when you have lesser I/O and want smooth multithreading, Task and Task + ContinueWith may help you.
What do you think? Share your thoughts!
I highly thank Steve Marx and Nuno for validating my approach and the results which are actually improved my overall testing strategy.
The source code is available at http://udooz.net/file-drive/doc_download/23-mailanalyzerasyncpoc.html
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SQL Azure Database, Federations and Reporting
• Manu Cohen-Yashar (@ManuKahn) recommended that you Scale Data Applications with Sql Azure in a 4/17/2012 post:
When designing a data application, traditionally the bottleneck lies within the database. A traditional on-premises database does not scale very well. It is difficult to split a database between a cluster of machines so usually the database runs on the most powerful machine available which tend to be expensive.
To solve the problem some data processing is moved form its natural environment (i.e. DB) to the business tier which scale much better. The business tier is easy to replicate so it can help reduce the performance bottleneck of the database.
In Sql Azure things are different. Sql Azure is NOT running on simple Sql servers 2008 machines which happen to be on the cloud. Sql Azure has a different architecture. It runs on a grid of servers split into service and platform layers. The platform layer runs the sql engine and the service layer is responsible for the connection and provisioning.
"SQL Azure subscribers access the actual databases, which are stored on multiple machines in the data center, through the logical server. The SQL Azure Gateway service acts as a proxy, forwarding the Tabular Data Stream (TDS) requests to the logical server. It also acts as a security boundary providing login validation, enforcing your firewall and protecting the instances of SQL Server behind the gateway against denial-of-service attacks. The Gateway is composed of multiple computers, each of which accepts connections from clients, validates the connection information and then passes on the TDS to the appropriate physical server, based on the database name specified in the connection"
An important aspect about Sql Azure is the fact that this is a shared infrastructure. You do not own a specific server. This is why Sql Azure billing is calculated according to the amount of storage you use only and does not take the cpu consumption of the database into consideration.
Another thing to know about Sql Azure is the fact that your databases are replicated across 3 different servers. Large databases can be split horizontally using Sql Azure Sharding.
"Sharding is an application pattern for improving the scalability and throughput of large-scale data solutions. To “shard” an application is the process of breaking an application’s logical database into smaller chunks of data, and distributing the chunks of data across multiple physical databases to achieve application scalability"
Sql Azure in contrast to on-premises databases scales very well.
SQL Azure combined with database sharding techniques provides for virtually unlimited scalability of data for an application.And a final word about billing: The only compute power customers are charged for in windows azure is on the running roles. Sql Azure CPU is free !!!
So the conclusion is that in cloud applications you might want to consider to move data processing back to the database, use Sql Azure Sharding and save money.
You might check out Manu’s four-part Azure ServiceBus Topic using REST API – Part 4 series (missed when published).
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MarketPlace DataMarket, Social Analytics, Big Data and OData
• Mark Stafford (@markdstafford) of the OData.org team reported the availability of JSON Light Sample Payloads on 4/16/2012:
We recently put together a document that contains some of our thinking about JSON light as well as a whole slew of sample payloads. We would love to hear any feedback you have on the format; you can comment in the accompanying OneNote.
We will be accepting public feedback on JSON light until May 4, 2012. We will also provide a preview release of the JSON light bits via NuGet for interested parties.
- JSON light at-a-glance: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0d23ed2816deea7b&resid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!966&parid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!106&authkey=!AAYCE2RUJccjhHk
- Discussion: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=0d23ed2816deea7b&page=view&resid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!967&parid=D23ED2816DEEA7B!106&authkey=!ABdrv3heWfQFY4Y
Interesting use of Windows Live SkyDrive for enclosures, but the URLs are a bit long. The most recent SkyDrive update offers a built-in URL shortener.
Glenn Gailey (@ggailey777) explained Upgrading WCF Data Services Projects to WCF Data Services 5.0 in a 4/16/2012 post:
Now that WCF Data Services 5.0 has been shipped with support for OData v3, it’s time to start updating existing applications to take advantage of some of the new features of OData v3. For a complete list of new OData v3 features that are supported in WCF Data Services 5.0, see the post WCF Data Services 5.0 RTM Release.
Note: If you do not need any of the new OData v3 functionalities, you don’t really need to upgrade to WCF Data Services 5.0. If you do upgrade, you can still take advantage of the OData v2 behaviors in WCF Data Services 5.0. For more information, see the section OData Protocol Versions in Data Service Versioning (WCF Data Services).
Side-by-Side Installation
This release installs side-by-side with the previous versions of WCF Data Services that are in the .NET Framework. This is achieved by renaming the WCF Data Services assemblies from System.Data.Services.*.dll to Microsoft.Data.Services.*.dll, which makes it easier to target the version of WCF Data Services without having to use the multi-targeting in Visual Studio (trust me this is a good thing). This new out-of-band version of WCF Data Services is installed in the program files directory rather than with the reference assemblies. This means that you can find the new assemblies in the following installation path on an x64 computer:
%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.0\binAs you would expect, the WCF Data Services client and server libraries are in the .NETFramework subdirectory and the Silverlight client assemblies are in the SL directory (plus, the Silverlight assemblies have SL appended to the file name).
Common Upgrade Tasks
There are two things that you need to do before you can upgrade a Visual Studio project to use WCF Data Services 5.0 libraries.
- Install the new 5.0 release, which you can get from the Download Center page WCF Data Services 5.0 for OData v3.
- Remove any existing references to existing assemblies the name of which start with System.Data.Services.
At this point, you can upgrade either data service or client projects.
Upgrading a Data Service Project
Use the following procedure to upgrade an existing WCF Data Services instance to 5.0 and use OData v3 support:
- Remove references to System.Data.Services.dll and System.Data.Services.Client.dll.
- Add a new reference to Microsoft.Data.Services.dll and Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll assemblies (found in the installation location described above).
- Change the Factory attribute in the .svc file markup to:
Factory="System.Data.Services.DataServiceHostFactory, Microsoft.Data.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"- Change the value of DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion to DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3.
Upgrading an OData Client Project
Really, the only way that I have found to be able to correctly upgrade an existing client application to use the WCF Data Services 5.0 version of the client libraries is as follows:
- Remove the existing references to System.Data.Services.Client.dll.
- Delete the existing service references to OData services.
- Re-add the service reference using the Add Service Reference dialog in Visual Studio.
Heads-up for JSON-based Applications
OData v3 introduces a change in the Accept header values used to request a JSON response from the data service. This change doesn’t technically break OData v2 clients because it requires that the data service use the OData v3. However, you may start to get HTTP 415 responses after you upgrade the client or service to OData v3 and request that the data service use the OData v3 protocol with the old application/json value. For a good, detailed explanation of the nuances of this, see the post What happened to application/json in WCF DS 5.0?
As you may recall from my earlier post Getting JSON Out of WCF Data Services, you have to do some extra work enable the data service to handle the $format=json query option. Remember that when upgrading such a data service to support OData v3, you must also change the JSON Accept header value inserted by your code to application/json;odata=verbose.
Tony Baer (@TonyBaer) stood in on 4/16/2012 for Andrew Brust (@andrewbrust) as the author of Fast Data hits the Big Data fast lane for ZDNet’s Big Data blog:
Of the 3 “V’s” of Big Data – volume, variety, velocity (we’d add “Value” as the 4th V) – velocity has been the unsung ‘V.’ With the spotlight on Hadoop, the popular image of Big Data is large petabyte data stores of unstructured data (which are the first two V’s). While Big Data has been thought of as large stores of data at rest, it can also be about data in motion.
“Fast Data” refers to processes that require lower latencies than would otherwise be possible with optimized disk-based storage. Fast Data is not a single technology, but a spectrum of approaches that process data that might or might not be stored. It could encompass event processing, in-memory databases, or hybrid data stores that optimize cache with disk.
Fast Data is nothing new, but because of the cost of memory, was traditionally restricted to a handful of extremely high-value use cases. For instance:
- Wall Street firms routinely analyze live market feeds, and in many cases, run sophisticated complex event processing (CEP) programs on event streams (often in real time) to make operational decisions.
- Telcos have handled such data in optimizing network operations while leading logistics firms have used CEP to optimize their transport networks.
- In-memory databases, used as a faster alternative to disk, have similarly been around for well over a decade, having been employed for program stock trading, telecommunications equipment, airline schedulers, and large destination online retail (e.g., Amazon).
Hybrid in-memory and disk have also become commonplace, especially amongst data warehousing systems (e.g., Teradata, Kognitio), and more recently among the emergent class of advanced SQL analytic platforms (e.g., Greenplum, Teradata Aster, IBM Netezza, HP Vertica, ParAccel) that employ smart caching in conjunction with a number of other bells and whistles to juice SQL performance and scaling (e.g., flatter indexes, extensive use of various data compression schemes, columnar table structures, etc.). Many of these systems are in turn packaged as appliances that come with specially tuned, high-performance backplanes and direct attached disk.
Finally, caching is hardly unknown to the database world. Hot spots of data that are frequently accessed are often placed in cache, as are snapshots of database configurations that are often stored to support restore processes, and so on.
So what’s changed?
The usual factors: the same data explosion that created the urgency for Big Data is also generating demand for making the data instantly actionable. Bandwidth, commodity hardware and, of course, declining memory prices, are further forcing the issue: Fast Data is no longer limited to specialized, premium use cases for enterprises with infinite budgets.Not surprisingly, pure in-memory databases are now going mainstream: Oracle and SAP are choosing in-memory as one of the next places where they are establishing competitive stakes: SAP HANA vs. Oracle Exalytics. Both Oracle and SAP for now are targeting analytic processing, including OLAP (by raising the size limits on OLAP cubes) and more complex, multi-stage analytic problems that traditionally would have required batch runs (such as multivariate pricing) or would not have been run at all (too complex, too much delay). More to the point, SAP is counting on HANA as a major pillar of its stretch goal to become the #2 database player by 2015, which means expanding HANA’s target to include next generation enterprise transactional applications with embedded analytics.
Potential use cases for Fast Data could encompass:
- A homeland security agency monitoring the borders requiring the ability to parse, decipher, and act on complex occurrences in real time to prevent suspicious people from entering the country
- Capital markets trading firms requiring real-time analytics and sophisticated event processing to conduct algorithmic or high-frequency trades
- Entities managing smart infrastructure which must digest torrents of sensory data to make real-time decisions that optimize use of transportation or public utility infrastructure
- B2B consumer products firms monitoring social networks may require real-time response to understand sudden swings in customer sentiment
For such organizations, Fast Data is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.
More specialized use cases are similarly emerging now that the core in-memory technology is becoming more affordable. YarcData, a startup from venerable HPC player Cray Computer, is targeting graph data, which represents data with many-to-many relationships. Graph computing is extremely process-intensive, and as such, has traditionally been run in batch when involving Internet-size sets of data. YarcData adopts a classic hybrid approach that pipelines computations in memory, but persisting data to disk. YarcData is the tip of the iceberg – we expect to see more specialized applications that utilize hybrid caching that combine speed with scale.
But don’t forget, memory’s not the new disk
The movement – or tiering – of data to faster or slower media is also nothing new. What is new is that data in memory may no longer be such a transient thing, and if memory is relied upon for in situ processing of data in motion or rapid processing of data at rest, memory cannot simply be treated as the new disk. Excluding specialized forms of memory such as ROM, by nature anything that’s solid state is volatile: there goes your power… and there goes your data. Not surprisingly, in-memory systems such as HANA still replicate to disk to reduce volatility. For conventional disk data stores that increasingly leverage memory, Storage Switzerland’s George Crump makes the case that caching practices must become smarter to avoid misses (where data gets mistakenly swapped out). There are also balance of system considerations: memory may be fast, but is its processing speed well matched with processor? Maybe solid state overcomes I/O issues associated with disk, but may still be vulnerable to coupling issues if processors get bottlenecked or MapReduce jobs are not optimized.Declining memory process are putting Fast Data on the fast lane to mainstream. But as the technology is now becoming affordable, we’re still early in the learning curve for how to design for it.
