Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Katmai CTP Scheduled for June

Francois Ajenstat, Director of Product Management for SQL Server said at about 08:45 into a Podcast interview at the first Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference in Seattle:

There will be a first CTP [of Katmai] coming out shortly, probably within the next month. And so customers will be able to start playing with Katmai, learning it, and providing feedback. [Emphasis added.]

The Business Intelligence Conference's resources page has links to Webcasts of the Jeff Raikes, Ted Kummert, and Steve Ballmer keynotes.

Following are cues for LINQ, Entity Framework, and OCS topics in Ted Kummert's keynote:

  • 46:00 LINQ in Katmai
  • 46:25 Entity Data Platform
  • 47:25 Occasionally Connected Systems
  • 57:18 First public Katmai demonstration
  • 57:35 Spatial data types and indexing (planar and geodetic)
  • 59:00 Virtual Earth mashup with the spatial data type

For more details on the relationship between Katmai's Business Data Platform and the former Orcas Entity Framework, Entity Data Model, and related components, see SQL Server "Katmai" to Deliver Entity Data Platform and Support LINQ.

Update 5/23/2007: Francois Ajenstat's last name is misspelled as "Ajenstad" on the Resources page and corrected here.

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