Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Microsoft Offers SQL Server 2005 SP2 CTP

Microsoft announced on November 7, 2006 the availability of a Communtity Technical Preview (CTP) of the forthcoming SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 for all editions except Express, and special SP2 CTPs for the Express edition (SQLX) and Express with Advanced Features. SP2 will be required to run any version of SQL Server under Windows Vista and "Longhorn" Server. The "What's New in SQL Server 2005 SP2" page summarizes upgrades to:
  • Analysis Services
  • Database Engine
  • Integration Services
  • Reporting Services and
  • SharedTools
for editions that incorporate the features. Download the appropriate SP2 CTP bits from the SQL Server Community Technology Preview Program page. Microsoft senior vice president of Data and Storage Platforms Paul Flessner expanded on the preceding list during his keynote speech at the 2006 Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) Community Summit in Seattle on November 15, 2006. Added features include:
  • Data compression
  • Increased business intelligence functionality
  • Security updates relating to Common Criteria
  • Manageability enhancements
  • Support for Windows Vista and
  • Optimization for use in the 2007 Microsoft Office system environment
Microsoft is pursuing Common Criteria security certification for SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition SP1 and SP2. Many governments require Common Criteria certification and it's a preference or requirement for many industries. In the meantime, Microsoft has made available Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) reports on SQL Server 2005 security—Microsoft SQL Server Runs the Security Table and The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Advantage, Microsoft. According to ESG, "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is particularly worth examining as it is the first major product release that Microsoft has put through the SDL." Flessner also announced that Visual Studio Team Edition for Database Professionals (formerly code-named "DataDude") is set to RTM on November 30, 2006.

Updated: 11/16/2006 with additional security data.

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