Clemens Vasters (@clemensv) asked “REST API” or “HTTP API”? in a 4/13/2012 post:
I just wrote this email on a private mailing list and thought it may make sense to share it. The context of the discussion was overuse of the term “REST” in a document discussing an HTTP API:
REST is a set of architectural principles. REST describes how state flows and describes the shape of relationships between the parties in a distributed system. HTTP is a protocol with a variety of stacks supporting it, and the REST principles were born out of developing HTTP. There could, in theory, a broad variety of protocols that also embody REST architecture, but there are, in fact, very few (if any) that aren’t just variations of HTTP.
“The client sends …”, “The server receives …”, “The server provides an interface for …” are all statements about implementation and, thus, HTTP. It commonly starts making talking about REST specifically when debating whether a system is actually following the principles according to the 5.3.3 “Data View” section in [1], since everything up to that point in Fielding’s dissertation you get generally for free with HTTP.
[1] http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_style.htm
Bottom line: HTTP APIs are HTTP APIs. REST is about how things hang together. The terms aren’t interchangeable. In most technical discussions about interfaces or methods or URIs and most other implementation details, HTTP API is the right term.
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Windows Azure Service Bus, Access Control, Identity and Workflow
Jim O’Neil (@jimoneil) announced on 4/16/2012 that he will appear on Mike Benkovich’s Windows Azure Soup to Nuts: Service Bus (April 17) Webcast":
My colleague, Mike Benkovich, has been running a weekly webcast called “Cloud Computing: Soup to Nuts”, covering various parts of the Windows Azure platform for the developer audience. It’s a great way to get your ‘head in the clouds’ and make use of the 90-day Windows Azure Free Trial or your MSDN benefits (you did know you get free time in the cloud with MSDN, right?).
Tomorrow, Tuesday April 17th, I’ll be the guest presenter for the ninth segment of his series: “Getting Started with the Service Bus” from 2 – 3 p.m. ET.
No man is an island, and no cloud application stands alone! Now that you've conquered the core services of web roles, worker roles, storage, and Microsoft SQL Azure, it's time to learn how to bridge applications within the cloud and between the cloud and on premises. This is where the Service Bus comes in—providing connectivity for Windows Communication Foundation and other endpoints even behind firewalls. With both relay and brokered messaging capabilities, you can provide application-to-application communication as well as durable, asynchronous publication/subscription semantics. Come to this webcast ready to participate from your own computer to see how this technology all comes together in real time.
Did you catch that last part of the abstract ? I’m going to need some help with the demos, and that’s where you come in. Intrigued? Register for the webcast!
To catch up on the rest of Mike’s series, check out his Soup to Nuts page on BenkoTips!
No significant articles today.
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Windows Azure VM Role, Virtual Network, Connect, RDP and CDN
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Live Windows Azure Apps, APIs, Tools and Test Harnesses
• Wely Lau (@wely_live) described Moving applications to the cloud: Part 3 – The recommended solution in a 4/17/2012 post to the ACloudyPlace blog:
We illustrated Idelma’s case study in the last article. This article continues from where we left off, looking at how a partner, Ovissia, would provide a recommended solution. Just as a reminder, Idelma had some specific requirements for migration including: cost-effectiveness, no functional changes for the user, and the proprietary CRM system stays on-premise.
Having analyzed the challenges Idelma faces and the requirements it mentioned, Ovissia’s presales architect Brandon gets back to Idelma with the answers. In fact, some of the migration techniques are referenced from the first post in this series.
Cloud Architecture
Figure 1 - TicketOnline Cloud Architecture
Above is the recommended cloud architecture diagram when moving TicketOnline to the cloud. As can be seen from the figure, some portions of the system will remain similar to the on-premise architecture, while others shift towards the cloud-centric architecture.
Let’s take a look at each component in more detail.
1. Migrating a SQL Server 2005 database to SQL Azure
SQL Azure is cloud-based database service built on SQL Server technologies. In fact, at the moment, the most similar version of SQL Azure is SQL Server 2008.
There are several ways to migrate SQL Server to SQL Azure. One of the simplest ways is to use “Generate and Publish Scripts” wizard from SQL Server 2008 R2 / 2012 Management Studio.
Figure 2 – SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 (Generate Scripts Wizard)
Another option is to use third party tool such as SQL Azure Migration Wizard.
After the database has been successfully migrated to SQL Azure, connecting to it from the application is as straightforward as changing the connection string.
2. Relaying on-premise WCF Service using Windows Azure Service Bus
One of Idelma’s requirements states that the CRM web service must remain on-premise and also must be consumed securely. To satisfy this, Ovissia recommends using Windows Azure Service Bus which provides messaging and relay capability across multiple network hierarchies. With the relay capability and secured by Access Control Service, it enables the hybrid model scenario such that the TicketOnline web application is able to securely connect back to the on-premise CRM Service.
2.1 Converting ASMX to WCF
Despite its powerful capability, Service Bus requires WCF Service instead of asmx web service. Thus, the current asmx web service should be converted to WCF Service. MSDN library provides a walkthrough on migrating ASMX Web Service to WCF.
3. Converting to Web Role
Windows Azure Web Role is used to host web applications running on Windows Azure. Therefore, it is an ideal component to host the TicketOnline web application. Hosting on Windows Azure Web Role requires an ASP.NET web application, not an ASP.NET website. Please refer to this documentation for the difference between the two. The MSDN library also provides a detailed walkthrough on how to convert a web site to web application in Visual Studio.
When the website has been converted to a web application project, it is one step closer to the Web Role. In fact, there are only three differences between the two as can be seen on the following figures.
Figure 3 – Differences between Web Role VS ASP.NET Web Application (Windows Azure Platform Training Kit – BuildingASPNETApps.pptx, slide 7)
4. Converting Windows Service Batch Job to Windows Azure Worker Role
Running Windows Service on Windows Azure can be pretty challenging. In fact, Windows Service is not available out-of-the-box on Windows Azure. The recommended approach is to convert the Windows Service to a Windows Azure Worker Role. You may refer to section 3 of the first article in this series for further explanation.
5. Conventional File System to Windows Azure Blob Storage
Idelma uses a conventional file server to store documents and images. When moving the application to Windows Azure, the ideal option is to store them in Windows Azure Storage, particularly Blob Storage. Not only is it cost-effective, but Windows Azure Storage also provides highly available and scalable storage services.
However, migrating from a conventional file system to Blob storage requires some effort:
- First, the API – the way the application accesses Blob Storage. For a .NET application, Windows Azure provides a Storage Client Library for .NET which enables .NET developers to access Windows Azure Storage easily.
- Second, migrating existing files – this can be done through explorer tools such as Cloud Xplorer or Cloud Storage Studio.
6. Configuration changes
Today, many applications (including TicketOnline) store settings such as application configuration and connection string in .config files (app.config / web.config). We know that the .config file is stored in an individual virtual machine (VM), but storing those settings in a .config file has a drawback. If you need to apply any changes to the settings, a re-deployment is required.
In the cloud, the recommended solution is to store the settings in an accessible and centralized medium such as a database. But if we just need to store the key-value pair setting, ServiceConfiguration.cscfg is actually a good choice. Changing settings in ServiceConfiguration.cscfg does not require a re-deployment and each VM will always get the latest updated settings.
There’s effort little bit of work to do when changing the setting from .config to ServiceConfiguration.cscfg. The following snippet shows the difference between the two.
string settingFromConfigFiles = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["name"].ToString(); //getting setting from .config files string settingFromAzureConfig = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("name").ToString(); //getting setting from ServiceConfiguration.cscfg7. Sending Email on Windows Azure
The current architecture shows that email is sent through on-premise SMTP. If there is a requirement to continue using on-premise SMTP to send email, we could either propose to use a similar relay technique using Service Bus or use Windows Azure Connect to group cloud VMs and on-premise SMTP together.
Another option is to use a third-party SMTP provider. Recently, Microsoft has partnered with SendGrid to provide a special offer to Windows Azure subscribers for 25,000 free emails per month. This serves as a value-added service by Windows Azure without any extra charges.
8. Logging on the Cloud
Currently, TicketOnline stores the logs in a database. Although this works well with a SQL Azure database, it may not be the most cost-effective option as SQL Azure charges approximately $ 10 per GB per month. Over the time, the log will grow more and more, and might result in high running costs for the customer.
Remember, a workable solution is not enough; the solution should be cost-effective as well.
Windows Azure Storage is another option to store diagnostic data and logs. In fact, Windows Azure Diagnostic makes Windows Azure Storage the best option to store logs and diagnostic information. More details on Windows Azure Diagnosticscan be found in section 4 of the first article in this series.
To conclude, this article provides a recommended solution to answer the challenges that Idelma face. You can see the difference between the on-premise and cloud architecture. This article also explains various components of the proposed solution.
Of course, this is not the only available solution as there may be other variations. There is no one-size-fits-all solution and there are always trade-offs among solutions. Finally, I hope this series on Moving Applications to the Cloud brings you some insight, especially for those who are considering moving applications to the cloud.
Full disclosure: I’m a paid contributor to Red Gate Software’s ACloudyPlace blog.
• Brian Swan (@brian_swan) posted Azure Real World: Managing and Monitoring Drupal Sites on Windows Azure on 4/17/2012:
A few weeks ago, I co-authored an article (with my colleague Rama Ramani) about how the Screen Actors Guild Awards website migrated its Drupal deployment from LAMP to Windows Azure: Azure Real World: Migrating a Drupal Site from LAMP to Windows Azure. Since then, Rama and another colleague, Jason Roth, have been working on writing up how the SAG Awards website was managed and monitored in Windows Azure. The article below is the fruit of their work…a very interesting/educational read.
Drupal is an open source content management system that runs on PHP. Windows Azure offers a flexible platform for hosting, managing, and scaling Drupal deployments. This paper focuses on an approach to host Drupal sites on Windows Azure, based on learning from a BPD Customer Programs Design Win engagement with the Screen Actors Guild Awards Drupal website. This paper covers guidelines and best practices for managing an existing Drupal web site in Windows Azure. For more information on how to migrate Drupal applications to Windows Azure, see Azure Real World: Migrating a Drupal Site from LAMP to Windows Azure.
The target audience for this paper is Drupal administrators who have some exposure to Windows Azure. More detailed pointers to Windows Azure content is provided throughout the paper as links.
Drupal Application Architecture on Windows Azure
Before reviewing the management and monitoring guidelines, it is important to understand the architecture of a typical Drupal deployment on Windows Azure. First, the following diagram displays the basic architecture of Drupal running on Windows and IIS7.
In the Windows Server scenario, you could have one or more machines hosting the web site in a farm. Those machines would either persist the site content to the file system or point to other network shares.
For Windows Azure, the basic architecture is the same, but there are some differences. In Windows Azure the site is hosted on a web role. A web role instance is hosted on a Windows Server 2008 virtual machine within the Windows Azure datacenter. Like the web farm, you can have multiple instances running the site. But there is no persistence guarantee for the data on the file system. Because of this, much of the shared site content should be stored in Windows Azure Blob storage. This allows them to be highly available and durable. Usually, a large portion of the site caters to static content which lends well to caching. And caching can be applied in a set of places – browser level caching, CDN to cache content in the edge closer to the browser clients, caching in Azure to reduce the load on backend, etc. Finally, the database can be located in SQL Azure. The following diagram shows these differences.
For monitoring and management, we will look at Drupal on Windows Azure from three perspectives:
- Availability: Ensure the web site does not go down and that all tiers are setup correctly. Apply best practices to ensure that the site is deployed across data centers and perform backup operations regularly.
- Scalability: Correctly handle changes in user load. Understand the performance characteristics of the site.
- Manageability: Correctly handle updates. Make code and site changes with no downtime when possible.
Although some management tasks span one or more of these categories, it is still helpful to discuss Drupal management on Windows Azure within these focus areas.
