Friday, November 18, 2005

Recent Articles - ReportViewer, SQL Server 2005, ADO.NET 2.0, and LINQ

Here are links to some of my recent articles and an interview about SQL Server 2005 for Visual Studio Magazine and the .NETInsight newsletter: Build Client-Side Reports Easily VS 2005’s new ReportViewer control and its built-in Report Designer enable Smart Client and Web page designers to lay out, format, embed, export, and print interactive reports without running an SQL Server Report Server. Technorati: Interview by Visual Studio Magazine editor-in-chief, Patrick Meader, about SQL Server 2005

Roger Jennings discusses the new data features that made it into Visual Studio and SQL Server 2005—and a couple features that were dropped late in the process.

Technorati: Streamline Mapping With Orcas and LINQ Use a pair of LINQ Technology Preview add-ins that integrate with .NET 2.0 and VS 2005 to take a look into the future of VS and data. Technorati: Manage Data With VS 2005 Visual Studio 2005's new visual data tools and data-bound controls, together with ADO.NET 2.0 data sources, simplify creating scalable, data-intensive Smart Client and Web applications. Technorati:

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