Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SSDS’s Competitors : Oracle 11g and Sun MySQL on Amazon EC2

Two more databases officially rose to the cloud with simultaneous Oracle, Sun, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) announcements of 9/22/2008 that current Oracle and Sun relational databases are licensed to run on AWS EC2. Neither service is a beta; both relational databases are fully supported in the cloud.

Oracle Database 11g

Oracle Database 11g (Standard and Enterprise editions), Oracle Fusion Middleware, and Oracle Enterprise Manager can now be licensed to run under Oracle Enterprise Linux in the cloud on Amazon EC2. Customers can use their existing software licenses with no additional license fees, and Oracle will provide support for products deployed to EC2.

To simplify provisioning, Oracle offers free Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) to enable building applications with Oracle Application Express, Oracle JDeveloper, Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and Oracle Workshop for WebLogic.

Note: There is a shared AMI for Oracle Express 10g with Oracle Enterprise Linux available from Amazon (see below) but no mention of license requirements, if any.

Oracle also is introducing the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module for offsite storage of 11g backups with Recovery Manger (RMAN).

AWS Announcement: Oracle and AWS

Links to more information from the Oracle Web site:

Demos and tutorials:

Downloadable AMIs (from AWS):

Sun MySQL Enterprise

Sun Microsystems supports MySQL Enterprise Gold, Platinum, and Unlimited (only) subscriptions on AWS EC2. (MySQL Enterprise Monitor is not available for Amazon EC2.)

Note: The Sun Introduces MySQL Tech Support for Amazon EC2 press release of May 5, 2008 announced support for MySQL and Open Solaris on EC2, so the AWS announcement appears to be a follow-up.

AWS Announcement: MySQL Enterprise Support for Amazon EC2

MySQL Enterprise subscription pricing:

  • Enterprise Gold: $2,999 per server/year
  • Platinum: $4,999 per server/year
  • Unlimited: ~$40,000 per year

AWS published a Running MySQL on Amazon EC2 with Elastic Block Store tutorial on 8/20/2008.

Further information: MySQL Forums: MySQL on Amazon EC2. There is surprisingly little activity in this forum: A total of 16 messages since 5/2/2008. Sun doesn’t appear to be actively promoting “MySQL in the Cloud.”

There’s no indication that Sun provides a shared AMI for MySQL.

Cloud Computing Quote of the Week

Redmond Developer News published a “Cloud Computing Leaving Relational Databases Behind” story by Joab Jackson on the day of the three companies’ announcement. Here’s the lede:

One thing you won't find underlying a cloud computing initiative is a relational database. And this is no accident: Relational databases are ill-suited for use within cloud computing environments, argued Geir Magnusson, vice president of engineering at 10Gen, an on-demand platform servicer provider. [Emphasis added.]

Update 10/24/2008: For more information about 10Gen’s cloud database and financing see:

Of course hype-fed technologies need their own magazine and conference; here they are for cloud computing:

As of today, there were no conference speakers from Oracle, MySQL (or Microsoft) on the agenda.


  1. Isn't oracle and mysql on EC2 still relational. Basically, shared database server hosting.

  2. @statisticsio,

    Yup, that's why I said "both relational databases are fully supported in the cloud" in the first paragraph and closed with the malaprop quote of the day.



  3. Both of those are different that simpleDB, correct?

  4. @statisticsio,

    Both are _very different_ than SimpleDB, which is an EAV (entity/attribute/value) database, more akin to Google App Engine's database.