One main goal is that the Drupal site remains running and accessible to all end-users. This involves monitoring both the site and the SQL Azure database that the site depends on. In this section, we will briefly look at monitoring and backup tasks. Other crossover areas that affect availability will be discussed in the next section on scalability.
With any application, monitoring plays an important role with managing availability. Monitoring data can reveal whether users are successfully using the site or whether computing resources are meeting the demand. Other data reveals error counts and possibly points to issues in a specific tier of the deployment.
There are several monitoring tools that can be used.
- The Windows Azure Management Portal.
- Windows Azure diagnostic data.
- Custom monitoring scripts.
- System Center Operations Manager.
- Third party tools such as Azure Diagnostics Manager and Azure Storage Explorer.
The Windows Azure Management Portal can be used to ensure that your deployments are successful and running. You can also use the portal to manage features such as Remote Desktop so that you can directly connect to machines that are running the Drupal site.
Windows Azure diagnostics allows you to collect performance counters and logs off of the web role instances that are running the Drupal site. Although there are many options for configuring diagnostics in Azure, the best solution with Drupal is to use a diagnostics configuration file. The following configuration file demonstrates some basic performance counters that can monitor resources such as memory, processor utilization, and network bandwidth.
<DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2010/10/DiagnosticsConfiguration"configurationChangePollInterval="PT1M"overallQuotaInMB="4096"><DiagnosticInfrastructureLogs bufferQuotaInMB="10"scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter="Error"scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M" /><Logs bufferQuotaInMB="0"scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter="Verbose"scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M" /><Directories bufferQuotaInMB="0" scheduledTransferPeriod="PT5M"><!-- These three elements specify the special directories that are set up for the log types --><CrashDumps container="wad-crash-dumps" directoryQuotaInMB="256" /><FailedRequestLogs container="wad-frq" directoryQuotaInMB="256" /><IISLogs container="wad-iis" directoryQuotaInMB="256" /></Directories><PerformanceCounters bufferQuotaInMB="0" scheduledTransferPeriod="PT1M"><!-- The counter specifier is in the same format as the imperative diagnostics configuration API --><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Memory\Available MBytes" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/sec" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Processor(*)\% Processor Time" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\System\Processor Queue Length" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Current Connections" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Bytes Total/sec" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Connection Attempts/sec" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Get Requests/sec" sampleRate="PT10M" /><PerformanceCounterConfiguration counterSpecifier="\Web Service(_Total)\Files Sent/sec" sampleRate="PT10M" /></PerformanceCounters><WindowsEventLog bufferQuotaInMB="0"scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter="Verbose"scheduledTransferPeriod="PT5M"><!-- The event log name is in the same format as the imperative diagnostics configuration API --><DataSource name="System!*" /></WindowsEventLog></DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration>For more information about setting up diagnostic configuration files, see How to Use the Windows Azure Diagnostics Configuration File. This information is stored locally on each role instance and then transferred to Windows Azure storage per a defined schedule or on-demand. See Getting Started with Storing and Viewing Diagnostic Data in Windows Azure Storage. Various monitoring tools, such as Azure Diagnostics Manager, help you to more easily analyze diagnostic data.
Monitoring the performance of the machines hosting the Drupal site is only part of the story. In order to plan properly for both availability and scalability, you should also monitor site traffic, including user load patterns and trends. Standard and custom diagnostic data could contribute to this, but there are also third-party tools that monitor web traffic. For example, if you know that spikes occur in your application during certain days of the week, you could make changes to the application to handle the additional load and increase the availability of the Drupal solution.
Backup Tasks
To remain highly available, it is important to backup your data as a defense-in-depth strategy for disaster recovery. This is true even though SQL Azure and Windows Azure Storage both implement redundancy to prevent data loss. One obvious reason is that these services cannot prevent administrator error if data is accidentally deleted or incorrectly changed.
SQL Azure does not currently have a formal backup technology, although there are many third-party tools and solutions that provide this capability. Usually the database size for a Drupal site is relatively small. In the case of SAG Awards, it was only ~100-150 MB. So performing an entire backup using any strategy was relatively fast. If your database is much larger, you might have to test various backup strategies to find the one that works best.
Apart from third-party SQL Azure backup solutions, there are several strategies for obtaining a backup of your data:
- Use the Drush tool and the portabledb-export command.
- Periodically copy the database using the CREATE DATABASE Transact-SQL command.
- Use Data-tier applications (DAC) to assist with backup and restore of the database.
SQL Azure backup and data security techniques are described in more detail in the topic, Business Continuity in SQL Azure.
Note that bandwidth costs accrue with any backup operation that transfers information outside of the Windows Azure datacenter. To reduce costs, you can copy the database to a database within the same datacenter. Or you can export the data-tier applications to blob storage in the same datacenter.
Another potential backup task involves the files in Blob storage. If you keep a master copy of all media files uploaded to Blob storage, then you already have an on-premises backup of those files. However, if multiple administrators are loading files into Blob storage for use on the Drupal site, it is a good idea to enumerate the storage account and to download any new files to a central location. The following PHP script demonstrates how this can be done by backing up all files in Blob storage after a specified modification date.
<?php/*** Backup the blob storage to a local folder** PHP version 5.3** @category Blob Backup* @package Windows Azure* @author Bibin Kurian* @copyright 2011 Microsoft Corp. (http://www.microsoft.com)* @license New BSD license, (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php)* @version SVN: 1.0* @link**//** Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Blob */require_once 'Microsoft/WindowsAzure/Storage/Blob.php';//Windows Azure BLOB storage account namedefine("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "YOUR_ACCOUNTNAME");//Windows Azure BLOB storage container namedefine("AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER", "YOUR_STORAGECONTAINERNAME");//Windows Azure BLOB storage secret keydefine("AZURE_STORAGE_KEY","YOUR_SECRETKEY");//backup folderdefine("STORAGE_BACKUP_DIR", "YOUR_LOCALDRIVE");//backup from datedefine("DEFAULT_BACKUP_FROM_DATE", strtotime("Mon, 19 Dec 2011 22:00:00 GMT"));//backup to datedefine("DEFAULT_BACKUP_TO_DATE", time());//directory seperatordefine("DS", "\\");//start backup logic//current datetime to create the backup folder$now = date("F j, Y, g.i A");$fullBackupDirPath = STORAGE_BACKUP_DIR . DS . $now . DS. AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER;mkdir($fullBackupDirPath, 0755, true);//For the directory creations, pointing the current directory to user specified directorychdir($fullBackupDirPath);//BLOB object$blobObj = new Microsoft_WindowsAzure_Storage_Blob('blob.core.windows.net',AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT,AZURE_STORAGE_KEY);//$blobObj->setProxy(true, 'YOUR_PROXY_IF_NEEDED', 80);$blobs = (array)$blobObj->listBlobs(AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER, '', '', 35000);backupBlobs($blobs, $blobObj);function backupBlobs($blobs, $blobObj) {foreach ($blobs as $blob) {if (strtotime($blob->lastmodified) >= DEFAULT_BACKUP_FROM_DATE && strtotime($blob->lastmodified) <= DEFAULT_BACKUP_TO_DATE) {$path = pathinfo($blob->name);if ($path['basename'] != '$$$.$$$') {$dir = $path['dirname'];$oldDir = getcwd();if (handleDirectory($dir)) {chdir($dir);$blobObj->getBlob(AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER,$blob->name,$path['basename']);chdir($oldDir);}}}}}function handleDirectory($dir) {if (!checkDirExists($dir)) {return mkdir($dir, 0755, true);}return true;}function checkDirExists($dir) {if(file_exists($dir) && is_dir($dir)) {return true;}return false;}?>This script has a dependency on the Windows Azure SDK for PHP. Also note there are several parameters that you must modify such as the storage account, secret, and backup location. As with SQL Azure, bandwidth and transaction charges apply to a backup script like this.
Drupal sites on Windows Azure can scale as load increased through typical strategies of scale-up, scale-out, and caching. The following sections describe the specifics of how these strategies are implemented in Windows Azure.
Typically you make scalability decisions based on monitoring and capacity planning. Monitoring can be done in staging during testing or in production with real-time load. Capacity planning factors in projections for changes in user demand.
Scale Up
When you configure your web role prior to deployment, you have the option of specifying the Virtual Machine (VM) size, such as Small or ExtraLarge. Each size tier adds additional memory, processing power, and network bandwidth to each instance of your web role. For cost efficiency and smaller units of scale, you can test your application under expected load to find the smallest virtual machine size that meets your requirements.
The workload usually in most popular Drupal websites can be separated out into a limited set of Drupal admins making content changes and a large user base who perform mostly read-only workload. End users can be allowed to make ‘writes’, such as uploading blogs or posting in forums, but those changes are not ‘content changes’. Drupal admins are setup to operate without caching so that the writes are made directly to SQL Azure or the corresponding backend database. This workload performs well with Large or ExtraLarge VM sizes. Also, note that the VM size is closely tied to all hardware resources, so if there are many content-rich pages that are streaming content, then the VM size requirements are higher.
To make changes to the Virtual Machine size setting, you must change the vmsize attribute of the WebRole element in the service definition file, ServiceDefinition.csdef. A virtual machine size change requires existing applications to be redeployed.
Scale Out
In addition to the size of each web role instance, you can increase or decrease the number of instances that are running the Drupal site. This spreads the web requests across more servers, enabling the site to handle more users. To change the number of running instances of your web role, see How to Scale Applications by Increasing or Decreasing the Number of Role Instances.
Note that some configuration changes can cause your existing web role instances to recycle. You can choose to handle this situation by applying the configuration change and continue running. This is done by handling the RoleEnvironment.Changing event. For more information see, How to Use the RoleEnvironment.Changing Event.
A common question for any Windows Azure solution is whether there is some type of built-in automatic scaling. Windows Azure does not provide a service that provides auto-scaling. However, it is possible to create a custom solution that scales Azure services using the Service Management API. For an example of this approach, see An Auto-Scaling Module for PHP Applications in Windows Azure.
Caching is an important strategy for scaling Drupal applications on Windows Azure. One reason for this is that SQL Azure implements throttling mechanisms to regulate the load on any one database in the cloud. Code that uses SQL Azure should have robust error handling and retry logic to account for this. For more information, see Error Messages (SQL Azure Database). Because of the potential for load-related throttling as well as for general performance improvement, it is strongly recommended to use caching.
Although Windows Azure provides a Caching service, this service does not currently have interoperability with PHP. Because of this, the best solution for caching in Drupal is to use a module that uses an open-source caching technology, such as Memcached.
Outside of a specific Drupal module, you can also configure Memcached to work in PHP for Windows Azure. For more information, see Running Memcached on Windows Azure for PHP. Here is also an example of how to get Memcached working in Windows Azure using a plugin: Windows Azure Memcached plugin.
In a future paper, we hope to cover this architecture in more detail. For now, here are several design and management considerations related to caching.
For ease of use and cost savings, collocation of the cache across the web role instances of the Drupal site works best. However, this assumes that there is available reserve memory on each instance to apply toward caching. It is possible to increase the virtual machine size setting to increase the amount of available memory on each machine. It is also possible to add additional web role instances to add to the overall memory of the cache while at the same time improving the ability of the web site to respond to load. It is possible to create a dedicated cache cluster in the cloud, but the steps for this are beyond the scope of this paper.
For Windows Azure Blob storage, there is also a caching feature built into the service called the Content Delivery Network (CDN). CDN provides high-bandwidth access to files in Blob storage by caching copies of the files in edge nodes around the world. Even within a single geographic region, you could see performance improvements as there are many more edge nodes than Windows Azure datacenters. For more information, see Delivering High-Bandwidth Content with the Windows Azure CDN.
It is important to note that each hosted service has a Staging environment and a Production environment. This can be used to manage deployments, because you can load and test and application in staging before performing a VIP swap with production.
