Note: The Web Services Interoperability Organization ( subsequently created a sample Retailer SCM interoperability test application that's similar to—but much simpler than—the OCE project. WS-I requested permission to republish the flow diagram and some content from the OakLeaf site, which I granted, but I haven't seen any evidence of their use of the material.AdventureWorks consolidates human-resources, sales, purchasing, and production data in a single database. In the real world, the tables for each schema undoubtedly would reside in separate databases that are under the control of the related groups. Microsoft is heavily promoting service-oriented architecture (SOA) with autonomous Web services, but AdventureWorks' single-database design isn't suited to SOA. A version with four (or more) individual databases, simplified table structures, and more complete sample data would be better suited to the needs of VS 2005/SQL Server 2005 developers and book writers.
OakLeaf Systems is a Northern California software consulting organization specializing in developing and writing about Windows Azure, Windows Azure SQL Database, Windows Azure SQL Data Sync, Windows Azure SQL Database Federations, Windows Azure Mobile Services and Web Sites, Windows Phone 8, LINQ, ADO.NET Entity Framework, OData and WCF Data Services, SQL Server 2008+, and Visual Studio LightSwitch. TIP: Click the latest item's title below to speed loading.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Another Alternative to AdventureWorks
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
VB6 to VB .NET Upgrade Wizard Gets a Bum Rap
"Microsoft provided a migration wizard intended to ease the transition from VB6 to VB.NET, true. There is near-universal agreement that using this tool to port code assets is an incomplete solution at best, in that leaves myriad "TODO:"'s scattered throughout the translated code. At worst, the migration wizard is an extremely poor choice in that, unlike a complete rewrite, it doesn't take full advantage of all that the new platform offers."Migrating production VB6 code to VB 2002 or later is a controversial topic, but the VS 2002 Upgrade Wizard worked fine for me. In 2001 I wrote a large-scale ASP Web application (VBScript) with three VB6 data access layer classes (ActiveX DLLs) that connected to a 1-GB demonstration SQL Server database containing the entire contents of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) obtained from the GPO's beta version of the eCFR. (It's still in the beta stage.) Another VB6 project translated the CFR sections' SGML to XHTML and stored the data in a varchar or text column, depending on the size of the section. Subsequently, I used the SOAP Toolkit 2.0 (beta 2) to wrap the classes as RPC/Encoded Web services. Here's the history of the initial version and the first upgrade process:
- CFR-COM (mid-2001) used Active Server Pages and conventional Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX DLLs for TOC navigation, text display, and full-text search operations. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7 handled database access.
- CFR-SOAP (late-2001) was CFR-COM upgraded to XML Web services with the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 2.0 Beta 2 and MDAC 2.7 for database access.
- CFR-ASPX (January 2002) was CFR-SOAP with all pages upgraded from ASP to ASP.NET with Visual Basic .NET managed code and MDAC 2.7.
- CFR-Final (February 2002) is the final version that replaced COM-SOAP components with ASP.NET XML Web Services for text display, navigation, and search operations. ADO.NET SqlConnection, SqlCommand, and SqlDataReader objects handle database access.
Note: In August 2002, the OakLeaf CFR Web Service project won the charter Microsoft .NET Best Award for horizontal solutions. The "Use XML Attributes to Navigate Data" .NETInsight article explains the CFRTocWS service's navigation features and "Run Full-Text Database Searches on a Shoestring" describes the CFRSearchWS service.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Northwind vs. AdventureWorks as a Sample Database - Round 2
It's easy to create a master-details form from these two tables but providing the user readable values from foreign-key fields is a pain. As an example, The Sales.SalesOrderHeader table has nine foreign-key fields: CustomerID, ContactID, SalesPersonID, TerritoryID, BillToAddressID, ShipToAddressID, ShipMethodID, CreditCardID, and CurrencyRateID.
Here's a screen capture of a sample project that loads the last 1,000 Sales.SalesOrderHeader rows and related Sales.SalesOrderDetail rows in descending order. Click the thumbnail to open it in a resizable window.
