Thursday, December 14, 2006

Anders Hejlsberg's Recent LINQ/C# 3.0 Presentations

Anders Hejlsberg, Microsoft Technical Fellow and chief architect of the C# language, gave two LINQ-related presentations at Tech•Ed Developers 2006 (a.k.a. Tech•Ed Europe 2006) held in Barcelona on November 7 to 10. Microsoft EMEA recently posted videos and slides of the two sessions on their "ShOtime" site. There isn't much new in the presentation contents but—if you're new to LINQ and C# 3.0—you should find the topics interesting. Visual Studio: The .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework Overview
Modern applications operate on data in several different forms: Relational tables, XML documents, and in-memory objects. Each of these domains can have profound differences in semantics, data types, and capabilities, and much of the complexity in today's applications is the result of these mis-matches. Anders Hejlsberg, Technical Fellow and chief architect of the C# language will explain how the Orcas release of Visual Studio aims to unify the programming models through LINQ capabilities in C# and Visual Basic, a strongly typed data access framework, and an innovative Application Programming Interface (API) for manipulating and querying XML.
Length: 1:05. Download slides here. Main session topics:
  • The LINQ Project
  • Demo: LINQ to Objects
  • C# 3.0 Language Innovations
  • LINQ to SQL and XML
  • Demo: LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML
  • LINQ Architecture & Components
C# 3.0: Future Directions in Language Innovation

Join Anders Hejlsberg for an in-depth walkthrough of the new language features in C# 3.0. Understand how features like extension methods, lambda expressions, type inference, and anonymous types make it possible to create powerful Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) for expressing queries and interacting with objects, XML, and databases in a strongly typed, natural way.

Length: 1:06. Download slides here. Main session topics:

  • The Evolution of C#
  • Extension Methods and Lambda Expressions
  • Demo: Lambda Expressions and Extension Methods
  • Initializers and Query Expressions
  • Anonymous Types and Expression Trees
  • Demo: Expression Trees
  • Automatic Properties and LINQ Technical Preview

Technorati Tags: Orcas, LINQ, C# 3.0

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