Saturday, November 08, 2008

Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework: Table of Contents

Following is the final table of contents for Professional ADO.NET 3.5 with LINQ and the Entity Framework from Wiley, which will be published in January or February 2009:

Part I   Getting a Grip on ADO.NET 3.5
Chapter 1   Taking a New Approach to Data Access in ADO.NET 3.5
Part II   Introducing Language Integrated Query
    Introduction to Part II
Chapter 2   Understanding LINQ Architecture and Implementation
Chapter 3   Executing LINQ Query Expressions with LINQ to Objects
Chapter 4   Working with Advanced Query Operators and Expressions
Part III   Applying Domain-Specific LINQ Implementations
    Introduction to Part III
Chapter 5   Using LINQ to SQL and the LinqDataSource
Chapter 6   Querying DataTables with LINQ to DataSets
Chapter 7   Manipulating Documents with LINQ to XML
Chapter 8   Exploring Third-Party and Emerging LINQ Implementations
Part IV   Introducing the ADO.NET Entity Framework
    Introduction to Part IV
Chapter   9   Raising the Level of Data Abstraction with the Entity Data Model
Chapter 10   Defining Conceptual, Mapping, and Storage Layers
Chapter 11   Introducing Entity SQL
Part V   Implementing the ADO.NET Entity Framework
    Introduction to Part V
Chapter 12   Taking Advantage of Object Services and LINQ to Entities
Chapter 13   Updating Entities and Complex Types
Chapter 14   Binding Data Controls to the ObjectContext
Chapter 15   Using the Entity Framework As a Data Source

I’ll be reviewing final page layout during the next week or two. I estimate the final page count will be close to 650 (not 550) pages.


  1. Hi Roger

    I'm planning to invest some time learning LINQ for Entities, but I'm concerned about the extra complexity, and if this technology is going to be widely adopted.

    There are other alternatives than can solve the most common data problems (sometimes even better and more efficiently). HERE is a link to a bloggin site with some strong opinios against using this kind of technologies. What's your position? Shoud we wait a couple of years maybe?



  2. @Dan,

    For the database-first approach, both LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework are in use as production O/RMs. has a major-scale data tier framework based on EF, but it's a bit pricey.

    Quite a few developers have put LINQ to SQL data layers into production. Ian Cooper is one of the LINQ to SQL proponents.

    If you're seriously considering using either O/RM, Huagati Systems DBML/EDMX Tools are a must-have (
