Following is a list of sessions in the Azure track as of 3/16/2009 2/27/2009. David Robinson promises in his SQL Data Services – What’s with the silence? post of 2/24/2009 to explain “what’s going on in the SDS world” and knock our socks off.
MIX 09 runs from from 3/18 to 3/20/2009 at The Venetian Las Vegas.
Azure-related sessions from the REST, Services, and ASP.NET tracks appear following the AZURE entries.
Update 3/19/2009: Adding links to videos. Sessions with a video available are moved to the top of its section.
Update 3/16/2009: Added Pablo Castro’s How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework session on Friday 3/20/2009 10:45 AM PDT. (Pablo claims he didn’t name the session.)
Update 3/5/2009: The following two entries were added on 3/5/2009. Thanks to Jim Nakashima for the heads up in his Windows Azure Tools session at Mix '09 - Come on down! post of 3/4/2009.
MIX09-T38F: See through the Clouds: Introduction to the Azure Services Platform
By: James Conard Tags: Azure
Wednesday March 18 |11:30 AM-12:45 PM | San Polo 3504
Come hear how Microsoft is building a new platform for applications, and learn about the key services that compose the platform as well as how to get started. Also hear Microsoft's roadmap for the Azure Services Platform and learn about new features that will be added.
MIX09-T81M Using the Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio to Build Cloud Services
By: Jim Nakashima Tags: ASP.NET | Azure
Friday March 20 |9:25 AM-9:45 AM | San Polo 3401
Come hear how to use the Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio to more easily create, build, debug, deploy, run and package scalable services on Windows Azure
MIX09-T09F: Building Web Applications with Windows Azure
By: Steve Marx Tags: Azure
Wednesday March 18 | 4:00 PM-5:15 PM | San Polo 3504
Come learn how to use Windows Azure to build a scalable Web application and deploy it to the cloud.
MIX09-T07F: Overview of Windows Azure
By: Manuvir Das Tags: Azure
Wednesday March 18 | 2:15 PM-3:30 PM | San Polo 3504
Curious about cloud computing? Come learn how to use Windows Azure to better address key challenges of running Internet-scale applications in the cloud. Also hear about the essential concepts of Windows Azure, including what's new.
MIX09-T08F: Windows Azure Storage
By: Brad Calder Tags: Azure
Thursday March 19 |10:30 AM-11:45 AM | San Polo 3504
Come hear about the highly available and massively scalable cloud storage service that is provided by Windows Azure. Learn how to create and access the different types of Windows Azure storage available, including blobs, tables, and queues.
MIX09-T01F: A Lap around Microsoft .NET Services
By: John Shewchuk Tags: Azure
Thursday March 19 | 1:00 PM-2:15 PM | San Polo 3504
Come learn how to use .NET Services as building blocks for Web-based and hosted applications. Hear about the next generation of messaging, data, access control, and workflow services, and how developers can compose these .NET Services to create applications in the cloud and connect them with on-premises systems.
MIX09-T03F: Connecting Applications Across Networks with Microsoft .NET Services
By: Clemens Vasters Tags: Azure
Thursday March 19 | 4:15 PM-5:30 PM | San Polo 3504
Learn how to use the Service Bus in .NET Services to more easily connect applications together over the Internet. See how to address difficult connectivity, security, and discoverability issues with the Service Bus, and hear about solutions for traversing network topology and overcoming integration issues that are caused by network, security and organizational boundaries.
MIX09-T05F: Live Framework and Mesh Services: Live Services for Developers
By: Ori Amiga Tags: Azure | Live Services
Wednesday March 18 | 2:15 PM-3:30 PM | Delfino 4103
Learn about the Live Framework including new and future services (such as Mesh Services), protocols, APIs, and tools which enable your Web, service, or client applications to access, store, and synchronize user data with Live Services, obtain audience analytics data, and more.
MIX09-T04F: Mesh-Enabled Web Applications
By: Arash Ghanaie-Sichanie Tags: Azure | Live Services
Wednesday March 18 | 4:00 PM-5:15 PM | Delfino 4103
Come learn how to extend your existing Web applications and get them to live and breathe within Live Mesh. See how Mesh-enabled Web applications can be accessed from anywhere through a Web browser as well as run locally (and offline) on a user's desktop. Also see how Web applications can take full advantage of value-add Mesh services such as a dedicated sandbox, online and offline synchronized storage, automatic application updates, identity, application catalogue, social computing, and more.