From a manageability standpoint, Drupal has an advantage on Windows Azure in the way that site content is stored. Because the data necessary to serve pages is stored in the database and blob storage, there is no need to redeploy the application to change the content of the site.
Another best practice is to use a separate storage account for diagnostic data than the one that is used for the application itself. This can improve performance and also helps to separate the cost of diagnostic monitoring from the cost of the running application.
As mentioned previously, there are several tools that can assist with managing Windows Azure applications. The following table summarizes a few of these choices.
- Windows Azure Management Portal The web interface of the Winows Azure management portal shows deployments, instance counts and properties, and supports many different common management and monitoring tasks.
- Azure Diagnostics Manager A Red Gate Software product that provides advanced monitoring and management of diagnostic data. This tool can be very useful for easily analyzing the performance of the Drupal site to determine appropriate scaling decisions.
- Azure Storage Explorer A tool created by Neudesic for viewing Windows Azure storage account. This can be useful for viewing both diagnostic data and the files in Blob storage.
Additional Drupal Resources
The following list contains additional resources for managing your Drupal deployment on Windows Azure:
- Install Drupal for Windows
- Azure Real World: Migrating a Drupal Site from LAMP to Windows Azure
- Drupal on Windows Azure
- Getting Started with Drupal 7 Administration
- Drupal Statistics
- Windows Azure Traffic Manager (WATM)
- System Center Operations Manager MP for Azure applications
- System Center Operations Manager MP for SQL Azure
The Windows Azure Team (@WindowsAzure) announced the availability of the Windows Media Services Preview on 4/16/2012:
Build workflows for the creation, management, and distribution of media with Windows Azure Media Services. Media Services offer the flexibility, scalability, and reliability of a cloud platform to handle high quality media experiences for a global audience. Some common uses of Media Services include:
End to End Workflows
Build comprehensive media workflows entirely in the cloud. From uploading media to distributing content, Media Services provide a range of pre-built, ready-to-use, first- and third-party services that can be combined to meet your specific needs. Capabilities include upload, storage, encoding, format conversion, content protection, and delivery.
Hybrid Workflows
Easily integrate Media Services with tools and processes you already use. For example, encode content on-site then upload to Media Services for transcoding into multiple formats and deliver through a third-party CDN. Media Services can be called individually via standard REST API’s for easy integration with external applications and services.
Cloud Support for Windows, Xbox, iOS, and Android
Creating, managing and delivering media across multiple devices has never been easier. Media Services provide everything you need to deliver content to a variety of devices, from Xbox and Windows PCs, to MacOS, iOS and Android.
Capabilities and Benefits of Media Services
Media Services includes cloud-based versions of many existing technologies from the Microsoft Media Platform and our media partners. Whether enhancing existing solutions or creating new workflows, you can easily combine and manage Media Services to create custom workflows that fit every need:
Ingest: Upload your media assets to Media Services storage using standard HTTP transfers or built-in third-party agents for faster UDP transfers with added security.
Encoding: Work with a range of standard codecs and formats, including industry-leading Smooth Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming, MPEG-DASH and Flash. You can choose the Windows Azure Media Encoder or a built-in third-party encoder.
Format Conversion: Convert entire libraries or individual streams with total control over input and output.
Content Protection: Easily encrypt live or on-demand video and audio with standard MPEG Common Encryption and Microsoft PlayReady, the industry’s most accepted DRM for premium content. Add watermarking to your media for an extra layer of protection.
On-Demand Streaming: Seamlessly deliver content via Windows Azure CDN or a third-party delivery network. Automatically scale to deliver high quality video experiences around the globe.
Live Streaming: Easily create and publish live streaming channels, encoding with Media Services or pushing from an external feed. Take advantage of built-in features like server-side DVR and instant replay.
For more information on these services and how to build solutions around them, visit the Windows Azure Developer Center.
Pricing and Metering for Media Services
The upcoming preview of Windows Azure Media Services will be available at no cost (charges for associated Windows Azure features like Storage, Egress, and CDN may apply). To sign up for the preview, click here.
The announcement coincided with the second day of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show in Las Vegas, NV. You can read more technical details about the Windows Azure Media Services Preview for developers here.
Mary Jo Foley (@maryjofoley) also reported in her Microsoft delivers preview of its Windows Azure-hosted media services platform post of 4/16/2012 to ZDNet’s All About Microsoft blog:
… Microsoft officials also announced at NAB that the company will be working with Akamai and Deltatrae to deliver high definition streaming video of the London 2012 Olympic Games this summer across multiple countries.
Scott Guthrie (@scottgu) rang in with Announcing Windows Azure Media Services on 4/16/2012:
I'm excited to share news about a great new cloud capability we are announcing today - Windows Azure Media Services.
Windows Azure Media Services
Windows Azure Media Services is a cloud-based PaaS solution that enables you to efficiently build and deliver media solutions to customers. It offers a bunch of ready-to-use services that enable the fast ingestion, encoding, format-conversion, storage, content protection, and streaming (both live and on-demand) of video. It also integrates and exposes services provided by industry leading partners – enabling an incredibly deep media stack of functionality that you can leverage.
You can use Windows Azure Media Services to deliver solutions to any device or client - including HTML5, Silverlight, Flash, Windows 8, iPads, iPhones, Android, Xbox, and Windows Phone devices. Windows Azure Media Services supports a wide variety of streaming formats - including Smooth Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), and Flash Media Streaming.
One of the unique aspects of Windows Azure Media Services is that all of its features are exposed using a consistent HTTP REST API. This is true both for the media services we've built, as well as the partner delivered media services that are enabled through it. This makes it incredibly easy to automate media workflows and integrate the combined set of services within your applications and media solutions. Like the rest of Windows Azure, you only pay for what you use with Windows Azure Media Services – making it a very cost effective way to deliver great solutions.
Windows Azure Media Services uses the same award-winning media backend that has been used to power some of the largest live sporting events ever broadcast on the web - including the 2010 Winter Olympics, 2010 FIFA World Cup, 2011 Wimbledon Championships, and 2012 NFL SuperBowl. Using Windows Azure Media Services you'll now be able to quickly standup and automate media cloud solutions of your own that are capable of delivering amazing solutions to an equal sized audience.
Learn More
We are introducing Windows Azure Media Services at the 2012 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show this week, and attendees can stop by the Microsoft booth there to meet the team and see live demonstrations of it in action.
You can also visit windowsazure.com/media to learn more about the specific features it supports, and visit the windowsazure.com media dev center to learn more about how to develop against it. You can sign-up to try out the preview of Windows Azure Media Services by sending email to mediaservices@microsoft.com (along with details of the scenario you'd like to use it for).
We are really excited about the capabilities Windows Azure Media Services provides, and are looking forward to watching the solutions that will soon be built on it.
Benjamin Guinebertière (@benjguin) described How to request/buy a certificate and use it in Windows Azure in a 4/14/2012 bilingual post. From the English version:
Some domain registrars may let you request an SSL certificate for your domain. It is also possible to buy a certificate from a certificate authority. This post shows a way to request such a real or production certificate (not a test certificate) and use it in Windows Azure.
In this example I use Gandi registrar. With each domain they offer an SSL certificate; so let’s see how to request it and use it in Windows Azure. The main steps are:
- create a request from within IIS
- send the request to Gandi
- confirm the request in a bunch of e-mail and Web interfaces
- retrieve the request response and put it into IIS
- export the certificate from the IIS machine as a .pfx file
- upload the .pfx file to Windows Azure portal
- use the certificate in a simple sample Windows Azure App.
Create a request from within IIS
In this sample, the domain I registered with www.gandi.net was “appartement-a-vendre-courbevoie.fr” and we’ll create a certificate for myapp.appartement-a-vendre-courbevoie.fr so that we can expose an ssl application at https://myapp.appartement-a-vendre-courbevoie.fr.
We’ll first create a certificate request from within IIS. IIS is used as a tool that will create an unsigned certificate (with its private key) before sending it (without the private key) to the certificate authority who will sign the certificate.
Start IIS Manager, and go to the server certificate feature
Create a certificate request
In next screen the most important is to have Common name corresponding exactly to the URL that the certificate will be used with.
This generates a certificate request that looks like this
Send the request to Gandi
Before requesting the certificate, Gandi requires you to have an e-mail adress that corresponds to admin@<yourdomain>. Then, you can request the certificate. Here are the steps.
Confirm the request
Here are the steps to confirm the request
Retrieve the request response
Let’s now retrieve the result
Export the certificate
Let’s now export the certificate from the local machine to a .pfx file.
Upload the .pfx file to Windows Azure portal
Let’s send the .pfx file to Windows Azure
Use the certificate in a simple sample Windows Azure App.
NB: In some configurations, I’ve seen the necessity to have the certificate stored at current user’s level, not only at local machine level. Let’s first copy the certificate from the local machine store to the current user store.
Let’s now use the certificate in a Visual Studio 2010 project and deploy it to Windows Azure.
Let’s deploy to a bunch of extra small machines to show that the certificate is deployed automatically by Windows Azure to each instance. Note that SSL channel ends on each VM in the Web farm as I showed in this previous post.
By the way, using 6 extra small machines is the same price as 1 small machine.
In order to be able to access the App. from the domain name corresponding to the certificate, a CNAME entry must be added in the DNS; then myapp.appartement-a-vendre-courbevoie.fr matches sslapp.cloudapp.net
Here is the result
Richard Conway (@azurecoder) described Automating the generation of service certificates in Windows Azure on 4/13/2012:
I was prompted to write this having seen some of the implementations of the generation of service certificates online. Some poor explanations so I though I’d plug the gap. First let us cover some definitions. We interact with our subscription through a management certificate.
The management certificate needs to be uploaded to the subscription through the portal. This is the only function that we can’t automate. Obvious why, everybody has probably seen the chicken and the egg here already. Anyway, Microsoft have provided a .publishsettings file and Uri which eases the pain of automating this process because the fabric will instamagically update your subscription when you use your live id to login and download a publishsettings file. Y voila you have management access.
A service certificate is something different though. Service certificates are bound to an individual hosted service and don’t entail management of anything. They actually allow you to perform any operation which involves a certificate for that particular hosted service. Under the seams that certificate is being added to the Personal store on each of the role instances within that service.
Service certificates are immensely important for two essential functions: SSL and Remote Desktop.
Management Portal Showing Service Certificates
SSL is intrinsic to the role instance since it is part of IIS which is present on each of the web roles. Remote Desktop requires a plugin but equally uses the service certificate for authentication purposes.
I wanted to highlight one great way of generating service certificates. There are several ways to do this but we’ll focus on a single one although we can use makecert, powershell and Microsoft provide a test app called CertificateGenerator (essentially a COM Callable Wrapper) amongst others. This way uses Bouncy Castle, a great library which is available through nuget. Simply:
Bouncy Castle from Nuget
> Install-Package BouncyCastle
at the Package Manager Console prompt and it is installed.
Let’s start by determining all of our using statements:
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Prng; using Org.BouncyCastle.Math; using Org.BouncyCastle.Security; using Org.BouncyCastle.X509;And then our method signature:
public static X509Certificate2 Create(string name, DateTime start, DateTime end, string userPassword, bool addtoStore = false)
In order to create our certificate as a minimum we need a name, a validity period and as we are protecting a private key we need a private key password (more on this later!). Additionally we may want to add this to a local certificate store which the System.Cryptography assembly allows us to do fairly easily.
We always start any asymmetric cryptographic operation with the a private-public key pair. To generate keys we can use the following:
// generate a key pair using RSA var generator = new RsaKeyPairGenerator(); // keys have to be a minimum of 2048 bits for Azure generator.Init(new KeyGenerationParameters(new SecureRandom(new CryptoApiRandomGenerator()), 2048)); var cerKp = generator.GenerateKeyPair();Two properties that an X509v3 certificate has are a serial number and a subject name (and issuer name). The representation of what this looks like is canonical so we use terms such as “Common Name” (CN) or “Organisational Unit” (OU) to define details about the party the certificate represents and who the authority is that is vouching for them.