Each foreign-key field requires a lookup operation to display readable data from the related table; some values require joins to related sub-tables. Lookups require adding 11 or more TableAdapters to the DataSet. Northwind requires only three or four added lookup tables: Employees, Shippers, Products and, optionally Customers.Note: VS 2005 introduces "smart captions" for autogenerated detail view controls. Spaces substitute for underscores and are inserted between a sequence of lower-case and upper-case characters. Unfortunately, DataGridView column headers lack this convenient feature.
Some text boxes, such as Sales Order Number and Total Due are bound to computed columns, and the uSalesOrderHeader trigger updates Revision Number, Sub Total, and Modified Date text box values. Thus, these six text boxes are read-only. The DataGridView's Line Total column also is computed, and the uSalesOrderDetail trigger updates the DateModifed column. However, the autogenerated UpdateCommand.CommandText instructions attempt to update the computed columns, which throws an exception. Elmininating the exception requires editing the dataset code to remove the column(s) from the UPDATE statement and the corresponding parameter(s). Partial classes let you supplement autogenerated code but not alter it directly.
Most AW tables have guid columns, which complicates INSERT operations. You must add code to the DataGridView's UserAddedRow event handler to add a Guid.NewGuid() value to the rowguid Cell. The DateModified column also requires Now or the like as a datetime value, which the iSalesOrderDetail trigger overwrites. Similar modifications are required for the corresponding SalesOrderHeader columns.
AW is a useful sample database for demonstrating gotchas with UPDATE and INSERT operations on tables that have computed columns and values inserted or updated by triggers. However, creating a real-world project with dropdown lists to enable editing the master form and detail DataGridView with readable values is more than a challenge-and-a-half, especially for users new to VS and VB. I'll probably include sample projects similar to these in an advanced chapter and a forthcoming Visual Studio Magazine article. Like the VS 2005 help files, I plan to stick with good old Northwind for the majority of the book's sample code and project examples.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Northwind vs. AdventureWorks as a Sample Database
Note: An Accounting schema and Accounting.Invoices table are conspicuous by their absence. Apparently, the firm accepts and fulfills orders but doesn't issue invoices or charge credit cards for goods shipped. Northwind also lacks an Invoices table.)The Person.AddressType table has six types of addresses: Billing, Home, Main Office, Primary, Shipping, and Archive. The table contains foreign-key values for StateProvince and CountryRegion tables. Thus a T-SQL query to return all columns for an individual customer address is (from the Sales.vIndividual view):
SELECT i.[CustomerID], c.[Title], c.[FirstName], c.[MiddleName], c.[LastName], c.[Suffix], c.[Phone], c.[EmailAddress], c.EmailPromotion], a.[AddressLine1], a.[AddressLine2], a.[City], StateProvinceName = sp.[Name], a.[PostalCode], CountryRegionName = cr.[Name], i.[Demographics], c.[AdditionalContactInfo]
FROM [Sales].[Individual] i INNER JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON c.[ContactID] = i.[ContactID] INNER JOIN [Sales].[CustomerAddress] ca ON ca.[CustomerID] = i.[CustomerID] INNER JOIN [Person].[Address] a ON a.[AddressID] = ca.[AddressID] INNER JOIN [Person].[StateProvince] sp ON sp.[StateProvinceID] = a.[StateProvinceID] INNER JOIN [Person].[CountryRegion] cr ON cr.[CountryRegionCode] = sp.[CountryRegionCode]
WHERE i.[CustomerID] IN (SELECT [Sales].[Customer].[CustomerID] FROM [Sales].[Customer] WHERE [Sales].[Customer].[CustomerType] = 'I')
Creating (or attempting to create) an updatable typed DataSet for individual customers requires six DataTables and generates a DataSet designer file of more than 6,000 lines. I haven't yet attempted to write FillBy... methods for a parameterized details form that would enable updates and inserts with bound text boxes and dropdown lists.
Following is a simple DataGridView of the Sales.vIndividual view. Click the thumbnail to open it in a resizable window.
Note: One of the book's sample projects lets readers populate a Northwind.SalesOrders table—an updated clone of the Northwind.Orders table—with an unlimited number of rows containg randomized data for sequential dates, a specified average number of line items per order, and random ProductID values.