Tuesday, April 17, 2007

LINQ to SQL Video Series from Mike Taulty

Mike Taulty, a member of Microsoft UK's Developer & Platform Group who frequently blogs on LINQ-topics, has created a series of short (about 15-minute) video segments devoted to LINQ to SQL as implemented by the Orcas March 2007 CTP. Mike plans to post a new segment each business day until he exhausts his collection.

Following is a complete list of all segments (only two of which were available when I first posted this):

  1. Introduction to LINQ to SQL (13:00, April 16, 2007)
  2. A Tour Around the DataContext (18:00, April 17, 2007)
  3. Mapping Between Types and Schema (13:00, April 18, 2007)
  4. Tools for Generating Mapping Information (14:00, April 19, 2007)
  5. Inserting Data (09:00, April 20, 2007)
  6. Deleting Data (15:00, April 23, 2007)
  7. Updating Data (20:00, April 24, 2007)
  8. Concurrency (19:00, April 25, 2007)
  9. Joins (13:00, April 26, 2007)
  10. Dealing with NULLs (09:00, April 27, 2007)
  11. When Do Queries Execute? (08:00, April 30, 2007)
  12. Deferred Loading in LINQ to SQL (12:00, May 1, 2007)
  13. Querying with Stored Procedures in LINQ to SQL (24:00, May 2, 2007)
  14. Modification with Stored Procedures in LINQ to SQL (18:00, May 3, 2007)
  15. Calling Standard T-SQL Functions in LINQ to SQL (05:00, May 4, 2007)
  16. Calling Custom T-SQL Functions in LINQ to SQL (13:00, May 8, 2007)
  17. Inheritance in LINQ to SQL (18:46, May 9, 2007)
  18. Transactions in LINQ to SQL (06:51, May 10, 2007)

The presentations are well-edited and have surprisingly high production value for this genre. 18 segments are close to a full TV season (26 weeks).

Update: 5/11/2007: Mike has posted a trio of LINQ to XML video segments in C# and VB.

Update 4/24/2007: Mike's added posts about System.Linq.Expressions and LINQ to SQL - Dynamically Constructing Queries recently.

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  1. The links are not valid. Please can you link to the correct http address?

  2. The links ARE valid, and I am downloading them right now.
    Thank you for the great post.