To create a subject name we use the X509Name as below and to generate a serial number which is a unique reference to our certificate we generate a large random prime:
// create the CN using the name passed in and create a unique serial number for the cert var certName = new X509Name("CN=" + name); var serialNo = BigInteger.ProbablePrime(120, new Random());After doing this we can create an X509v3CertificateGenerator object which will encapsulate and create the certificate for us:
// start the generator and set CN/DN and serial number and valid period var x509Generator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); x509Generator.SetSerialNumber(serialNo); x509Generator.SetSubjectDN(certName); x509Generator.SetIssuerDN(certName); x509Generator.SetNotBefore(start); x509Generator.SetNotAfter(end);Once we’ve set the basic and essential properties we can focus on what the cert actually does:
// add the server authentication key usage var keyUsage = new KeyUsage(KeyUsage.KeyEncipherment); x509Generator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage, false, keyUsage.ToAsn1Object()); var extendedKeyUsage = new ExtendedKeyUsage(new[] {KeyPurposeID.IdKPServerAuth}); x509Generator.AddExtension(X509Extensions.ExtendedKeyUsage, true, extendedKeyUsage.ToAsn1Object());Two types of property that the certificate has are Key Usage and Extended Key Usage which tell us all about its purpose to life. It’s rasion D’etre (it’s getting that time of night where I think I can actually speak French!)
In this case the certificate we create will need to be able to do two things.
- Prove to a client that it has authority to verify the server and
- Encrypt a key during a key exchange process
X509 Certificate with KU/EKU properties
Both of these are common to SSL (TLS).
The rest is fairly straightforward. We can set a signature algorithm. Note the use of Sha1 which by extension is the thumbprint algorithm in our certificate which is an integrity check to prove that the cert hasn’t been tampered with. It’s important to be aware that Azure will only support this thumbprint algorithm.
// algorithm can only be SHA1 ?? x509Generator.SetSignatureAlgorithm("sha1WithRSA"); // Set the key pair x509Generator.SetPublicKey(cerKp.Public); Org.BouncyCastle.X509.X509Certificate certificate = x509Generator.Generate(cerKp.Private);When this is done we will want to do common tasks with this and generally end up with our familiar X509Certificate2 exposed by the System.Cryptography.X509Certificates namespace and used in all common crypto tasks. Well the means to do this are fairly easy and provided by Bouncy Castle.
// export the certificate bytes byte[] certStream = DotNetUtilities.ToX509Certificate(certificate).Export(X509ContentType.Pkcs12, userPassword);Also not the use of PKCS#12 (Public Key Cryptographic Standard) which defines the private and uses a form of password-based encryption (PBE) to ensure that only with the password can I access the private key. As we can just use our password and now treat the X509Certificate2 class as a container for our cert with private key.
var cert = new X509Certificate2(certStream, userPassword);
Adding the certificate to the store is fairly easy. You would first start by opening the store you want to engage:
/// <summary> /// Returns the My LocalMachine store /// </summary> private static X509Store ReturnStore() { var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store.Open(OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly | OpenFlags.ReadWrite); return store; }After that all it takes is a bit addition using your X509Certificate2 object and then closing the store to release the handle.
One thing to note is that this certificate is self-signed. This doesn’t have to be the case; I could easily build a PKI here using this simple technique. Of course the code would like slightly differently (maybe we’ll cover this in a follow-up post) as would the issuer name.
I thought I’d write this post to offer readers another way to generate certificates. Six years ago when I was involved as the CTO in a startup that produced epassport software I would get immersed into the underlying details of these standards. Most of the time we would use OpenSSL which is an absolute gem of a library but Bouncy Castle comes a pretty close second in terms of functionality and upkeep. Have a play and enjoy!
The next generation of the Azure Fluent Management library uses the above code in order to automate the setup of SSL for a webrole and remote desktop. There has been a lot of refactoring on this recently to help us streamline deployments and we hope to release this in the coming week.
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Visual Studio LightSwitch and Entity Framework 4.1+
• Michael Simons posted Filtering Data using Entity Set Filters (Michael Simons) to the Visual Studio LightSwitch blog on 4/17/2012:
It is common for line of business applications to have scenarios which require row level security (RLS). For example a LightSwitch developer creates an application that stores Employee information such as name and address along with a relationship to EmployeeBenefit information such as salary and number of vacation days. All users of the application should have access to read all of the Employee information but a typical user should only be able to view their own EmployeeBenefit information. In this article, I will show how the entity set filter functionality that was added to LightSwitch in Visual Studio 11 can be used to solve this problem.
Visual Studio LightSwitch (LightSwitch V1)
LightSwitch V1 provided no built in means to solve this problem. The entity set CanRead functionality applies to the entity type as a whole and cannot be used to prevent read access to a specific entity or subset of entities. It has sometimes been assumed that the EntitySet_All preprocess query interception methods can be used prevent read access to a specific set of entities. Although this works when the entity isn’t related to any other entities, it will not work if the entity has any relationships because the query expression defined within the EntitySet_All preprocess query methods only gets applied when the entity set is the target of the query. It is not applied when the entity is referenced or accessed via a navigation property within a query that targets another entity set. Suppose a LightSwitch developer writes the following EmployeeBenefits EntitySet_All query interception method.
partial void EmployeeBenefitsSet_All_PreprocessQuery(ref IQueryable<EmployeeBenefits> query) { query = query.Where(eb => eb.Employee.UserId == this.Application.User.Name); }VB
Private Sub EmployeeBenefitsSet_All_PreprocessQuery(ByRef query As IQueryable(Of EmployeeBenefits)) query = query.Where(Function(eb) eb.Employee.UserId Is Me.Application.User.Name) End SubThis logic would only prevent an end user from seeing other user’s EmployeeBenefit information when executing queries directly on the EmployeeBenefit entity set. For example, it would prevent the following query from returning all of EmployeeBenefit information that does not belong to the user who is executing the query.
EmployeeBenefitsSet.Where(eb => eb.Salary > 100000)
The preprocess query interception logic shown above would not get applied however when the EmployeeBenefit data is indirectly accessed, as shown in the following examples, because the queries are not targeting the EmployeeBenefit entity set.
- Employees.Include("EmployeeBenefits")
- Employees.Where(e => e.EmployeeBenefits.Salary > 100000)
- Employees.OrderBy(e => e.EmployeeBenefits.Salary)
This means the end user would still be able to access or infer information about the EmployeeBenefit data that they should not have access to.
Filter Interception Method
In order to provide a means for LightSwitch developers to implement RLS, a new query interception method has been added to LightSwitch in Visual Studio 11 which allows developers to specify a filter predicate that is applied whenever an entity set is referenced.
The new interception method is available in the Write Code menu button on the table designer. The following is an example of a filter query interception method that can now be written.
partial void EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ref Expression<Func<EmployeeBenefits, bool>> filter) { filter = eb => eb.Employee.UserId == this.Application.User.Name; }VB
Private Sub EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ByRef filter As Expression(Of Func(Of EmployeeBenefits, Boolean))) filter = Function(eb) eb.Employee.UserId Is Me.Application.User.Name End SubIf you are not familiar with the lambda expression syntax used to define the filter, you can read about it on MSDN – C# or VB
Let’s take a look at a concrete example. Within LightSwitch, I have defined an Employee table and EmployeeBenefits table with a 1 to 0..1 relationship between them. The following two screen shots show the two tables.
Since these entities have a 1 to 0..1 relationship, I will also add logic within the Employee_Created interception method to create a new EmployeeBenefits whenever a new Employee is created.
public partial class Employee { partial void Employee_Created() { this.EmployeeBenefits = new EmployeeBenefits(); } }VB
Public Class Employee Private Sub Employee_Created() Me.EmployeeBenefits = New EmployeeBenefits() End Sub End ClassNow I will define an editable grid screen that displays the Employee table.
Now if I publish this application, run it, and add some sample data I will see the following.
The original problem I wanted to solve was that all users should only be able to see their own EmployeeBenefit information. I also want HR administrator users to be able to see everyone's benefit information. In order to accomplish this, I will add a ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation permission. Also note that I am using Forms authentication in this example.
Now I can write my custom logic in the Filter interception method for the EmployeeBenefitsSet.
public partial class ApplicationDataService { partial void EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ref Expression<Func<EmployeeBenefits, bool>> filter) { if (!this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation)) { filter = eb => eb.Employee.UserId == this.Application.User.Name; } } }VB
Public Class ApplicationDataService Private Sub EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ByRef filter As Expression(Of Func(Of EmployeeBenefits, Boolean))) If Not Me.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation) Then filter = Function(eb) eb.Employee.UserId Is Me.Application.User.Name End If End Sub End ClassNow when I run the application and log in as a particular user, I will only see that users EmployeeBenefit information.
You can also see that if you sort on the Salary, the user cannot infer any information about who has the highest salary. That is because any data that is filtered out is treated as null data when the query is processed.
To demonstrate how the ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation permission works, I will add a new HRAdministrator Role within the Roles Administration screen.
And I will give a user the ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation permission by adding them to the HRAdministrator Role.
Now if I log in as the John Deere, I will see all of the Employee Benefit information.
Additional Details
Entity set filters are only available for database data sources including the intrinsic/built-in data source and attached databases. They are not available for attached SharePoint, OData, or Custom RIA data sources. Although if you are using a Custom RIA data source, you can implement your own row level filtering within your RIA data source implementation.
The predicates defined within the Filter interception method may reference other entity sets. For example the filter for the EmployeeBenefits entity set I defined earlier references the Employee entity set.
public partial class ApplicationDataService { partial void EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ref Expression<Func<EmployeeBenefits, bool>> filter) { if (!this.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation)) { filter = eb => eb.Employee.UserId == this.Application.User.Name; } } }VB
Public Class ApplicationDataService Private Sub EmployeeBenefitsSet_Filter(ByRef filter As Expression(Of Func(Of EmployeeBenefits, Boolean))) If Not Me.Application.User.HasPermission(Permissions.ViewAllEmployeeBenefitInformation) Then filter = Function(eb) eb.Employee.UserId Is Me.Application.User.Name End If End Sub End ClassIf I were to additionally define a Filter for the Employee entity set, it would not get applied to the Employee reference within the filter for the EmployeeBenefits entity set. The primary reason for this behavior is because sometimes the filter needs to access data the end user should not have access to in order to determine if the end user should have access to the data.
With LightSwitch in Visual Studio 11 you can define filters on your data and those will now be applied across any query that accesses that data, even via an association. This allows you to easily implement multi-tenant database applications or other applications where only certain rows should be displayed to the user.
Michael Washington (@ADefWebserver) asserted LightSwitch And OData: Like Putting Out A Fire With A Telephone in a 4/14/2012 post:
Visual Studio LightSwitch is a relatively young technology. Its supporters, have various reasons for supporting it. For some it has allowed them to realize their dream application, for others it has allowed them to finally complete that long suffering project.
For myself, my primary motivation is that it allows me to actually complete projects in a reasonable amount of time (and time is money). In most cases I can complete a project 95%+ faster than if I coded the exact same requirements in ASP.NET Web Forms.
The Silverlight Match
Last year, however, there has been a disquiet among my fellow LightSwitch enthusiasts. Silverlight's largest detractor was no longer outsiders but Microsoft:
The problem is that LightSwitch, at the time, only created Silverlight applications. Out ‘in the field’ people would commonly ask, “isn’t Silverlight dead?”. How can we promote LightSwitch in our organizations and to our colleagues and fellow developers if ‘Silverlight is dead’ ?
LightSwitch: The House Is On Fire
For many of my fellow LightSwitch supporters the house was on fire and they were wondering what the LightSwitch team was going to do to put it out. Most agreed that LightSwitch needed to output HTML5 pages to remain competitive.
To use the House Is On Fire as a metaphor, the supporter was watching the house burn and wanted a fire hose, fast.