MIX09-T02F: Simplifying Distributed Access Control with Microsoft .NET Services
By: Justin Smith Tags: Azure
Thursday March 19 |2:30 PM-3:45 PM | San Polo 3504
Come hear how the Access Control Service capabilities of .NET Services make it easy to add authorization to Web applications. See how to federate with Active Directory and Live Identity Services, request and parse security tokens, and perform session and state management.
MIX09-C04F: The Future of Microsoft Expression Blend
By: Douglas Olson, Christian Schormann Tags: Azure | Expression
Wednesday March 18 |11:30 AM-12:45 PM | San Polo 3501
Hear about the future plans for Expression Blend. See how Expression Blend improves the productivity of visual designers, providing better access to data and enhanced tools for interactivity. Learn how designers can be deeply engaged and remain in control of the creative decisions while enjoying improved collaboration with developers throughout the project lifecycle.
MIX09-T06F: What's New in Microsoft SQL Data Services
By: Nigel Ellis Tags: Azure
Friday March 20 | 9:00 AM-10:15 AM | San Polo 3504
Come see a great session about SQL Data Services, including how the service has evolved to provide rich relational database capabilities. We cannot release details about this session until after MIX keynotes. Check this abstract again at that time for complete details.
MIX09-T10F: RESTful Services for the Programmable Web with Windows Communication Foundation
By: Ron Jacobs Tags: REST | Services | WCF
Wednesday March 18 | 11:30 AM-12:45 PM | Delfino 4001
Services are needed to light up the Web, and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) makes it possible to build RESTful services more quickly and easily than ever before by using the new WCF REST Starter Kit. In this session, we demonstrate using WCF to build a simple REST Service through to advanced REST concepts of Addressability, Scalability, and Security.
MIX09-T42F: Consuming Web Services in Microsoft Silverlight 3
By: Eugene Osovetsky Tags: REST | Silverlight | WCF
Friday March 20 |2:00 PM-3:15 PM | Delfino 4103
Come hear how to work with external REST, SOAP, and Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services from Silverlight. Learn how to securely and efficiently communicate with services using Binary XML, debug services with improved Faults support, and implement server-to-client "push" using the new Add Service Reference for Duplex functionality.
MIX09-T64M: Caching REST with Windows Communication Foundation
By: Jon Flanders Tags: REST | WCF
Friday March 20 | 11:35 AM-11:55 AM | San Polo 3401
Without caching, the Web and scalable services wound not be possible. Come learn how to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to achieve caching nirvana with RESTful services.
MIX09-T11F: Developing RESTful Services and Clients with "M"
By: Douglas Purdy Tags: REST
Friday March 20 | 9:00 AM-10:15 AM | San Polo 3501
Learn how Web developers can use "M", a new language for describing data, metadata and domain specific languages, to enhance RESTful services like HTTP, JSON, RSS/Atom, and more. Also see how "M" can be used on premise or in the cloud to achieve greater development productivity and to create more compelling customer experiences.
MIX09-T36F: Modeling RESTful Data Services: Present and Future
By: Pablo Castro Tags: REST
Friday March 20 |12:30 PM-1:45 PM | Lando 4204
Learn how use ADO.NET Data Services framework to approach the modeling of application behavior in terms that match the architectural style proposed by REST. Hear how to address common application needs such as authentication and authorization, and hear about the future direction of ADO.NET Data Services framework upcoming features.
MIX09-T32F: Cloud Computing: What's in It for Me?
By: John Keagy Tags: Services
Friday March 20 |12:30 PM-1:45 PM | Delfino 4105
Learn what cloud computing is, what it can do for you, and how to quickly deploy and scale Web applications. Understand the competitive benefits and cost savings of cloud computing, and how to determine when it is the right solution for your needs.
MIX09-T80M: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Microsoft ADO.NET Entity Framework
By: Pablo Castro Tags: ASP.NET
Friday March 20 |10:45 AM-11:05 AM | San Polo 3401
Come see how Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 enables building Web applications that take advantage of new features in the ADO.NET Entity Framework. Hear about the features that make building an MVC and Dynamic Data application easier, how to build an N-Tier solution with the Entity Framework, and how to better take advantage of it within your Web application.
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