On February 29th 2012 the LightSwitch team gave us… OData and said HTML5 support won't (yet) be included in LightSwitch.
This was not the fire hose people were looking for. Think about it, your house is burning down and instead of giving you a fire hose, someone gives you… well… a telephone. How are you suppose to put the fire out with a telephone?
I Was Not Scared – Just Annoyed
During the past year I was not scared for the future of LightSwitch, I was annoyed. Many… ok most people did not see what I see. The brilliance of the LightSwitch architecture. LightSwitch does not just create applications, what it mainly does is allow you to define an application, its entities, both local and external, its business rules and objects, and its security. It also allows you to define the UI (user interface). I deliberately use the word define at this point because it is the second part of LightSwitch, the publishing process that actually implements the application and the UI.
When you publish a LightSwitch application, that is when the Silverlight application is created. However, LightSwitch was designed from the ground up to be a two part process. I have always been confidant that the reason it is a two part process is that the LightSwitch team knew years ago, when the product was being designed, that it needed to be designed to publish and output in other technologies.
To return to the House Is On Fire metaphor, I have faith only because I can recognize that the city has built fire hydrants and there is one nearby.
So yeah, I was a bit shocked too when I was staring at a telephone rather than a fire hose!
LightSwitch Team - Playing The Long Game
One thing I have come to accept over the past two years interacting with the LightSwitch team is that they really are smarter than the average person. They think ahead, way ahead. The proof is in the LightSwitch application and its extensibility that can handle any challenge I have thrown at it. The LightSwitchHelpWebsite.com has over 50 sample applications that I have created over the past 2 years, proving over and over again that it can create any professional enterprise application.
So even I had to stop and think, back to the House Is On Fire metaphor, is a telephone what I really need? With a telephone:
- I can call for help
- I can get information from other people
- Perhaps the fire is bigger than I thought?
- I can call for an airplane water drop
So perhaps the most important thing is not to create HTML5 web pages (the fire hose), but to first improve communication:
- When the HTML5 ‘yet’ comes, wont the LightSwitch team need a solid core built on OData to communicate between the HTML5 pages and LightSwitch?
- By implementing OData now, doesn’t that allow me to create HTML5 pages, JQuery Mobile apps, Native Android apps, Windows Phone 7 apps, now? (and later communicate with technologies that have yet to be created?)
When your house is burning down, maybe what you really do need is a telephone.
Also See:
- Blog - Betting The House On LightSwitch
- Blog - LightSwitch: It’s About The Money… (It’s Always About The Money)
- Blog - Oh, And It's Also All About Productivity
- Blog - LightSwitch: "There is a commitment to explore creation of apps other than Silverlight..."
- A Full CRUD LightSwitch JQuery Mobile Application
- A Full CRUD DataJs and KnockoutJs LightSwitch Example Using Only An .Html Page
- Calling LightSwitch 2011 OData Using Server Side Code
- Using The OData Explorer with LightSwitch OData
- Learn How To Make OData Calls In LightSwitch 2011
- Accessing Your Visual Studio 2011 LightSwitch Application Using OData
- More ...
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Windows Azure Infrastructure and DevOps
• My (@rogerjenn) System Center App Controller and Windows Azure Sessions at the Microsoft Management Summit 2012 list of 4/17/2012 begins:
There were 10 breakout and birds-of-a-feather sessions covering System Center App Controller and four Windows Azure sessions as of 4/17/2012 at the Microsoft Management Summit 2012 (@system_center, #MMS2012) being held in Las Vegas, NV on 4/16 through 4/20/2012. Microsoft promises that session video archives (as recorded audio and PowerPoint slides) will be available shortly after the sessions are presented. From the Digital MMS page:
Watch Sessions On Demand
MMS offers over 175 breakout sessions across 5 technical tracks. That is a lot of content to take in! If you are unable to attend the event, or even if you will be there in person, you'll be able to view any breakout sessions you may have missed within 24 hours of the live presentation on the Digital MMS site. Just log in and start watching! [Requires registration.]
Non-Attendees may peruse the complete MMS Content Catalog to see what will be available. MMS attendees may also sign in to the site to access the Schedule Builder to view and add sessions to their schedules for the week.
One Windows Azure introductory video is available now; search this post for AM-B205. I’ll update this post with links to additional videos as they go live. …
The post continues with lists of App Controller and Windows Azure sessions.
• Microsoft TechNet (@technet) reported the availability of an evaluation edition of System Center 2012 release to manufacturing (RTM) version in a 4/17/2012 e-mail message. From the download page:
System Center 2012 plus optional Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 download
Interested in trying our guided lab experience? Click here to get started.
A Microsoft private cloud dramatically changes the way your business produces and consumes IT services by creating a layer of abstraction over your pooled IT resources. This allows your datacenter to offer true infrastructure service capability as well as optimally managed application services.
Microsoft private cloud solutions are built on System Center and Windows Server.
System Center 2012 empowers you with a common management toolset for your private and public cloud applications and services. System Center helps you confidently deliver IT as a Service for your business. System Center 2012 is available in English.
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (optional download) will give you improved powerful virtualization capabilities that can transform how you deliver IT services to your end users and enable you to lay the foundation of a private cloud infrastructure. Windows Server 2008 SP1 is available in Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish.
Please Note: Many Microsoft private cloud scenarios require Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. If you are using an older version, we highly recommend upgrading to experience the full Microsoft private cloud evaluation.
Need more information? See the product details page. Register to access technical product resources at the Microsoft Private Cloud Evaluation Resource Page.The Microsoft private cloud evaluation includes:
System Center 2012
- System Center 2012 Unified Installer is a utility designed to perform new, clean installations of System Center 2012 for testing and evaluation purposes only. If you want to upgrade from an existing System Center installation or choose set up options such as high availability or multi-server component installs, please refer instead to the System Center 2012 component installation guides located on the Microsoft Private Cloud Evaluation Resource Page.
User's Guide >>- System Center 2012 App Controller provides a common self-service experience across private and public clouds that can help you empower application owners to easily build, configure, deploy, and manage new services.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Configuration Manager provides comprehensive configuration management for the Microsoft platform that can help you empower users with the devices and applications they need to be productive while maintaining corporate compliance and control.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager provides unified data protection for Windows servers and clients that can help you deliver scalable, manageable, and cost-effective protection and restore scenarios from disk, tape, and off premise.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection, built on System Center Configuration Manager, provides industry-leading threat detection of malware and exploits as part of a unified infrastructure for managing client security and compliance that can help you simplify and improve endpoint protection.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Operations Manager provides deep application diagnostics and infrastructure monitoring that can help you ensure the predictable performance and availability of vital applications and offers a comprehensive view of your datacenter, private cloud, and public clouds.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Orchestrator provides orchestration, integration, and automation of IT processes through the creation of runbooks that can help you to define and standardize best practices and improve operational efficiency.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Service Manager provides flexible self-service experiences and standardized datacenter processes that can help you integrate people, workflows, and knowledge across enterprise infrastructure and applications.
System Requirements >>- System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager provides virtual machine management and services deployment with support for multi-hypervisor environments that can help you deliver a flexible and cost effective private cloud environment.
System Requirements >>Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (optional download)
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 is designed to help you increase control, availability, and flexibility of your datacenter and desktop infrastructure while helping reduce costs.
System Requirements >>
Ryan Dunn (@dunnry) explained Getting Diagnostics Data From Windows Azure in a 4/16/2012 post:
Assuming you know what to monitor and you have configured your deployments to start monitoring, now you need to actually get the data and do something with it.
First, let's briefly recap how the Diagnostics Manager (DM) stores data. Once it has been configured, the DM will start to buffer data to disk locally on the VM using the temporal scratch disk*. It will buffer it using the quota policy found in configuration. By default, this allocates 4GB of local disk space to hold diagnostics data. You can change the quota with a little more work if you need to hold more, but most folks should be served just fine with the default. Data is buffered as FIFO (first in, first out) in order to age out the oldest data first.
Scheduled versus OnDemand
Once the data is buffering locally on the VM, you need to somehow transfer the data from the VM to your cloud storage account. You can do this by either setting a Scheduled or OnDemand transfer. In practice, I tend to recommend always using Scheduled transfers and ignoring the OnDemand option (it ends up being a lot easier).
But, for completeness, here is an example of setting an OnDemand transfer:
void Main() { var account = new CloudStorageAccount( new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey("dunnry", "yourkey"), true ); var mgr = new DeploymentDiagnosticManager(account, "6468a8b749a54c3..."); foreach (string role in mgr.GetRoleNames()) { var ridm = mgr.GetRoleInstanceDiagnosticManagersForRole(role); var options = new OnDemandTransferOptions() { From = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), To = DateTime.UtcNow, NotificationQueueName = "pollme" }; var qc = account.CreateCloudQueueClient(); var q = qc.GetQueueReference("pollme"); q.CreateIfNotExist(); foreach (var i in ridm) { //cancel all pending transfers foreach (var pt in i.GetActiveTransfers()) { i.CancelOnDemandTransfers(pt.Key); } var key = i.BeginOnDemandTransfer(DataBufferName.Logs, options); //poll here... why bother... } } }It's not exactly straightforward, but essentially, you need to specify the time range to transfer and optionally a queue to notify when completed. You must ensure that all outstanding OnDemand transfers are canceled and then you can begin the transfer and ideally you should also cancel the transfer when it is completed. In theory, this gives you some flexibility on what you want transferred.
As with most things in life, there are some gotchas to using this code. Most of the time, folks forget to cancel the transfer after it completes. When that happens, it prevents any updates to the affected data source. This can impact you when you try to set new performance counters and see an error about an OnDemand transfer for instance. As such, you end up writing a lot of code to detect and cancel pending transfers first before doing anything else in the API.
Using Scheduled transfers ends up being easier in the long run because you end up getting the same amount of data, but without having the pain of remembering to cancel pending transfers and all that. Here is similar code (you should adapt for each data source you need to transfer):
void Main() { var account = new CloudStorageAccount( new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey("dunnry", "yourkey"), true ); var mgr = new DeploymentDiagnosticManager(account, "6468a8b749a54c3..."); foreach (string role in mgr.GetRoleNames()) { var ridm = mgr.GetRoleInstanceDiagnosticManagersForRole(role); foreach (var idm in ridm) { var config = idm.GetCurrentConfiguration()?? DiagnosticMonitor.GetDefaultInitialConfiguration(); config.PerformanceCounters.ScheduledTransferPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); //set other scheduled intervals here... idm.SetCurrentConfiguration(config); } } }This ends up being the technique we use for AzureOps.com. When you setup your subscription with us, we detect the diagnostics connection string and allow you to change your data source settings. For Performance Counters, we force the transfer to 5 minutes to today (a good compromise) and allow you to choose the interval for other sources (i.e. Traces, Windows Event Logs). When you use a provider like AzureOps, it is usually best to stream the data in in relatively small chunks as opposed to say transferring once an hour. Firstly, we won't be able to do anything with your data until we see it and you probably want to be notified sooner than 1 time an hour. Secondly, when you set long transfer period times, there is a risk that you exceed the buffer quota and start to lose data that was never transferred. In practice, we have not observed any noticeable overhead by transferring more often. When in doubt, pick 5 mins.
Whew! If you have made it this far, you now have a reasonable set of performance counters and trace information that is both being collected on your VMs in Windows Azure as well as being persisted to your storage account. So, essentially, you need to now figure out what to do with that data. That will be the subject of the next post in this series.
*if you are interested, RDP into an instance and check the resource drive (usually C:) under /Resources/Directory/<roleuniquename>/Monitor to see buffered data.
Tony Bailey (@cloudminion) recommended that you Join the Windows Azure partner ecosystem in a 4/16/2012 update to his LinkedIn profile:
I’m wondering why OakLeaf Systems isn’t listed in the Windows Azure Partner List for the U.S. Will update this post when I find out.
Joe Panettieri (@joepanettieri) asked Will Open Source Clouds Surround Microsoft Windows Azure? in a 4/15/2012 post to the TalkinCloud blog:
Over the past year, I’ve watched closely as Microsoft’s two flagship cloud platforms — Office 365 and Windows Azure — gained anecdotal momentum. Each week, I hear from more channel partners and ISVs (independent software vendors) that are embracing Office 365 and Windows Azure, respectively.
But here’s the challenge from Microsoft and its channel partners: It seems like the cloud computing world has increasingly gone open source. The examples:
- The OpenStack Foundation launched last week with the backing of Dell, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other giants that have vowed to fund the open source cloud computing organization. Much of the OpenStack industry will gather this week at a major conference in San Francisco.
- Citrix Systems is working with Apache to open source CloudStack. Plus, CloudStack apparently will be interoperable with Amazon’s cloud APIs.
- Eucalyptus, another open source cloud platform, has also vowed to maintain API compatibility with Amazon Web Services.
- VMware’s Cloud Foundry (platform as a service) also has an open source project to which developers and contribute.
Yes, Microsoft recently created an open source subsidiary. And Windows Azure supports a range of open source development tools, with Apache Hadoop for Azure a work in progress. But I keep wondering if Microsoft can keep pace as numerous IT giants — again, Dell, HP and IBM in particular — continue to line up behind major cloud open source initiatives.
For smaller channel partners, I still see plenty of potential upside in the Windows Azure world. I believe ISVs such as CA Technologies (ARCserve), Symantec (Backup Exec) and others have been launching their apps in the Azure cloud.
Still, I hear 10 times the chatter around open source clouds. I wonder if all that open source discussion is hype — or reality.
Read More About This Topic
Wely Lau (@wely_live) posted Comparing IAAS and PAAS: A Developer’s Perspective on 4/15/2012:
In my previous article, I discussed the basic concepts behind Cloud Computing including definitions, characteristics, and various service models. In this article I will discuss service models in more detail, and in particular the comparison between IAAS and PAAS from a developer’s standpoint.
I’m using two giant cloud players for illustrative purposes: Amazon Web Service representing IAAS and Windows Azure Platform representing PAAS. Nonetheless, please be informed that the emphasis is on the service models and not the actual cloud players.
Figure 1: IAAS VS PAAS
Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)
IAAS refers to the cloud service model that provides on-demand infrastructure services to the customer. The infrastructure may refer to rentable resources such as computation power, storage, load-balancer, and etc.
As you can see on the left-hand side of Table 1, the IAAS provider will be responsible for managing physical resources, for example network, servers, and clustered machines. Additionally, they typically will also manage virtualization technology enabling customers to run VMs (virtual machines). When it comes to the Operating System (OS), it is often arguable whether it’s managed by the provider or customer. In most cases, the IAAS provider will be responsible for customer VM Images with a preloaded OS but the customer will need to subsequently manage it. Using AWS as an example, AMI (Amazon Machine Image) offers customers several types of Operating Systems such as Windows Server, Linux SUSE, andLinux Red Hat. Although the OS is preloaded, AWS will not maintain or update it.
Other stacks of software including middleware (such as IIS, Tomcat, Caching Services), runtime (JRE and .NET Framework), and databases (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL) are normally not provided in the VM Image. That’s because the IAAS provider won’t know and won’t care what customers are going to do with the VM. Customers are responsible for taking care of them. When all of the above mentioned software has been settled, customers will finally deploy the application and data on the VM.
Step-by-step: Setting-up an Application on IAAS Environment
To convey a comprehensive explanation, I am going to illustrate the steps involved when setting up an application in an IAAS environment. For that, I’m borrowing a slide from a presentation by Mark Russinovich, at the BUILD conference. This illustration explains how a typical IAAS provisioning model works.
Figure 2: Setting up an App
Considering a common scenario when you have finished developing a multi-tier application, you as the developer will need to deploy it to the cloud. The application will need to be hosted on a Web Server and an RDBMS database. For IAAS, here are the typical steps:
1. Preparing Database Servers
Select the VM Images from the VM Images library. The VM Image will then get provisioned and launched. If DBMS software is not provided, you will need to install DBMS on your own.
2. Preparing Web / Application Servers
Select VM Images from the library to get provisioned and launched. If the web/app server/runtime aren’t installed, you’ll need to install them by yourself.
3. Provisioning a Database and Its Objects
The next step is about provisioning the database, including configuring the data files, log files, security, etc. Then you create the tables and add data to it.
4. Deploying Your Application
Next you take the application that you’ve developed and deploy it to the Web Server.
5. Configuring load-balancer
When you need to host your application on multiple instances, you may also need to configure things such as the IP Address for each instance and load balancer.
6. Managing Your VMs and DMBS
The final step is about managing the VMs. For example, when there’s an update or service pack on the OS, the IAAS provider will not automatically do it for you. Instead, you may need to do it by yourself.
Platform as a Service (PAAS)
Now, let’s jump into another cloud spectrum, “PAAS”, to see how it differs. In PAAS, the provisioning model is about an on-demand application hosting environment. Not only managing the component like an IAAS provider would, a PAAS provider will also help customers manage additional responsibilities such as OS, Middleware, Runtime, and even Databases, as can be seen on the right-hand side of Table 1.
In other words, you can think of PAAS as renting a stack of software, hardware, and infrastructure. Customer will just need to bring the application and data and they are ready to go.
Step-by-step: Setting-up an Application on PAAS Environment
For PAAS, given that the database server, VM, and web server VM are readily provisioned, you just need to do two steps, as illustrated by another slide from Mark Russinovich.
Figure 3: Provision and Deploy
1. Database Provisioning
You might need to indicate where (which region) your virtual DB Server is provisioned, but you don’t have to install a bunch of DBMS software on your own. You will need to provision the database, create tables, and add data.
2. Deploying Your Application
This is a similar step applicable to IAAS, you will still need to deploy your application on the PAAS cloud environment.
How about the load-balancer? Take Windows Azure as example, it will all automatically be configured and ready to take the traffic, and everything else will be automatically managed. You don’t have to worry about IP Addresses or a load-balancer.
How about maintaining VMs? The DBMS and Web Server VM will be maintained by the provider. For example:
- If the VM where your application is hosted has any hardware issues, the provider should be able to detect the failure and rectify it immediately to make sure that your application will stay up and running. In Windows Azure, Fabric Controller will be the component handling these kinds of issues.
- If there are new updates or patches on the Operating System, the provider will make sure that the VM your application sits on is always updated. For example: Windows Azure uses “Guest OS Version” to differentiate service updates. Of course you can also choose to stick to one version or auto-update.
Figure 4: Configuration
To summarize, we have investigated different service models and provisioning steps of IAAS and PAAS solutions. PAAS providers indeed take on much more responsibility for your solution than an IAAS provider would. On the other side, IAAS may offer more flexibility at lower level (example: public IP addresses, load-balancer, etc.).
There’s no one-size-fits-all here. As a developer or architect, you should understand a customer’s need and determine the correct model to get the best possible outcome.
This post was also published at A Cloud Place blog.
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Windows Azure Platform Appliance (WAPA), Hyper-V and Private/Hybrid Clouds
Kristian Nese (@KristianNese) posted Understanding Microsoft Private Cloud - White paper on 4/16/2012:
I’ve created a tiny white paper that explains cloud computing in general and the value that System Center 2012 brings to the table.
Based on research and work I’ve done over the last year, there is a huge need of knowledge and understanding of the subject. And it`s very important to know what cloud is, and how Microsoft offer[s] cloud computing through System Center 2012 prior to the deployment.
Hopefully, this document will provide you with an overview and introduction, targeting both the CIO and the IT-pro.
Lori MacVittie (@lmacvittie) asserted “Oh, it certainly helps, but it’s not a requirement” in an introduction to her Hybrid Architectures Do Not Require Private Cloud post of 4/16/2012 to F5’s DeveloperCentral blog:
Taking advantage of cloud-hosted resources does not require forklift re-architecture of the data center. That may sound nearly heretical but that’s the truth, and I’m not talking about just SaaS which, of course, has never required anything more than an Internet connection to “integrate” into the data center.
I’m talking about IaaS and integrating compute and storage resources into the data center, whether it’s cloud-based or traditional or simply highly virtualized.
Extending the traditional data center using hybrid model means being able to incorporate (integrate) cloud-hosted resources as part of the data center. For most organizations this means elasticity – expanding and contracting capacity by adding and removing remote resources to a data center deployed application. Flexibility and cost savings drive this model, and the right model can realize the benefits of cloud without requiring wholesale re-architecture of the data center.
That’s something that ought to please the 50% of organizations that, according to a 2011 CIO survey, are interested in cloud specifically to increase capacity and availability. Bonus: it also serves to address other top drivers identified in the same survey of reducing IT management and maintenance as well as IT infrastructure investment.
Really Big Bonus? Most organizations probably have the means by which they can achieve this today.
Scalability requires two things: resources and a means to distribute load across them. In the world of application delivery we call the resources “pools” and the means to distribute them an application delivery controller (load balancing service, if you prefer).
The application delivery tier, where the load balancing service resides topologically in the data center, is responsible for not only distributing load across resources but for being able to mitigate failure without disrupting the application service. That goes for elasticity, too. It should be possible to add and remove (intentionally through provisioning processes or unintentionally through failure) resources from a given pool without disruption the overall application service.
This is the primary business and operational value brought to an organization by load balancing services: non-disruptive (or seamless or transparent if you prefer more positive marketing terminology) elasticity.
Yes, the foundations of cloud have always existed and they’re in most organizations’ data centers today.
Now, it isn’t that hard to imagine how this elasticity can extend to integrate cloud-hosted resources. Such resources are either non-disruptively added to/removed from the load balancing service’s “pool” of resources. The application delivery controller does not care whether the resources in the pool are local or remote, traditional or cloud, physical or virtual. Resources are resources.
So whether the data center is still very traditional (physical-based), has moved into a highly virtualized state, or has gone all the way to cloud is really not relevant to the application delivery service. All resources can be operationally managed consistently by the application delivery controller.
To integrate cloud-based resources into the architecture requires only one thing: connectivity.
The connectivity between a data center and the “cloud” is generally referred to as a cloud bridge (or some variation thereof). This cloud bridge has the responsibility of connecting the two worlds securely and providing a network compatibility layer that “bridges” the two networks, implying a transparency that allows resources in either environment to communicate without concern for the underlying network topology. How this is accomplished varies from solution to solution, and there are emerging “virtual network encapsulation” technologies (think VXLAN and GRE) that are designed to make this process even smoother.
Once a connection is established, and assuming network bridging capabilities, resources provisioned in “the cloud” can be non-disruptively added to the data center-hosted “pools” and from there, load is distributed as per the load balancing service’s configuration for the resource (application, etc… ).
There seems to be a perception in the market that you aren’t going to get to hybrid cloud until you have private cloud, which may explain the preponderance of survey respondents who are focused on private cloud with must less focus on public cloud. The road to “cloud” doesn’t require that you completely revamp the data center to be cloud-based before you can begin taking advantage of public cloud resources. In fact, a hybrid approach that integrates public cloud into your existing data center provides an opportunity to move steadily in the direction of cloud without being overwhelmed by the transformation that must ultimately occur.
A hybrid traditional-cloud based approach allows the organization to build the skill sets necessary, define the appropriate roles that will be needed, and understand the fundamental differences in operational models required to implement the automation and orchestration that ultimately brings to the table all the benefits of cloud (as opposed to just the cheaper resources).
Cloud is a transformational journey – for both IT and the business – but it’s not one that can be taken overnight. The pressure to “go cloud” is immense, today, but IT still needs the opportunity to evaluate both the data center and cloud environments for appropriateness and to put into place the proper policies and governance structure around the use of cloud resources. A strategy that allows IT to begin taking advantage of cloud resources now without wholesale rip-and-replace of existing technology provides the breathing room IT needs to ensure that the journey to cloud will be a smooth one, where the benefits will be realized without compromising on the operational governance required to assure availability and security of network, data, and application resources.
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Cloud Security and Governance
• David Linthicum (@DavidLinthicum) asserted “Cloud computing can do a lot, but it's not a cure-all for any problem you may have” in a deck for his 3 issues the cloud can't solve for you list of 4/17/2012 for InfoWorld’s Cloud Computing blog:
Cloud computing is a step in the right direction for many enterprises and government agencies, with strong patterns of success that demonstrate its value. But given the hype these days, you'd think that the cloud can do anything. Clearly, cloud computing can't fix everything, and it's worthwhile to review that "can't fix" list before you begin your journey to the cloud.
1. Cloud computing won't fix bad application design. Some people believe that porting applications to the cloud automatically corrects programming design deficiencies. They're half right. Cloud platforms' ability to mask inefficient applications means that application behavior and performance does improve, but those inefficiencies will show up in the bill from your cloud provider, due to the excess consumption of resources.
Make sure you correct any issues with the application design as you port from on-premise systems to the cloud. This includes the user experience, the database, and the efficiency of all underlying code.
2. Cloud computing won't eliminate silos -- it may even create them. IT organizations that always try to break down silos of data, processes, and services may find that the use of cloud computing services (whether public, private, or hybrid) may move them in the opposite direction.
Organizations that use cloud computing typically create new items that live in the clouds. Thus, they become silos of data, services, and processes that have to be integrated into the on-premise systems. It's not a huge problem if you do advanced planning, but most organizations deal with this issue as an afterthought.
3. Cloud computing won't reduce the number of employees. I'm often told that the movement to cloud computing will "normalize" (business-speak for "reduce") the number of human resources required to maintain core business systems. However, cloud deployments are systems, and they need people to monitor them during production.
If the end game is to migrate systems from on-premise into a cloud and you actually shut down your on-premise systems, perhaps you will need fewer employees to maintain them. However, the trend has been to build new systems on the emerging cloud computing platforms, so the need for human resources rises. After all, you're doing more.
None of these are reasons to delay or avoid cloud deployments, but warnings of rabbit holes to avoid as you adopt cloud computing.
Brian Hitney recommended the Windows Azure Trust Center in a 4/16/2012 post:
The Windows Azure team recently posted about the Windows Azure Trust Center. One of the most frequent conversations that comes up when discussing moving applications to the cloud revolves around security and compliance, and it’s also one of the most challenging conversations to have.
What makes it particularly challenging is the fact that the responsibility of compliance is typically shared between the hardware, platform, and software.
The site has a few sections that in particular drill down into security, privacy, and compliance related information. Definitely good information to refer to when evaluating a move into the cloud!
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Cloud Computing Events
• Himanshu Singh (@himanshuks) reported Cross-Post: Announcing Windows Azure Accelerator for Startups in a 4/17/2012 post:
The Microsoft Accelerator series, powered by TechStars, recently announced the finalists in the Kinect Accelerator program. Based on the success of that program, the Microsoft Accelerator Program team today announced the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure. Powered by TechStars, the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure will host ten companies for a three-month deep immersion program focused on building businesses that take advantage of the cloud. Through this program, Microsoft and TechStars will help entrepreneurs, engineers and innovators to bring to life a wide range of business ideas that leverage the limitless possibilities enabled by Windows Azure.
The program will run from late August through November in Seattle, Washington; startups accepted into the program will receive an investment of $20,000 (USD) managed by TechStars, mentorship from top entrepreneurs, investors, and Microsoft executives, all the resources of Microsoft BizSpark and $60,000 in Windows Azure credit through the Microsoft BizSpark Plus Program. Combined with office space, tech training and support, and a Demo Day presentation to angel investors, VCs, media, and industry elites at the culmination of the program, it's an offer hard to resist.
Applications are being accepted for the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure through June 29, 2012. Check out the website to learn more and apply.
• Jim O’Neil (@jimoneil) described Free Azure Pass + RockPaperAzure Spring Fling = $$ in a 4/17/2012 post:
As I finish up my income tax return, I’m wishing I were eligible for this latest incarnation of the RockPaperAzure Challenge; I’m not, but if you’re in the US (and don’t work for Microsoft), you probably are! If you’ve played before, you know the deal – and the fun -- and if not, our Get Started page on the contest site will get you in the game in no time.
In this latest Spring Fling version of the challenge, we’ll be awarding the top three “bots” Best Buy Gift Cards ($50, $25, and $10) every Friday -- starting this week and ending June 15. If your bot has staying power, you can win week after week.
Then at the end of the Spring Fling (June 15th) we’ll award three sweepstakes prizes to randomly drawn entries in the Spring Fling round. That’s right, all you have to do is get in the game, and you could win
- a Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone,
- a 4GB XBox 360 with Kinect, or
- a Kinect Sensor for XBox 360.
Microsoft’s 30 To Launch (@UserCommunity) group announced a Your App. Our Cloud. One Journey program on 4/16/2012:
The world needs your app, and the cloud can supercharge it. Join 30 to Launch | Windows Azure - 30 days of specific technical and business guidance. When you graduate, submit your idea or app for the opportunity to win US$4,000 in cash. Get free cloud access for MSDN subscribers or startups.
Tried to sign up for the program with my existing Windows Azure Table Storage demo app and received the following message:
Nathan Totten (@ntotten) and Nick Harris (@cloudnick) produced Cloud Connection Episode 76 - Meet our new additions to the Windows Azure Technical Evangelist Team on 4/13/2012:
Join Nate and Nick each week as they cover Windows Azure. You can follow and interact with the show at @CloudCoverShow.
In this episode, we would like you to meet our new additions to the Windows Azure Technical Evangelism Team namely Haishi Bai, Cory Fowler, Jon Galloway and Brady Gaster. Learn about their careers prior to Microsoft and find out what areas of Windows Azure they will be focusing on.
In the News:
- Windows Azure Trust Center Launched
- Announcing New Datacenter Options for Windows Azure
- Announcing the refresh of the Service Bus EAI and EDI Labs
In the Tip of the Week, Nathan [pictured at right] discusses a blog post by Sheik that looks at sync, async and parallel programming performance in WIndows Azure.
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Other Cloud Computing Platforms and Services
• Chris Czarnecki delivered a third-party view of Amazon CloudSearch: Simplifying Search in a 4/17/2012 post to the Learning Tree Web site:
As the owner of a company that builds Web applications, I appreciate the need for having a good search facility built into the application. This is important for all the applications we build, but particularly for the e-commerce applications when failure to find relevant products to a search request can result in the significant loss of revenue. I am sure all of you have experienced the frustration of entering a search term into a Web sites search box only to receive results that are not relevant or that no results came back. Over the last few years a number of open source search solutions have been developed that begin to address the complexities of search. Examples include Lucene and Solr. These systems are excellent but using them required a high degree of knowledge in not only the programming but also in their installation and administration.
With this background, I was really excited to hear that Amazon have launched a new Cloud Web Service known as CloudSearch. Have you ever searched on Amazon’s Web site and been impressed by the accuracy and thoroughness of the results ? If so you have been using the technology behind the new CloudSearch service. So what is this service and what does it provide ?
Amazon CloudSearch is a fully managed search service in the cloud. It enables developers to concentrate on building applications and provides all the search functionality required with none of the normally associated complexity. The service is easy to use but incredibly powerful. To use it requires the creation of a search domain. Data is uploaded to the search domain in either XML or JSON format that must conform to Amazon’s Search Document Format (SDF) and Amazon then indexes it and makes it available for complex searches within seconds. Each domain has an endpoint URL to which the searches are sent and then the results are returned in JSON format by default or XML if specifically requested. To prevent unauthorised access to the search domain endpoints, security settings enable access to be restricted to individual or ranges of IP addresses. These addresses will typically be the machines of the Web application that has the search facility built into it.
The pricing model for CloudSearch is based on the number of machine instances running to support your search needs, and there are three instance sizes to choose from initially. After this there is a small charge for bulk data upload to the service and then the normal data transfer costs out of the cloud that applies to all AWS data. Given the sophistication of the service, together with the simplicity of its usage, this is an incredibly attractive proposition Amazon have again provided as part of the AWS portfolio. I am impressed that I am using this service within two hours of reading the documentation. If you require search in your applications, I urge you to take a look at this service.
It’s not clear yet if the forthcoming paid Bing search API will provide the above features for Windows Azure.
Ted Samson (@tsamson_IW) asserted “Company unveils array of new services, including a MySQL offering optimized for the cloud” in a deck for his Rackspace launches new OpenStack-based cloud portfolio article of 4/16/2012 for InfoWorld’s Cloud Computing blog:
Rackspace has unveiled an "early access" limited-availability edition of its updated public cloud environment, built on the open source cloud platform OpenStack. Dubbed simply Rackspace Cloud, its features include cloud servers, databases, block storage, networks, and monitoring, as well as a new control panel.
April has proven an eventful month for OpenStack, starting on a low note when Citrix announced plans to all but drop support for the platform in favor of focusing on CloudStack. Since then, a major new version of OpenStack called Essex was released, Hewlett-Packard unveiled a hybrid cloud built on OpenStack, and a group of major IT heavyweights, including IBM, Cisco Systems, and Dell, announced support for a forthcoming OpenStack Foundation.
RackSpace's new OpenStack-based cloud environment will eventually replace its current platform, which was built on virtual platform technology the company acquired from Slicehost. Although similar to what today's cloud infrastructure looks like, the Slicehost software was "never designed for the scale we're at today," Rackspace CTO John Engates told InfoWorld. "It wasn't distributed in nature, and it had to go through central pipelines."
The new cloud platform, Engates said, can scale to many thousands of servers, making it a viable choice for not just enterprises but service providers.
The Cloud Servers component is based on the latest OpenStack Compute release and, according to Engates, offers a level of scalability suitable for even service providers. Cloud Servers is accessible via the new OpenStack API as well as through a control panel. The Cloud Databases service also provides automated management of common database tasks.
The Cloud Databases component provides API access to a massively scalable, highly available MySQL database. Rackspace built servers and storage for the service designed specifically for running databases in the cloud, Engates said. Databases don't fare well in today's cloud environments, he said, because the highly virtualized infrastructures aren't optimized to meet database's high I/O demands. "Customers find that performance isn't all they wish it would be -- across all clouds, not just Rackspace."
The Cloud Monitoring service lets customers monitor both infrastructure and applications. It supports both Rackspace's and competitors' cloud servers. The service is agentless and thus incapable of, say, polling servers for CPUs, disk, and memory. ..
Read more.
Jeff Barr (@jeffbarr) reported the availability of a Microsoft SharePoint Server on AWS Reference Architecture White Paper in a 4/13/2012 post:
We have just published the Microsoft SharePoint Server on AWS Reference Architecture White Paper.
This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use SharePoint services on AWS and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. It illustrates reference architecture for common SharePoint Server deployment scenarios and discusses their network, security, and deployment configurations so you can run SharePoint Server workloads in the cloud with confidence.
This white paper is targeted to IT infrastructure decision-makers and administrators. After reading it, you should have a good idea on how to set up and deploy the components of a typical SharePoint Server farm on AWS.
Here's what you will find inside:
- SharePoint Server Farm Reference Architecture
- Common SharePoint Server Deployment Scenarios
- Intranet SharePoint Server Farm
- Internet Website or Service Based on SharePoint Server
- Implementing SharePoint Server Architecture Scenarios in AWS
- Network Setup:
- Amazon VPC setups for Intranet and Public Website Scenarios
- AD DS Setup and DNS Configuration
- Server Setup and Configuration
- Mapping SharePoint Server Roles and Servers to Amazon EC2 AMIs and Instance Types
- SharePoint and SQL Server Configurations
- Security
- Security Groups
- Network ACLs
- Windows Instance Security
- Administrator Access
- Data Privacy
- Deployment
- Monitoring and Management
- Backup and Recovery
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